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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. SAG & AFTRA merged into a single union in 2012 (but their awards are still called the SAG Awards, for the union which started them), so she's probably not either or the other since that happened. And considering she's both an (Oscar-nominated) actress & a TV personality, & has been both for a long time, she probably was a member of both individual unions long before they merged into 1.
  2. I have some reservations about posting this (because I have the feeling it'll just start another "extravagance/spoiled kids" controversy) but, for those who are actually interested, Jen posted a pic of Will & his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed birthday cake, from the "Williepalooza" they apparently had this weekend (you can't tell in the pic where, or how much they might've spent on it either) in honor of Will's 6th birthday. https://www.instagram.com/p/BCEbySdq-St/ I think his birthday already passed & they just had the party for/with his friends this weekend. That's how Jen mentioned they did things during his 5th birthday at the Science Museum--like if the birthday's during the week, they have a family thing on the day of & wait for a/the weekend to do a party for/with friends.
  3. As far as I know, neither OJ, nor the Brown or Goldman families/Nicole or Ron's estates will receive money from this. And I doubt any of the other real-life figures (Marcia Clark, Darden & the other prosecutors, the defense team, the cops AC Cowlings, Kato, Kardashian's estate, the [then] spouses who are depicted herein, etc.) are profiting as they weren't consulted either. At most, some--but not all--of the actors met the person they're portraying at some time before, during, or after production. But that wouldn't entitle the real-life participants a share of the profits; it was probably more of a "courtesy" thing.
  4. Exactly. She didn't hate OJ the famous ex-football player/celebrity. She hated the type of criminal OJ had been shown to be (domestic abuser) & the type of criminal he was still alleged, but not yet proven, to be (murderer of Nicole & Ron Goldman).
  5. Well, in the ep where the family went to Grand Central Station with Bill's Mom (the ep where they said she was meeting Zoey for the first time), & they went to lunch together, they did mention finding out at lunch that Will apparently doesn't like pickles. So Will's apparently a little picky.
  6. They also did the same thing on H50 in S2, when they brought in Tom Sizemore's character--the guy who started out as IA & became Chief of Detectives by the time he was killed off at the end of the season. To get Kono to go undercover on his op to get his dirty former partner, Frank Delano, & his dirty friends, Sizemore's character threatened Kono with taking Five-0 down if she didn't help him (we found this out when McG found out what she was up to, at the end of that story arc); if she helped him, they stayed safe. She had already been suspended from HPD because they found out she had something to do with money being stolen from the asset forfeiture locker (which Five-0 borrowed to keep Victor Hesse from detonating a collar bomb on Chin's neck--Steve took the money & Kono was lookout); this was used as her cover to infiltrate Delano's gang. By the way, Mark Deklin, who plays/played Rachel's 2nd husband/Grace's stepfather/Charlie's alleged father, Stan Edwards, on H50 also has (had?) a recurring role in Shades of Blue. I don't watch it, so I don't know his character name there or if he's still in the show/has been killed off or written out as it's airing right now.
  7. DDK wasn't doing the fighting--at least he wasn't doing a lot of it. He posted pics to his Instagram, which I think also ended up on his Twitter, of the Stunt Coordinator (& periodic ep director), Jeff Cadiente, & DDK's actual stunt double, Danny T. Kim (seriously... DDK & his double actually have the same first & last names), working on that fight sequence during filming, before the ep aired.
  8. Unless I'm confusing things with fanfic (yes, I read it; please don't judge), I'm pretty sure it was confirmed in the actual show Matt's remains were in the oil drum. The Williamses did bury him; either Steve called Danny or vice-versa from New Jersey when Danny was there for the funeral, in 1 of the eps Scott had off after McDanno went to Colombia with the random for Matt, Reyes told them he was dead & stuffed in the oil drum he showed them, & Danny put 1 between Reyes' eyes & killed him so Reyes couldn't threaten anyone else in his family, like Grace (whose schedule he already knew way too much about from the minute he met Danny). I really don't think they'd just take some criminal's word that their loved one was in the oil drum before going to that expense. Besides, they'd want to bury him in something more proper than an oil drum so they'd have to transfer his remains to a casket & Max could probably do a DNA test then, if the remains weren't horribly decomposed. Waincroft's first name is GABRIEL. Gabrielle is the feminine form of the name.
  9. Yes, Ingo also played the father of 1 of the private school kids whose bus was kidnapped en route to a field trip in S2 & almost buried in a big pile of cement. Ingo's previous character never actually went to jail, although property he owned was used to store the bad guys' drugs. Yes, we're probably supposed to forget Ingo played that guy, because this is a different character (but related to another character we've met in at least 1 previous ep). But the thing is, there have also been other (granted, lesser known) actors who've played more than 1 character, in different eps, in the show; it's not like you can't do that. It's just Ingo's probably the most noticeable/the actor with the biggest name who's played more than 1 character, in different eps, on the show (By the way, in M*A*S*H, Harry Morgan played a General visiting the 4077th who seriously needed a psych eval, then was later cast as Colonel Potter, head of the unit after the original CO, Colonel Blake, was discharged home & killed when his plane was shot down trying to leave the country--so actors can play/have played different roles in different eps of the same show; it's just usually lesser named actors who do so--at least in the case of H50).
  10. If you wanna keep Kono on the show, I don't think "go be with Fong" is the way to go since the character hasn't been on the show since at least S4, in the ep where fictional talk show hostess Savannah Walker did her show from Hawaii for a week, ending with a show on "a day in the life" of Five-0. It would seem they've written the Fong character out (Brian Yang, the actor who played him, is producing movies, including the documentary Linsanity about Asian NBA Superstar Jeremy Lin--when he was playing for the NY Knicks--which was narrated by Daniel Dae Kim; I think he mentioned on Twitter recently that he'd also gotten married). Every time they talk about sending something to the crime lab for analysis--as they did in last night's ep--when a tech is mentioned by name now, they talk about sending it to (Danny's nephew) Eric. So I'm getting the feeling Fong may be gone for good (but I don't mind Eric).
  11. Ray J's sister actually spells her name with a Y at the end, not an I.. Brandy, like the alcoholic beverage (full name: Brandy Norwood). She's a pop/R&B singer--she had a big hit called The Boy Is Mine with another singer named Monica. She's also an actress--she starred, for a number of years, in the TV show Moesha (reruns of which currently air on the UP! cable channel); she also played Cinderella in a TV movie version which was made with an all African-American cast, & in which Whitney Houston played Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. And, in another interesting note to sort of tie this together with some of those in the OJ case, towards the end of her life, Whitney Houston was apparently romantically involved with Ray J--the same Ray J in the Kim Kardashian sex tape. (Apologies for the OT here)
  12. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=44578
  13. Responding to the bolded. Even if A) You hate Spoilers &/or B) You don't give a crap about the Abby storyline & see it as derivative of how the Lori storyline ended up in S2, I think it would help if you read at least 1 or both of the 2 articles I linked to in my previous post, if you haven't yet. They explain something about the guy Abby was watching Danny's questioning with, & it's not necessarily just a simple "somebody wants Five-0 shut down" story.
  14. Responding to the bolded. Probably neither does Miss Colombia, with an O instead of a U, who actually got screwed by the Miss Universe mistake. Just saying.
  15. The guest judge was actress/singer Vanessa Hudgens, whose big break was in Disney's High School Musical. She just played Rizzo in Fox's live production of Grease that aired at the end of January (& she did so the day after her dad died after a long bout with Stage 4 Cancer; her individual performance, & the show itself, was dedicated to his memory).
  16. NOTE: Both linked articles contain vague or outright spoilers for the Abby storyline after tonight's episode--SPOILER WARNING FOR SPOILERPHOBES! From TVGuide: Julie Benz talks about Abby betraying Chin & Five-0. http://www.tvguide.com/news/hawaii-five-0-julie-benz-abby-fbi-chin-chibby/ And from TVLine, another interview with Julie Benz on the same subject: http://tvline.com/2016/02/19/hawaii-five-0-season-6-julie-benz-abby-undercover-spy/
  17. Yes, that was Amber/Melissa with Danny. You really didn't feel badly for Kono that she had to spend her first Valentine's Day as a married woman watching her wedding video to be able to see/"be with" her husband because he was doing 18 months in Hālawa for a crime he said he committed which probably really was excusable as self-defense? I did.
  18. "Clark" is also being misspelled, by some, with an E at the end. It's a valid spelling for the name, but not in Marcia's case--just as an E at the end is valid, in some cases, for Cochran, but not in Johnnie's case. Again, not a criticism--just a comment/response to your post.
  19. To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee dead at 89. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/harper-lee-dead-kill-a-867573
  20. I think Alexa's just the name they chose to give to the female voice on the Amazon device--like Siri on Apple devices & Cortana on Windows devices. The Amazon thing is actually called Amazon Echo.
  21. I think Alexa's just the name they chose to give to the female voice on the Amazon device--like Siri on Apple devices & Cortana on Windows devices. The Amazon thing is actually called Amazon Echo.
  22. Unless something like being held back a grade or getting to skip ahead a grade because of advanced intelligence occurs, or they're assigned to a tutor who deals with multiple grades if they need some sort of "remedial" assistance, considering Will has been said to be in full-day Kindergarten & Zoey to be in a second year of Preschool (& at 4, she is too young for Kindergarten anyway) this season, I really don't see where Zoey & Will could end up in the same class for any reason. If Will is still wearing diapers/pull ups at almost 6, I think that's his/his family's/his school's business (seeing as he probably has to go to the bathroom while he's there & might need special accommodations to do so if he does still use diapers/pull ups), not ours. I don't think any possible "bathroom" issues Will has (or Zoey) need to be brought up here, as it's a rather personal issue for people, including almost 6 (or 4) year-olds. As someone who's lived with similar issues since birth, because I was born with birth defects, some of which weren't repairable, I don't see what the fascination is with how Will (or Zoey) handles eliminating their bodily wastes (& I doubt anyone here is fascinated with how I handle this issue). As I already said, I think that's a really personal issue; especially for K & Pre-K kids, like Will & Zoey. If TLC/Bill & Jen/Will/Zoey wanted us to know how that happens, I'd think it would be/have been brought up in an episode of the show. Until it is, I don't think it's any of our business.
  23. The show takes place in Boise, Idaho, not Utah.
  24. Yes, it does mean that. The next season of ACS will be about Hurricane Katrina & how that was so grossly mishandled by all the governmental officials involved.
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