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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. He isn't just directing. He also plays a (apparently recurring) character named Byron (I think 1 of the female characters' fathers) in Pretty Little Liars--&, yes, he directs there (& on other episodic TV, like Life in Pieces & Bones among others) as well. He also directed a couple of episodes of Brothers & Sisters when Rob was on that show.
  2. Jodie's had "moves" for a long time now. She used to do dance numbers--but more like modern & jazz than ballroom/Latin--during the last seasons when she played Stephanie in the original Full House. They never actually wrote mentions in that the character was taking lessons; every once in awhile there'd just be a scene where she'd perform with a bunch of other kids (presumably dance classmates of hers), like they were a dance troupe, for some reason or other--like when Danny, Becky, & the extended Tanner family would do a telethon or some other fundraiser for something in the show. My point is, Jodie's been dancing long enough she should be pretty good at this & hopefully she'll stick around awhile.
  3. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=44662
  4. Alabama's first Miss America (Miss America 1951), Yolande Betbeze Fox, dies at age 87. http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2016/02/first_miss_alabama_miss_americ.html And... Lennie Baker, Sha Na Na saxophonist, dies at 69. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2016/02/26/lennie-baker-of-sha-na-na-dies-at-69/80998458/
  5. From TVLine: Richard Schiff will make a guest appearance on Allison Janney's series, Mom, later this season. http://tvline.com/2016/02/26/mom-richard-schiff-season-3-cast-west-wing-reunion/
  6. Rocky actor Tony Burton (he played Apollo Creed's trainer) dies at age 78. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/tony-burton-dead-rocky-actor-869887?utm_source=twitter
  7. I think as long as her Mom's still in the running for the Democrats, Chelsea Clinton will probably be otherwise engaged on the campaign trail trying to help her win the nomination, & therefore too busy to do DWTS. Plus, she's currently pregnant with her second child--though I think she isn't due until around the time of the Democratic National Convention.
  8. OJ played for the 49ers at the end of his NFL career. He played for Buffalo from 1969 through 1977 & the 49ers 1978-1979, according to his Wikipedia page.
  9. Next late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning (March 3rd on the calendar) FX will be showing the S3 eps Walter Taffet, Divestment, & Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep? (eps 307-309) from 2-5AM Eastern/1-4AM Central Time. Check your local listings for the correct times from Mountain Time Westward, & for the correct channel number in your area.
  10. I probably misstated/misworded things. Yes, Ron should've been as important as Nicole & I am sorry for his family he wasn't; he was just as much a victim as she in this. But I think society in general felt he was a "nobody" compared to OJ & Nicole (who was at least a quasi-celebrity by virtue of having married a celebrity). Whatever it was, there was still something I didn't, & still don't, like about Fred Goldman (sometimes, but not always, Kim also) & Denise Brown. Mostly Fred.
  11. I think I recently saw a new pic of Will in his karate/martial arts gi on Jen's social media too, so it also looks like Will's still doing that. I still love how excited & proud Will was of himself when he broke the board during the lesson we saw in the ep where Zoey also took her first ballet lesson.
  12. Leilani, the girl Chin saved during the prison riot, seems to have been written out. It may partially be because actress Lindsay Price--who played her--& her husband, celebrity chef/restauranteur/cookbook author/TV & Food Network personality Curtis Stone have 2 sons, who are ages 4 & 1 (the pregnancy with the youngest child might've also had to do with the long gap between her first & second appearances, I'm not sure). I'm not sure she has/had another extended role on her plate which would've necessitated her leaving H50. She might've also gotten busy with her family because I think her husband travels a lot, at least between NYC & LA, for his work because many of his national TV appearances are done on the NYC-based shows.
  13. Danny shot Reyes in Colombia, not Mexico. We hopefully should see what the questioning was about this week (but I already know, thanks to those 2 "episode post-mortem" interviews with Julie Benz, aka Abby who fell for Chin, which I posted links to towards the beginning of the thread), but I'm pretty sure it won't have to do, specifically, with what Danny did to Reyes.
  14. I felt the same way about Fred. And Denise Brown. But particularly Fred. I know it's not because they reminded me of someone I disliked who was actually in my life, but I don't know what it is. Like you said, I felt for their pain. But every time they were on TV, I either changed the channel (if they weren't on all the channels for some reason) or I wanted to tell them to just shut it already. Maybe I just felt Fred (& Kim, actually) was pushing much too hard for Ron to be *noticed*, perhaps more than he deserved to be (like when Kim complained, in my opinion, to the media after the first ep aired that Ron wasn't depicted like "the hero who died trying to save Nicole" Kim's family just knew he was--although, at least according to a number of previous posts in the forum, there really didn't seem to be any real life evidence that Ron either was, or had time to be, a hero). Yes, it's unfair that Ron died in connection with a "celebrity" murder, but because of that he was probably always destined to be nothing more than a footnote. I'm sorry that the Goldmans seem to have been unable to process/can't deal with that & that they spent so long trying to elevate him to a celebrity status they felt he deserved, although he was always really a "nobody".
  15. If, as you say, they used multiple books as their source material, why only credit Jeffrey Toobin's book? Isn't that wrong/unfair to the authors of any other books they may have used? It seems like it is to me.
  16. Well, at some point (I think when he started messing with Chin this time around), Gabriel did tell Chin he held him responsible for Malia's (Chin's wife/Gabriel's sister) death. So I suppose that has something to do with Gabriel's "motivation". And I suppose Kono's possibly, at least partially, being messed with because she's Chin's cousin, & maybe also because of her participation in the undercover op that brought "dirty cop" Frank Delano onto Five-0's radar & caused Malia's death & her kidnapping & almost death, because Delano wanted revenge because he had to pay for his sins with prison time, while "fellow 'dirty' cops" Chin & Kono got off without punishment. And you'll notice Gabriel hasn't--yet--messed with Danny, Steve, or Grover.
  17. If they watch the K's reality show, they should know who Robert Kardashian is/was, even if they know little/nothing about the OJ trial(s). There was an episode of the show based around the anniversary of his death 1 season, so he has been mentioned there. Plus, I would think he comes up for other reasons occasionally, or he at least might, because of the grandchildren from Kourtney & Kim he was never able to get to know (apparently the anniversary of his birth--he would've been, like, 72 had he lived--was in the last couple of days & Kim decided to post a new pic of her infant son, where he was more visible than not, to her social media accounts [which then got passed on by most entertainment news/celebrity media sources, which is how I saw it on my social media sites] to mark the occasion).
  18. You can get them through Amazon.com (listed as Doritos Lightly Salted). But the price per bag--before shipping, handling & any sales tax is figured in--isn't worth it. Way too expensive, even at the lowest price per bag (even at today's prices, you could probably buy 2 or 3 bags in a store for the least Amazon wants for 1 bag).
  19. OK... Way back in December, in the bolded paragraph I referred to a "reunion" video--of sorts--some members of the cast participated in, encouraging Michigan voters to be sure NOT to miss the "Non-Partisan" issues section on their ballots in the then-upcoming election & to be sure to, while they're in that ballot section, vote for Bridget Mary McCormack for a seat on the Michigan State Supreme Court. Bridget is the sister of Mary McCormack, who plays/played Deputy NSA Kate Harper in TWW. And I mentioned that video was probably up on YouTube, after which BizBuzz was kind enough to post & link to that video (only I've looked all over the threads I thought that link was in & I haven't been able to find that post--I wanted to use that post, instead of my original, as my reference for this post). Anyway, last night I was back at YouTube, looking some other stuff up, & I happened to notice that there's a video there of *bloopers* (which are really funny--like how many times it takes Mary McCormack to actually catch the little ball Josh Malina, as Will, is bouncing off a wall like Toby would do) from the filming of the Bridget McCormack campaign video. If anyone's interested, here's the link to this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WBH5ZOms1aM They also have a "Funny or Die" produced video (& either a companion "Making of" or "Bloopers" type video for it) where there was another, partial, cast reunion to talk about the health benefits of walking at least a half hour a day. Unfortunately, since I'd already copied the link to the McCormack blooper video, I couldn't copy the links to those. Sorry! Just go to YouTube & search, like, The West Wing Funny or Die. Those videos should come up.
  20. Somebody from Curtis' team went home this week. I think they said her name was Lynn.
  21. It's not even gonna be a "complete" Friends reunion, only 5/6 of 1. Matthew Perry's in London, doing a play he apparently also wrote in the West End, & he's been there since shortly after the whole "Friends reunion" thing started in connection with this.
  22. If the servers didn't wanna make an issue of it--& I suppose I could see why, perhaps--then 1 of them should've brought it to the attention of the manager or whomever else was in charge on that shift & let *them* deal with it because, as was pointed out, the kid, a server, or even an "innocent bystander" (another patron) could've been seriously injured by tripping over the kid/the kid tripping over them, &/or by the kid, the server, or another patron in "the wrong place at the wrong time", having hot food &/or really hot coffee or tea/other hot drinks spilled on them.
  23. Somewhere in all of the comments under the pic at least 1 person asked if they did, but Jen didn't respond (yet). And in comments posted since I originally linked the pic, someone else said this week's apparently the season finale...already. So, if they did film any/all of the party we won't see it until the next batch of eps airs... whenever that's gonna be.
  24. I have the feeling he's not involved in this season.
  25. Considering it made a HUGE splash in the news--both "mainstream" & entertainment industry-related--when she bought the stock/entered into the deal with WW (in my opinion, you'd have to have NO access at all to any form of print/electronic media, or just not give enough of a crap about the news to be bothered to keep up with it, NOT to know about her deal since it was done--I mean, even the astronauts on the ISS probably know about it, as isolated from Earth as they pretty much are right now), I'm not sure there's a need for Oprah to ID within the ads (electronic or print media) as part of WW, as a stockholder & a client. Plus, the majority of the US/world knows who Oprah is on sight; I don't think the President of Hair Club for Men has the same recognition factor. Therefore (in my opinion), it would be appropriate for him to ID as the company's President & a client within his print & electronic media ads.
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