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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. PLEASE NOTE: The TNT Mothership marathon may not start as scheduled at 3AM Eastern. 1 of the programs on TNT's schedule tonight/tomorrow morning before the Mothership marathon is a replay of tonight's NBA All-Star Game from Toronto. That replay was supposed to have already started as I write this, at 11PM Eastern. They're just now wrapping coverage of the live, first-run, game broadcast. If they don't skip part of the game or the next program scheduled before the marathon, or join the next show in progress, they may end up joining the 3AM ep of the marathon in progress. Just fair warning.
  2. I don't think the site they use for the exteriors of/at the McGarrett house is for sale, unfortunately. It's called the Bayer Estate & is used as a venue for events, such as weddings. At least when Five-0 doesn't actually need to shoot on site (& they recreated certain interiors/rooms from the house, like the room used for Steve's bedroom, at the studios long ago, though they also filmed some interiors there in the early eps). It's on the Kalanianiole Highway, in the Aina Haina (as they said in 1 ep of the show) section of Honolulu. Here's the link to the website for it: http://www.bayerestate.com/ The Bayer Estate may be on Kalanianiole Highway, but in the show (both the original & current versions) McGarrett lives at 2727 Pi'ikoi Street. That was mentioned in the S1 ep about General Pak--the Asian Dictator Five-0 has to protect while he's attending a Summit Meeting in Honolulu, as I remember, who it turns out is also seeking political asylum in the US with his family. By the way, these were probably just typos, but it's O'Laughlin, not O'Laughton, & Caan, with 2 A's & 1 N.
  3. You're right. Thanks for the correction. And Siggy still overreacted about that dead rattlesnake.
  4. I just discovered, in the last few minutes, TNT has a lengthy--like over 24 hours lengthy--Mothership marathon scheduled from 3AM Eastern tonight/tomorrow morning (late Sunday night going into early Monday morning) through 5AM Eastern Monday night/Tuesday morning (late Monday night going into Tuesday morning)--the calendar dates on it are January 15th & 16th. The eps are from different seasons.
  5. That ep was on TNT at 6AM Eastern this morning (Valentine's Day). I couldn't sleep & I watched it.
  6. I just fixed my previous reply because I misread something in yours which I was attempting to reply to. Apologies. And you are right on everything you said here. By the way, the current SCOTUS Justices, other than Scalia, are: Roberts (Chief Justice), Ginsburg, Sotomayor, Kagan, Thomas, Kennedy, Breyer, & Alito. Not listed in the order in which they were appointed, though Chief Justice Roberts is listed first.
  7. Justice Rehnquist died in office/sitting on the Court, 4 weeks before his 81st birthday, on September 3, 2005, according to Google. I didn't realize Scalia was 79--or that he'd already sat on SCOTUS for over 29/almost 30 years. I guess he looked younger, to me, on TV/in photos.
  8. Damon Wayans Sr is starring, in the Danny Glover role, in the Pilot for Fox's Lethal Weapon series, which is being called a "movie reboot" per the linked article. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/lethal-weapon-pilot-fox-damon-wayans-1201704866/
  9. Whoa! I was wondering what they meant, in the forum for The West Wing, when they mentioned a seat had opened up on SCOTUS. It hadn't hit my Twitter feed before I got caught up there & came here, either. He wasn't all that old either, was he? At least in comparison to some of his fellow Justices.
  10. They should probably also assume the non-profit was only paying for Jen's trip; I think Jen & Bill would've paid for at least Bill, Will & Zoey; maybe also for Judy & Jen's dad since it sounded like they were invited along, probably to look after the kids. Or Judy & Jen's dad (I never remember his name--sorry) may have paid their own way; I don't know. But I doubt the non-profit was paying for Jen's entire "entourage", as it were. That's, at least not normally, the way that happens. And it could be that Jen waived or donated her speaking fee back to the fundraiser & just took her expenses. We don't know. But that happens in the world of speaking (or entertaining, as in a concert-type performance/performer) at fundraisers as well--the guest speaker/entertainer will waive/donate their fees back to the organization involved.
  11. OK, so the commercials I've seen in the last few days say there's a "twist" this year; said "twist" being that the competitors get to choose their mentors--the opposite of the previous seasons. With that knowledge, & knowledge of Irvine's previous shenanigans, I wonder how fast he'll be selected by the competitors? Also, in case anyone else reads this in the near future, they're currently running a marathon of last season's eps as I write this (on Saturday February 13th). If someone with Mod powers reads this, could you please change the names Michael Symon & Bobby Flay in the thread title to Andrew Zimmern & Robert Irvine (or at least add the latter 2 to the existing mentors' names)? They changed a couple of mentors for this season--Symon & Flay are out; Zimmern & Irvine are replacing them. Thanks!
  12. The French-accented female chef was a woman named Siggy. I remember her well. In my opinion, she may have only been on the redemption episode with Lance because the appetizer basket in her original ep included (dead, of course) rattlesnake as an ingredient & she spent so much time freakIng out over the rattlesnake being in the basket (not really wanting to touch it, even dead, & making "freaked out" noises--not screams, but she made it clear she hated that damn snake & was still scared of it, even dead) that she was only able to complete 1 plate for judging. If she'd been calmer about the rattlesnake & been able to complete all 3 judges plates, perhaps she might've had a shot at winning her original ep.
  13. I heard a commercial for this year's Grammys last night (Friday) on CBS. The announcer on the commercial mentioned that there will be tributes to David Bowie by Lady Gaga, Glenn Frey by the Eagles, & Maurice White by Earth, Wind & Fire (I've also read EW&F's presenting the Grammy for Record of the Year this year).
  14. No, Alyssa's not pregnant again. At least as far as I know (as in, if she is she hasn't announced it yet).
  15. Someone else also thought Will's "It's over!" meant the same. But when Will got punished by Jen, when he said something/someone was "stupid" in an ep from a couple weeks ago, she said--in a talking head or voice over for that scene--that Will was apparently picking up (& starting to use, unfortunately) certain words at school which Jen & Bill are trying to teach both the kids not to use because they're not nice when you use them about other people, etc. Zoey may have picked up the "Aw man!" at school too. Although I wouldn't say using that was as bad as Will's "stupid" was considered by Jen.
  16. Scott Conant is 1 of the (frequent) judges, yes. I didn't see the ep you did, but it still sounds to me like it might've been 1 of the real doozies they've had on named Chris--& they've had a couple of different Chrises on the show like that (& at least 1 was on more than once, thanks to being invited to participate in special competition type episodes like "redemption" or "championship" episodes). Of course there are zillions of other douche-y chefs, by different first names, your description fits as well. On the other hand, when it comes to chefs on the "fabulous" end of the scale, if you stick with the show you should look out for eps involving chefs named Lance Nitahara & Madison Cowan. They were on at least 1 ep together, I'm pretty sure, & each has also been on other eps individually. You couldn't find 2 more respectful chefs--to each other, their fellow competitors, & their episodes' judges--if you tried. Madison has also served as a judge on other eps of Chopped. You might look the Lance & Madison Chopped competition eps up on YouTube. Even if you can't find the entire eps there, short clips will probably show you everything you need to know about these guys. They're really pretty legendary, in a good way, when it comes to Chopped.
  17. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=44558
  18. I thought it was a good--& funny, at least in places--ep too. It kinda figures, of all the various & sundry members of the Five-0 team & their extended ohana, Max would be the only 1 with an uncomplicated romance. It was nice to see that he & Sabrina are apparently still involved, even if Rumer Willis wasn't in the ep (& I do hope we see her in the role again sometime). For everyone who might not have heard, the lady who played Duke's wife, Nalani Lukela, in the scene with Chin, the very small towel & the very big public embarrassment, was/is Dennis Chun (Duke)'s real life partner, a Honolulu artist (but not a professional actress) named Laura Mellow. The Five-0 Redux blogger (weekly discussion of each week's ep when new eps air; discussion of other aspects of the show when repeats/no eps air) for the Honolulu Star-Advertiser wrote about the scene involving Dennis Chun & his real life partner in last week's blog post. Here's the link if anyone's interested in their story of working in the ep together & how it all came about. http://www.staradvertiser.com/features/five-0-redux/chun-and-mellow-share-their-aloha/
  19. It might've been 1 of the "Chris's". There were at least 2 chefs named Chris on the show, in previous seasons to this, who thought they were "all that & a bag of chips" & that they were above the chef/judges critiques, to the point of talking back to/interrupting them in the middle of speaking--I think especially Scott Conant.
  20. Grammy-nominated singer Barry Manilow hospitalized for complications from emergency oral surgery; weekend concerts near Cincinnati & in Nashville postponed. http://www.people.com/article/barry-manilow-rushed-to-hospital-after-facing-complications-from-surgery
  21. Hawaii Five-0 is & always has been considered a reboot, not a remake; it uses the same original 4 characters from the team, plus certain other characters (Max Bergman, Duke Lukela, I think Lou Grover), or at least character names (Clara Williams, who was Danno's elderly Aunt in the original but is his middle-aged[ish] Mother in the current version), from the original but sets the stories in present day instead of the late 60's-early 1980's of the original (& makes use of the technological/crime-solving/other relevant advances we've made since the original). The X-Files, I'd consider a revival because it just picked up a few years after it previously left off. The definition of "reboot", when it concerns TV shows or movies, is "restart or revive; give fresh impetus to". So perhaps that fits The X-Files too.
  22. Responding to the bolded. Idris Elba, at least sort of, has already been doing cable TV. He stars in a British TV series called Luther which airs on the BBC there. Here in the US, Luther airs on BBC America, which is a US cable network & an "offshoot", I guess you'd call it, of the British-based network. So, presumably, he'd do something for cable TV (I'm not that familiar with his career, but he may have also done other TV work in the UK for 1 of their cable TV networks). He'd probably also do something like this if it were filmed for a "streaming" service. Beasts of No Nation, the film for which he recently won a Golden Globe (& was highly touted as an Oscar nominee for his performance as well, but he didn't end up nominated), was produced by/for Netflix.
  23. You're right. I forgot that part. But the character who got the cat (played by Fred Astaire) wasn't the dead lady (played by Jennifer Jones)'s husband. He was a con artist trying to scam her & they fell in love somehow by the time the fire started (I don't think they knew each other before, but I can't remember). She originally survived the fire but was killed when a scenic elevator the people trapped in the upstairs ballroom were using in an attempt to escape the fire ran off its track or something & crashed to the ground below. So, yeah, OJ's character did survive the fire. I think this was his first acting role, or 1 of his first acting roles.
  24. I've been thinking about the Faye Resnick casting. The only known celeb I can think of who might've looked physically closer to the real Faye as she looked during the trial & accompanying media circus, than Connie Britton, is--perhaps--Paula Abdul (yes, she's best-known as a dancer-singer, & as a judge on American Idol, The X Factor (US Version), So You Think You Can Dance & maybe some other reality show I'm forgetting, but she has done some acting, in TV/TV movies, as well.
  25. I thought 1 of Jen's commentaries during the ep said her parents were invited to come with them to New Orleans. That doesn't equate to her parents "mooching" off of Jen & Bill to me. I also thought Bill &/or Jen actually said they weren't ready, or whatever, to adopt again right now, but they wouldn't necessarily rule it out when Will & Zoey got older. As I remember, they had put Will's adoption in motion, but hadn't gotten cleared to go to China to pick him up, then Jen got a call about another child, who eventually became Zoey. I remember it was on the show awhile back. They were getting everything ready for Will, then Jen got a phone call about the little girl who became Zoey & left a message on Bill's phone & they played "phone tag" for a bit until they finally connected, discussed it, & decided to go for it. I think the rationale on doing Zoey's adoption then was because they were in the middle of all the home studies & background checks & stuff for Will & maybe they could do the same stuff for Zoey's adoption at the same time & get hers done quicker, perhaps, than Will's (& then they ended up having to wait because of delays elsewhere in the process, with India authorizing the adoption or something). They had Will for awhile before they got cleared to get Zoey. I also remember them saying they were in China to get Will over Jen's birthday that year, & they were in India on Bill's birthday to get Zoey the year they got her.
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