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Everything posted by millahnna

  1. The only way I could see it is if it's ultimately revealed he was under some kind of bainwashing (for a very long time, obviously), which is being speculated about on the interwebz a little bit. I'd prefer if they didn't go that route but I can see an angle for a decent story there. If he's been not himself for a very long time, coming out of it would have some interesting implications. He'd be almost like a baby in terms of knowing his own personality. Maybe his favorite food isn't his favorite food. But like I said, I'd rather they just kept him bad. I'd prefer mislead over brainwashed.
  2. I don't disagree but this is exactly what I meant when i said that the scientific method was a tool that can be used or abused like any other tool. The method itself is not what is in question but the scientists using it (see exhibit bad lead science guy from the episode).
  3. For the record the whole episode I kept thinking that people may underestimate Bob at their own peril (Patton Oswald when he was on Justified), but Keonig doesn't seem to have that problem. I am really sad they killed him off.
  4. I don't mind him having feelings for her I'm just not keen on them actually getting together. I can work with some unrequited stuff, though.
  5. I need to rewatch because I was a bit distracted with cat politics during the crucial scenes but I got the impression that Skye figured it was Ward who killed Patton Oswald because of the data she was seeing on her tracking tablet thingy. SHe seemed to look at the screen, see herself and dead dude in the same location, see Ward booking down the hall, and figured it out from that. No one else was showing up on the tracking stuff and I thought May was long gone by then. But I am a little fuzzy on the details because my cats are assholes, so like I said, rewatch.
  6. I think I liked the advice more because Ward is insane. If I can ever articulate that thought better I'll meet you over in the Ward thread about it.
  7. I don't think it would be weird. Now that she's actually in front of him, his perspective could shift in a lot of ways (not the least of which is "you don't get to fade into the mist every time I try to get some information"). In season one, his priority in regards to Katrina was just to get her out of purgatory. Now that she's in our timeline with him, some of the things he wasn't questioning may come to the surface of his thoughts more. I mean, they may not and the writers could just let it lie. But I don't think it would seem weird for him to question stuff now. Her coven was directly involved with Washington's plans in ways that he doesn't fully understand. I think it would be natural for him to ask Katrina if she knows anything about... whatever, as things come up.
  8. Hell I didn't even hate Emma and I was right there with you. Plus I have a soft spot for CLaire for stabbing Joe last year and giving him a scathing literary review. She's probably come closer to killing him than anyone else in the show so far.
  9. So Norman went Norma at Norma. That's just frelling fascinating.
  10. There have been plenty of scientific advancements that weren't so obviously opposed, sure. But science is a "one true way" in a manner of speaking. It's not a system of beliefs the way a religious or spiritual institution or belief is; it is a method of examining the world, and continuously reevaluating any conclusions made in said examinations to decide whether they remain consistent with new information. Science isn't a belief system, it's a tool by way of process. That it can be abused like any other tool I thought was shown very well in this episode with the shady lead-apologist science guy. I like that they phrasing keeps specifically referencing the process of the scientific method; I think too many people think of science as a noun when in some ways it's more of a verb, on a conceptual level. Science isn't a religion or anything even remotely comparable to one, it's a series of steps to examine data.
  11. If I recall correctly, their birth mother seemed to imply that twins was a surprise to the doctors, too, but 1) I could be making that up and 2) even if I'm not I'm so vague on the specifics despite a recentish rewatch that I'm assuming it was definitely open to interpretation. So the blonde hair would definitely be some sort affectation if I'm right that she's a true split embryo twin. Maybe it's something the religious freaks encouraged to make her resemble the sort of classic anglo-saxon angels imagery? And because I've got it on the brain, I'm predicting a Big Damned Sacrifice to save Sarah, Kira, and possibly the other clones. Just wanted to place my bets early.
  12. I only just now realized that Mike has the same name as the main character on Burn Notice. That amuses me. I like that Claire was who got to kiill Emma; in TV terms where vigilante stupidity is more forgivable, it makes sense that she would get the honors. I still enjoy this silly show on some level I can't really explain. Maybe I just need a xanax.
  13. This makes me question the game plan with Mrs. S even more. If my hunch about the photo is correct (and dammit they focused on it in this episode for a reason so I'm convinced I'm onto something here), she has the lab background to do all of that on her own. Maybe she knew the clones weren't supposed to be able to reproduce and did some on the sly tests with Kira. Of course we still haven't established whether the clones naturally can't reproduce and Sarah is a fluke (meaning Helena likely would be as well) or their monitors were suppressing their fertility somehow and Sarah being off the grid as far as clones go is the reason she was able to have a kid. I really, really want an answer to that mystery. Either way gives them room for some great stuff.
  14. Yeah I guess if I think about it too hard the actual crime of the week was a little meh. And I usually like the crime of the week stuff (which is kind of weird since I'm not much for procedurals in general).
  15. THat's depressing but not unexpected. Also the comments on that are a travesty in terms of scientific literacy. I'm no uber genius or anything but even I know that theory does not mean what creationists seem to think it means. That particular non-argument just makes me rage.
  16. What I can't figure is why Oleanna was in on it (assuming based on all of the screen shots from last week with her fiddling with the necklace). I mean I get why she'd want Joffrey dead, and I guess I can see her working with Littlefinger out of some kind of necessity. But I can't imagine she likes the little rat. I still think Tyrion being blamed was a bit of a side effect more than anything else.
  17. I've never seen Hamm's work (Mad Men isn't for me) but I have a soft spot for the guy for calling Beiber a shithead. So I'm willing to keep an open mind.
  18. I think what I find the most interesting about the Jamie and Cersi scene is that I certainly looked at it as rape but I'm not entirely sure that Cersi would (she strikes me as the type of woman who, for herself, might make a distinction between forced sex and rape, as oxymoronic as that sounds). Normally for anything that can be interpreted anywhere in a grey area, my motto is "well I'll go with whatever the character says". In this case I have a sort of opposite view and I find that fascinating. In addition to the scene reminding us that for all of his gifts, Jamie is not a good man, I think a large point of the scene was also to show us the fragile state of their emotional connection (it was paper thin already but Joffrey's death has all but torn it asunder). They are both grieving but at the same time are in two wildly different mental places right now. I do think that a large part of the reason Cersi was saying no was because of Joffrey's corpse being right there (and his death in general, I doubt she'd have been much more receptive to it in a less gross location at the moment). Whereas Jamie seemed to need the physical connection as part of his grief (which in no way excuses the action). And it's funny if you think about it,.. If they weren't twins who'd spawned the worst monster ever (outside of the smoke baby, I guess), you could actually translate those two wildly opposite reactions to some real life trends (on a much less dramatic scale, obviously) when parents lose a child. My hat is off to Heady; she played that scene with the perfect mix of repulsion and desire and for me, that's what made is so utterly disturbing.
  19. Yeah I'd expect at least some token appearances. It would be easy to still have the puppets (someone has to be able to mimic Rygel's voice since the voice actor died) and that would be a welcome reason to have Lani Tupu back since Crais is dead (Talyn, Starburst, sniff). But I'd hope to see Chiana, Chricton, and Aeryn at least briefly to help establish stuff.
  20. SO far the script work that's been discussed has focused on D'argo (their son). SO the fact that they've aged is probably fine, if they'd even be able to appear at all.
  21. Dude the screenshot alone isn't for the squeamish. God that show makes me laugh.
  22. Meh, different strokes. I loved every cliche ridden moment. I'm a sucker for stupid excuses for period costumes, though.
  23. I just really, really like that actor (who was all over American and Canadian TV last year, for the record) so I'd be down for a brief return if they could write something that made sense. There could be a certain comedic potential to Clone Club needing his help for some reason. A passing thought I had in the opener is that while Allison may know a gun dealer named Ramon, Sarah has underworld/street skills and contacts that the rest of Clone Club doesn't, which can give her an edge. If she were out of commission for a minute, I can see a hypothetical where Felix turns to him for some kind of help in some way. Regarding Mr. S... that has to be her in the photo. The woman's face is damaged (as in the picture is damaged where her face is) and on the back of the photo with the redacted Professor names, there's the tiniest hint of the letter "S" on the second name. So my money, for the moment anyway, is on her having worked on the project but bailed much like Alice Chen. I'm undecided for the moment on if she was ever a part of the religious wingnut group. She seems really separate from all other parties with an interest in the clones. Also, I may need to rewatch the Commitments to hear her sing again now (Maria Doyle Kennedy has some serious pipes).
  24. Some of my favorite Aeryn stuff comes from some of the episodes that I like the least (relative to Farscape, anyway) early on in season one (basically the episodes that are before you realize the show is about to go super serialized on you). DNA Mad Scientist is a great episode in a lot of ways; it showcases the general Scape Weird, and though you don't know it yet, it's a little bitty drop in a big old continuity bucket. But Aeryn in that episode... god she just breaks my heart. And on my last rewatch I had this weird idea that her encounter with the crazy labrat gone amok might have been a teeny contributing factor in her resisting her feelings for John for so long. After all, both John and the critter essentially told her the same thing (while meaning wildly different things by it); you can be more.
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