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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. Fox will rebroadcast Grease Live! on Sunday, March 27th (Easter Sunday). This time, it'll be a "sing along" version with the song lyrics on the screen. Various cast members will also be live Tweeting along with the show. http://m.onwithmario.com/onair/on-with-mario-54505/fox-to-reair-grease-live-14442708/
  2. Thanks for the info; I'll have to remember there's an extra day with an ep next week. They could wait & show the S3 finale late next Wednesday night the 15th/early next Thursday morning the 16th too. Personally, I think this (what they've been doing with the repeats) probably is the marathon you've mentioned--only it's more a series of mini-marathons.
  3. Cool! I hope the new set's not stuck either. That would be crappy. Keep us posted.
  4. Seeing that it's a fairly well-known thing that you tend to lose weight going on this show, it's interesting she'd pick this season to do it, since she may still be trying to lose whatever extra weight she put on during her pregnancy with her son, Adrian (who was born in December, like, on the first weekend of her maternity leave as I remember). More power to her then.
  5. Oh man... I'd be annoyed about the doll issue too. I'd ask for a replacement set, if it were me. I wanna order them, but I went on a big post-Christmas buying spree of, mostly, out of print CDs I've wanted for a long time (kinda a "get 'em before they're gone, not just out of print" thing), but I also finally bought the S1 & S2 DVD's, & my Mom got annoyed with me & would probably be more annoyed if I bought more stuff for awhile. So I think I'll hang back, keep my eye on them & get them when I can.
  6. Filmmaker Spike Jonze turned Stephen's opening credits into a short film. The Tweeter is a writer for USA Today; the linked Tweet contains a link to (what I'm pretty sure is) Jonze's short film version on YouTube. https://twitter.com/htranbui/status/705050827992539145
  7. The S3 DVDs were released in the US yesterday, Tuesday, March 1st. ebk57: Hopefully, they did make Philip the largest of the nesting doll set. Like I said, that makes more sense to me, because of the way traditional American families are structured. I didn't even notice the nesting dolls description called Philip "Peter" instead. I haven't been over to that page lately, but I hope they've fixed the error!
  8. They're running Eps 307-309, Walter Taffet, Divestment, & Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?, from 2-5AM Eastern/1-4AM Central Time TONIGHT/EARLY TOMORROW MORNING. S4 premieres 2 weeks from tonight, so they'll probably run Eps 310-313 late NEXT Wednesday night/early next Thursday morning. And the S3 DVDs were released in the US yesterday (Tuesday, March 1st).
  9. During her short interview, Jodie said (as far as DWTS goes) they've already been rehearsing, various dance styles, for what she called "a couple of days" & they're hoping Keo will get to stay around longer than his previous first & second week vote outs. She sounded like she likes him, by the way; she said he's a good teacher. Robert Herjavec & Kym Johnson were also on GMA today. They were on, in a short live remote segment from LA, during the 8AM Eastern half hour talking about their engagement.
  10. Alex is blogging about the show for People magazine this season. Although the show's already eliminated 3 cheftestants & we're, like, 3 eps in this appears to only be Alex's first blog post on the show this season. She blogged about the mentors being picked by the cheftestants this season & her impressions of the cheftestants she finally did end up being chosen by in this week's post. http://greatideas.people.com/2016/03/01/alex-guarnaschelli-blog-all-star-academy/?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  11. Lacey probably won't be in this season. She's choreographing, & singing & dancing in, her boyfriend's new residency show at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas; it opens in April. https://twitter.com/robin_leach/status/704900557522247680
  12. IMDb.com says the music was done by a guy named Mac Quayle. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt2788432/fullcredits/composer?ref_=m_ttfc_5
  13. I think it's Dow Bathroom Cleaner. That may be the wrong product name, but it is made by Dow & it's the stuff they say has "scrubbing bubbles" in it. They're saying the mom (or, probably, the kid) can use it, when the hair coloring's done, to clean up any stains the purple hair dye might leave behind in the sink, on the counter, wherever, in the bathroom.
  14. There will be an H50 former cast members reunion on this week's episode of Lucifer on Fox (& there was another H50 former cast reunion in an earlier episode this season). For those who don't know, Lauren German--who played Governor Denning's addition to/spy on the team, Officer Lori Weston, in the majority of S2--is the female lead on this new series. It airs Monday nights at 9PM Eastern/8PM Central on Fox. Tom Sizemore, who played HPD Internal Affairs Investigator turned Chief of Detectives Captain Vincent Fryer in S2, is guesting on this week's episode of Lauren's show (& actor Sam T. Jones, Governor Denning himself, was a guest star in, I think, the second episode of the show).
  15. Kym Johnson & Robert Herjavec are engaged. http://www.people.com/article/kym-johnson-robert-herjavec-engaged They also attended Elton John's annual Oscar party. I think you can see Kym's ring in the pic with this article. It's, like, 6 1/2 carats or something. http://www.people.com/people/mobile/article/0,,20990537,00.html?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag
  16. From Deadline.com, here's the Winners List from the Independent Spirit Awards, held Saturday in LA: http://deadline.com/2016/02/spirit-awards-2016-winners-list-1201710410/
  17. According to this Tweet, from someone who got to see the ep taping, it was just taped this week, like around the 27th. I thought the article I linked to said it airs in May; I could be wrong. At any rate, it appears to have been taped, like, the 26th (earlier this week) since all the Tweets about the taping are dated the 27th. https://mobile.twitter.com/cjb2m5/status/703460041215447040 And here are Tweets from Allison & Richard about it: Allison: https://mobile.twitter.com/AllisonBJanney/status/703608558907105280?p=v Richard: https://twitter.com/richard_schiff/status/703625482013573121
  18. Cobalt Stargazer & Spartan Girl: regarding Jamie's ex, TELL ME ABOUT IT! He was ultra-controlling, almost pathologically so, of Jamie after their divorce. It was like, anything she did made him threaten her physical custody of Katie. She couldn't take a job that often required her to be away from Katie for a great deal of time (so the DA's office was a bad fit; personally, I think he just wanted her to keep working for/with his firm & I could see why she wouldn't want to after the divorce), & she couldn't even freaking get engaged to marry that guy, David, in the last season she was on the show without her ex threatening to modify their custody agreement--he thought Jamie's new husband would be spending more time with Katie after the marriage than Jamie & disapproved of that. Although it always seemed he could do whatever the hell he wanted to (but, admittedly, he worked for a firm with more assistants, or whatever, & apparently had a more flexible schedule because of it). I have to say, I did love when that Family Court Judge told them, at the initial hearing, the modification request didn't seem to just be about Katie & they should rethink this/get their shit together, or she couldn't guarantee either of them would like whatever she might decide about custody. And I didn't like when he started threatening McCoy & Jamie professionally to try to get his way/win the case, like after Jamie originally told him Newman wasn't a suspect, then Gordon had a hissy fit about him becoming the main suspect & acted like Jamie had lied to him originally. She didn't lie to him. They just didn't have the proof to name Newman then. Shit happens & he should've known that as a lawyer & dealt with it like the professional he was instead of the 3-year-old he was behaving like over it. Besides, he probably had done the same thing to the opposition before. If it's OK for him to do it, to anybody, it's just as OK for Jack & Jamie to do it to him.
  19. So then she didn't get killed off in the Mothership? I always thought it seemed like she did.
  20. Since nobody seems to have noticed, the character (& actor) prosecuting Sang Min, Prosecutor Chen, originally appeared in Ep 118, Loa Aloha, where Danny's brother Matt was introduced & the COTW was about the guy whose son was murdered in Halawa during a tougher than usual DUI sentence (he was a young first offender being made an example of), so the guy was going around murdering the children of those responsible for putting his son in prison in Hawaii while he, himself, was also in prison in Wyoming & not able to say a proper goodbye to him. The Prosecutor's son was 1 of that ep's victim's--I think the guy who was murdered by car bomb after having lunch with his Dad & being told to either call his Mother or come by for a meal with both his parents soon. I think the Abby/FBI story picks up again in the next new ep, Waiwai (Assets), which airs on March 11th. And then the show's apparently supposed to be off on at least the 2 Fridays after that, March 18th & 25th, for CBS' annual coverage of "March Madness", the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship Tournament. Next Friday, the 4th, they're repeating Lehu a Lehu (Ashes to Ashes), the ep from the beginning of the season involving the return of the serial arsonist Jason Duclair, played by UFC Champion Randy Couture (his 2nd ep as the character, who was introduced last season); various murders/attacks are occurring on Oahu, including on members of HPD's Bomb Squad, & the perpetrators won't stop unless he's released from prison.
  21. Heck yes! I had Lip Smackers, in those really fat tubes, when I was in late Elementary/Early Jr. High School, maybe all the way until I got to High School (around the mid '70's-early '80's)! Especially the fruit flavored ones (I had strawberry) & the ones flavored like popular soda brands (I had Dr. Pepper & 7Up). I think you can still get a set flavored like soda brands (Coca-Cola products & Fanta Orange) made by Coca-Cola on Amazon.com. I think Bonne Bell & Love & Blue Jeans were the big makeup & cologne brands targeted at the young teen (now usually called "'tween") set when I was growing up.
  22. From Entertainment Weekly/EW.com--The West Wing Oral History: 9 Things You Didn't Know (or Forgot) About The West Wing. http://www.ew.com/article/2014/05/13/the-west-wing-oral-history?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
  23. The Academy of Country Music Awards aren't until April 3rd. They air live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on CBS, hosted by Luke Bryan & Dierks Bentley. When I saw the ep title, I thought for sure they were gonna end up designing new stage clothes for Donny & Marie Osmond to wear in their show in Las Vegas/on tour.
  24. When was Melnick in CI? I thought Melnick got killed in the Mothership, in an ep where she was suspected of & eventually indicted for/charged with aiding & abetting at least 1 of her clients with committing new crimes while they were already in jail for something else.
  25. In Loggins & Messina (which I'm pretty sure you were referencing), Messina's first name was Jim. Loggins was the Kenny in the group. I know of at least 2 other Barts: Bart Starr, the legendary NFL player (& later car dealership owner in Alabama) & actor Bart Braverman, who co-starred in Vegas with the late Robert Urich back in the '70's. But, yeah, most others probably wouldn't know them if they didn't have a good knowledge of the things that made them famous.
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