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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Erin was awarded $55 MILLION in her "Peeping Tom/Stalker"-related lawsuit against a Nashville area franchised Marriott Hotel & her stalker, who was jailed awhile back for messing with the peephole to the door of her room, after making a reservation for himself & asking for a room near hers, so he could film her in her room while she was naked after showering, after which he uploaded said videos to the Internet, which caused her severe emotional distress. The stalker was found liable for paying Erin 51% of the damages awarded, or over $28 million; the Marriott franchise owner involved was found liable for 49% of the damages awarded, or over $26 million. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/erin-andrews-nude-video-lawsuit-55-million-1201724545/
  2. When I was a Senior in High School, I had the honor & privilege of being part of a group connected to a national babies & children's health charity which got to meet both the late President & Mrs. Reagan while they were in the White House (ironically, our reception with the then-First Couple was exactly a week to the day before the Hinckley assassination attempt). They both were very nice people, to me as an individual & to our group as a whole--we were even offered refreshments (assorted cookies & at least various kinds of juices, as I remember; they may have also offered coffee &/or tea, but I don't remember for sure). We didn't get any jellybeans though.
  3. Sadly, I don't remember the episode name right now (I'm pretty sure it at least had Connie in it, if not both Connie & Mike Cutter) but I loved when Jack said, after a case started blowing up in their faces, "Now I know why Adam (or Adam Schiff, the full name) was always so grumpy."
  4. Well then, it might be some sort of security-type program on your computer/other device, like Umbelina said. Unfortunately, I have no other ideas.
  5. Marcia Clark says, if the OJ trial happened today they'd have probably ended up with a hung jury. https://mobile.twitter.com/NBCNews/status/706579803453984769?p=v Dateline NBC will be discussing the OJ trial tonight. It airs at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central, of course on NBC. I know this doesn't have to do with the miniseries, specifically, but I thought I'd share since it deals with the reason for the miniseries.
  6. The producers/the actors themselves can put 1 of them up as Lead Actor (I'd argue for Courtney B. Vance for that) & the other as Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie (if the show meets the requirements for the number of episodes for that genre), or the same 2 categories in the Drama genre (if it doesn't meet the requirements for the number of episodes in the Limited Series genre). They do this all the time, if the competition within 1 show is that strong & all the performances can, arguably, fit in the same acting category. Among other times at the Emmys, it happened when, after winning 2 Emmys as Supporting Actress in a Drama, against many of her female castmates, The West Wing's Allison Janney was moved up to the Lead Actress in a Drama category, where she went on to win 2 more Emmys for the same role. It also happened at this year's Oscars. Alicia Vikander was, arguably, a/the lead actress in The Danish Girl & should've been nominated as Lead Actress for the role. But, it was felt that her potential Lead Actress competition was so strong she had little to no chance to win that award. To give her a better chance at winning, she was promoted for the Supporting Actress category because it was felt she had weaker potential competition there. She was ultimately nominated in that category &, as we recently saw, she won the Oscar.
  7. Are you outside of the US? Sometimes the viewing of YouTube videos can be restricted based on the potential viewer's country of origin. Especially when it comes to things like excerpts from, or full episodes of, network (& maybe cable) TV shows posted there.
  8. From Variety: The Americans' Star Matthew Rhys Sticks Up For His Character at Season 4 Premiere http://variety.com/2016/scene/vpage/the-americans-season-4-premiere-party-matthew-rhys-keri-russell-1201723860/ This article focuses on Matthew's character, Philip. It includes a good pic of Matthew & a visibly pregnant Keri, in a long black dress (which kinda hides how pregnant she really is), with the 3 creators/showrunners at the S4 premiere showing (but they're not standing next to each other--1 of the creators/showrunners is on the left end, Matthew's next to him, then the other 2 creators/showrunners are on Matthew's other side, & Keri's on the right end). By the way, Keri's been on *both* The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon & Late Night with Seth Meyers in the last week or 2. Unfortunately, I have no links to share.
  9. Tom will miss the S22 full cast reveal, which is scheduled for Tuesday's edition of Good Morning America, due to the funeral services for his mother (who died earlier this weekend, just 4 months after his father died during the last season of DWTS). I linked to his Tweet about it in the Bergeron and Andrews (Hosts) thread.
  10. According to this Tweet from him earlier today, Tom *will* miss the full cast reveal on Tuesday's edition of Good Morning America due to the funeral services for his mother. https://twitter.com/tom_bergeron/status/706499434964783104
  11. The TV Academy has made some rule changes in the short form categories. Among other things, they're intended to reward series-type content & actors/actresses in that content airing on platforms such as YouTube. http://deadline.com/2016/03/emmys-short-form-categories-rules-changes-2016-1201712633/
  12. Bill Tweeted that yesterday (Saturday) was (the anniversary of) Will's Gotcha Day, & he included a new pic of Will in the Tweet. https://mobile.twitter.com/ReallyBillKlein/status/706309738028523520/photo/1
  13. And they also changed the killer & victim to a movie director & his movie studio president wife/ex-wife; they weren't a former NFL player turned NFL broadcaster/actor/commercial spokesperson & his "stay at home mom" ex-wife.
  14. She announced her return from maternity leave (I think it's March 14th) on GMA shortly before announcing her participation on DWTS there this past week. In 1 of the interviews, I'm pretty sure she said her baby was already sleeping double digit hours per night (so that will cut down on the needing to be held a lot; it may also cut down on some of the feeding); she also said he would be traveling with her at least some of the time (& when he doesn't, I'm pretty sure Daddy will take good care of him at home; they may also have a nanny nobody's mentioned, seeing as her husband's also a broadcast journalist). And I'm pretty sure Val said they'd be rehearsing in NYC (some or all of the time). So really, unless Val's schedule messes with things, she'd only need to be in LA over the weekends, for "ballroom" rehearsals & camera blocking, & costume fittings maybe/probably, & on Mondays for the dress rehearsal & live show, maybe costume-related stuff, plus Tuesdays whenever they might do a separate live results show. And GMA only airs 2 hours a day, in the early mornings, & probably doesn't do all-day production meetings/take huge amounts of time, regularly, after or before the show. She'll probably fly west after GMA on Fridays, do her weather segments from LA on Mondays (or have a substitute do them, like now when she's still on maternity leave); then fly east after DWTS on Monday night, or after GMA on Tuesdays or Wednesday if there's a live results show Tuesday. Plus, many of the previous (& current) celebrities had/have (some young) children & jobs/home bases & lives outside of LA & they made/will make it work. If they did/can, so can Ginger. I don't think it's gonna be as impossible as you're implying; certainly no worse than if she were sent to do a location story for GMA (which she may not/probably won't be assigned to for the duration of her DWTS run), only for a longer term than if she did a GMA location story depending on how long she & Val manage to stay in.
  15. FX's online program schedule for very early the morning of Thursday, March 10 (very late the night of Wednesday, March 9th) shows that the S3 finale, March 8, 1983, IS airing that night/morning, at 4AM Eastern. So, they're airing Eps 311-313 from 2AM-5AM Eastern/1AM-4AM Central, Thursday, March 10th (calendar date for recordings): 2AM ET/1AM CT: Ep 311 One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov 3AM ET/2AM CT: Ep 312 I Am Abassin Zadran 4AM ET/3AM CT: Ep 313 March 8, 1983 (S3 Finale) Ep 310, Stingers, will air late Monday night March 7th/early Tuesday morning March 8th (calendar date for recordings) at 2AM Eastern/1AM Central.
  16. Yes, but 10PM Eastern is the series' normal timeslot, so beginning the marathon then was rather appropriate (plus, it would take the eps into "the wee hours" which--as someone else said--would mitigate the lost ad revenues from the commercial free airing somewhat, although the marathon ended around 2:10AM Eastern which is still relatively early to at least some people). And, you also state in your other post that you've always had to watch the eps on demand the next day, which implies you were discussing the weekly series, not the marathon from last night.
  17. On Tuesday nights, each week's new episode first airs at 10PM Eastern; it then runs repeatedly until 1AM Eastern (early Wednesday morning). At 1AM Eastern, FX airs the *previous* week's episode. Then, at 2AM Eastern (early Wednesday morning) FX airs the *new* episode again. NOTE: The FX schedule indicates that this week's ep, airing on March 8th, is supposed to run *90 minutes*, for anyone who's recording the series.
  18. And, sadly,Tom's mom has now passed, just 4 months after his dad. He Tweeted about it earlier this morning. Thankfully it won't cause him to miss any shows since we're still between seasons; hopefully he won't have to miss the full cast reveal on GMA, which I think is sometime this week--I wanna say the 8th. https://twitter.com/tom_bergeron/status/706099377077690369
  19. They may be looking at 12 as the end of the sequence of hours (starting at 1, instead of 12 as you did), instead of the beginning of the sequence. If they translated it to a 12-hour clock (or whichever 1 counts the time as going from 0100 hours-2400 hours) in their head instead, maybe they'd be more likely to get it right... But who knows? I just brought it up because I was reading the information on a local hotel, which is part of a well-known, major, worldwide chain &, in the section where they listed the hours for things like the hotel restaurant, the business center, etc., they did exactly what I said: They used 12AM when it appeared they meant Noon & 12PM when it appeared they meant Midnight. At least logically, if you were reading what I was... I mean, I doubt a hotel business center would be open from Midnight until 11:59AM Eastern in the second-largest city in Indiana, but that's what the listed hours read; you might only need those hours if your normal clientele dealt with a lot of businesses/ corporations with overseas offices where our day is their night & vice-versa, which I'm not sure is a huge thing for businesses based here/for business people who normally travel here.
  20. According to this article, linked from EW.com/Entertainment Weekly magazine, the 5-episode commercial-free marathon of the miniseries (the complete show, to date) FX is airing beginning at 10PM Eastern tonight (Saturday), which I mentioned in my previous post, was scheduled at the last minute because of the discovery yesterday of what might (or might not) be the knife used in the murders of Nicole & Ron (as I speculated in my previous post). http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/04/fx-people-v-oj-simpson-marathon?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
  21. According to this Tweet from earlier tonight, by a writer for USA Today, FX is airing all 5 episodes of the miniseries to date, in a commercial-free marathon starting at 10PM Eastern tomorrow night. This is apparently a last minute schedule change (Perhaps inspired by the knife discovery of today?); neither the online TV listings I use nor the FX site's online schedule lists it. https://twitter.com/garymlevin/status/705914618221346817
  22. People who think that 12AM is the same as Noon & 12PM is the same as Midnight, when it's just the opposite. And yes there are some out there. By the way, today is National Grammar Day. Just saying.
  23. One of the bets, or whatever, Amy won on that Election Night had to do with something involving schools (I think) in Jasper, Alabama. That's where my mom was born. And then they mentioned The Philippines in the ep where Air Force One was stuck in midair & couldn't land, due to stuck landing gear or an indicator light saying it was stuck when it wasn't. My dad was born in The Philippines.
  24. I like that scene a lot too. Especially the "Aww... That's cute." tone Anita had when she read the certificate aloud before signing it.
  25. Sadly, after losing his dad during last season, Tom's apparently now sitting vigil at his mom's bedside. https://twitter.com/tom_bergeron/status/705863447079206913
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