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BW Manilowe

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Everything posted by BW Manilowe

  1. It was Little Big Town. The CMA Awards are on CBS Sunday night. There should be a Red Carpet preshow, where Little Big Town should be interviewed since I think they have lots of nominations this year, on CMT (probably; but it could be on GAC). I don't know the exact times, but the Red Carpet show should be on around 6PM Eastern, I think; the actual awards at 7PM or 8PM Eastern. Check local listings for the correct time(s) & channel(s) in your city.
  2. Both The Hollywood Reporter & the TV Line website posted articles yesterday discussing something we've previously brought up here: Which actors/actresses belong in/have the best shot at winning for the show in which categories (& does the show belong in the Limited Series or Drama category)? Both articles say, as far as the acting goes, Cuba Gooding, Jr. & Courtney B. Vance are already being promoted for nominations for Lead Actor in a Limited Series, with Courtney apparently having the edge over Cuba, & Sarah Paulson is already being promoted for a nomination for Lead Actress in a Limited Series. They also said that the rest of the cast is being promoted for nominations in the Supporting Actor/Actress in a Limited Series categories. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/emmys-verdict-reached-people-v-879644
  3. SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=44845
  4. What I should've also said, & forgot, is that Santos going to the New Hampshire TV station & doing the live campaign ad, or whatever it was, pleading his own case to the viewers (& voters), also helped his campaign. At least initially.
  5. According to this article, Courtney B. Vance will be in the S2 cast of American Crime Story--the Hurricane Katrina season--as well. http://m.eonline.com/news/753012/which-people-v-o-j-simpson-star-is-definitely-returning-for-american-crime-story-season-2
  6. This pic, of Holly Taylor & Keidrich Sellati (Henry), was taken yesterday, at an FX network-related event in NY. It appears that they're now basically the same height. http://www.google.com/search?q=holly+taylor+keidrich+sellati+fx+upfront+2016&biw=480&bih=208&tbm=isch&prmd=niv&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig1-Gg0uvLAhWiuIMKHSvXBSAQ_AUIBygC&dpr=2#imgrc=3U9G6Dc4Z53KAM%3A
  7. Somehow I missed your post when I replied to the other. Sorry. I love that bit of Grizzard's stand up comedy too (it was also 1 of his real life "bits"). The thing that "makes" it, though, is (as I remember) he also spells out "naked" & "nekkid" to help emphasize that there are different meanings to those words.
  8. Not Penny Davidi AGAIN! Just NO.
  9. Didn't someone also sub in for Derek with Nastia when he had multiple issues with his foot (foot & ankle)?
  10. He said this week he had back surgery (I forget how long ago) which left him unable to feel in his right foot.
  11. This week was Ep 403. There are 13 eps per season, so there are 10 more to go.
  12. There's actually a whole thread devoted to the podcast(s). It's The Voice of America(ns): The Podcast. Right now it's on the 2nd page of the forum, which may be why you didn't know about it.
  13. I'm Southern by birth, currently living in the Midwest. I loved Lewis Grizzard & his books (have most, if not all), & was so sad when he died. I also think his Designing Women ep(s?) is (are) among my favorites. The end of the 1 where his character was introduced, where he left his visit with Julia & Suzanne out of the blue because he thought they were embarrassed by him, especially because he'd been in a psychiatric hospital, really got me. But I didn't know Piggly Wiggly is nicknamed "The Pig" & there was (may still be) 1, when I was a kid/middle school aged, near where my grandparents lived, in a small, rural, Alabama town between Huntsville & Birmingham.
  14. NBC & Aaron Sorkin are teaming for a live production of Sorkin's stage play version of A Few Good Men. Sorkin will write the script & the play will air on NBC in early 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2016/03/30/aaron-sorkin-bringing-few-good-men-live-nbc/82432588/
  15. I went back & looked up what happened at the end of S5. It was Donna going along as part of a Bartlet Administration delegation to the Middle East & being critically injured in the IED-related bombing of the cars/2 of the cars in their convoy (which then had Josh taking the next flight to the US AFB in Germany where Donna was transferred for treatment & started his re-evaluation of what he wanted out of his relationship with Donna). Toby's ex-wife, Andi, the Congresswoman from Maryland was also with the delegation but unhurt in the bombing; General Percy Fitzwallace, Bartlet's friend & former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was killed in the bombing. That was followed, in the season finale, by Jed & Leo being at odds over the right retaliatory action for the toll taken on their delegation. You're right. Thanks to their starring turns in M*A*S*H, LA Law, NYPD Blue, & who knows what other series I'm forgetting, Alan Alda & Jimmy Smits probably weren't cheap; at least at first negotiation. But, as 1 of the other posters said, they did end up working for less than some of the established cast members on TWW, like Allison Janney. There's also the fact that their characters wouldn't be in every episode in their season(s) once they were signed, so that helped with the S7 budget definitely. And there's also the possibility that Alda & Smits just wanted to work on TWW, because it at least started as such a prestigious show (& today is still considered a classic by many, if not most), & would be willing to do so at any (reasonable) salary. Yeah. Unfortunately John Spencer's untimely passing caused a lot of issues for the S7 storyline after about midseason. There's the telling, not showing, you pointed out in the growth of Leo's & Santos' relationship. They also had to rewrite stuff, to give scenes & lines originally meant for Leo to other characters. And I think a bunch of the stuff originally meant for Leo in the later S7 eps probably went to the character of Barry Goodwin, who was an older guy who was some part of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) & worked a lot with the Santos campaign. And (I think) you're also right about Santos' behavior, at least initially, during the campaign. He did think he knew best--we saw him explicitly disregarding things Josh advised him on, like his intended education plan. And then, after he got smacked down for things, he reversed course & even started winning primaries.
  16. I think you maybe got confused by my question, somehow, but I appreciate the answer anyway. I know Annette's character gaslighted Michael's character by claiming to have had an affair with the guy from their cult, group, whatever, who died in the airport shuttle helicopter crash. Abbie proved that right before the end, by saying the guy's credit card expenditures showed he was in a totally different place than Annette's character was, & said he was, at 1 point. He had gotten snowed in at a totally different city on a day Annette said they were they were supposed to have been together & couldn't get to wherever Annette's character said she had been with him. What I was asking was, did Annette's character end up going to jail, like Michael's character did (they both got charged with 6 counts of First Degree Murder, for the deaths of the people in the helicopter, but it appeared Michael's character was the only 1 who got sentenced for them--6 life terms without the possibility of parole)? Jack said, at 1 point after that, Annette's character had pled out, 6 life terms--which I thought meant she was going to jail too; but then, at the end, Jack & Abbie were talking to Annette's character, about why she gaslighted Michael's character or something else about the case or her & Michael's characters, & it seemed like she was still free from jail & living happily ever after. And I didn't understand that, if that's what happened.
  17. So Marcia can go to jail/the lockup when Ito cites her for contempt of court when she was getting involved after Darden stormed out of the courtroom & faced his own (at least possible) contempt charge.
  18. Season 5 starts after Zoey Bartlet gets kidnapped in a DC club after graduating from Georgetown & having her drink spiked with GHB by her jackass of a supposedly French Royal/aristocrat boyfriend she hooked up with after breaking up with Charlie at some point after the shooting at Rosslyn. I forget where it ends (my forgetting being due to too little rewatching recently, not to binge watching too many eps together). I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Santos' speech about having lost a friend when he went to the podium to talk about Leo's death while they were still waiting for the polls to close in the west, Alaska, & Hawaii. Yes, it's apparently true Santos initially saw Leo as a "drag" on the ticket, because of his substance abuse history & perhaps other issues. But I do feel Santos also realized Leo was a highly-experienced politician in a lot of areas he wasn't where a president could use valuable assistance (think how the Obama/Biden ticket probably came together, though Biden may not have been a "drag" on the ticket in real life). I feel like Santos & Leo hashed out all their differences & Santos' issues with him on the ticket in that meeting they had in Santos' campaign offices in DC towards the beginning of the season; the meeting where Santos said he felt Leo was a "drag" on the ticket & which mostly ended where Leo explained to Santos how, really, a (mostly first-term) president only has 18 months to get his political agenda through, & then he has to start worrying about getting re-elected (or getting his party re-elected to hold the White House & control Congress after he leaves office) & actually campaigning for that (& not being in DC a lot, as such). After that meeting, as the campaign went on & by the time of Leo's death, I really think Santos came to respect (& like) Leo as a politician/trusted political adviser & a friend. I'm sorry you didn't like when the storyline shifted from the Bartlet White House to the campaign to succeed him. Admittedly, many didn't (though I wasn't 1 of those who didn't). The thing of it is, A) It was just dramatizing real life for a 2-term president in the White House--they must be replaced, by law, after 2 terms, & B) Without that storyline, we definitely wouldn't have gotten a Season 7 & we might not have gotten a Season 6 either (I forget if that was affected). The focus on the Bartlet succession storyline allowed them to use financially cheaper actors which, by that point in the series, helped the budget per episode a great deal as at least the majority of the Bartlet Administration-related cast had pretty high per-ep salaries by then. Indeed, the series only got a Season 7 renewal by virtue of the producers agreeing to budget cuts & the actors who'd been around since the Bartlet Administration (& playing the Bartlet staffers perhaps as far back as Season 1) agreeing not to appear in every episode in Season 7, as they had in previous seasons, & each of them would sit out at least 1 episode apiece in the final season. Again, the season focusing at least half the time on the campaign to succeed Bartlet, which was staffed primarily by actors with lower salaries per ep than the Bartlet family & their current & former staffers (though the campaigns of Santos & the other Democrats, as well as Vinick's Republican campaign, each had someone who had, at 1 time, been involved with the Bartlet Administration on their staffs to maintain a sense of continuity in the show).
  19. And I think Dulé Hill is supposed to be on next week's Weekly podcast (as opposed to others out there), because ep 103 is where Charlie was introduced into the story. And no, there's nothing wrong with you about being excited tomorrow's podcast release day.
  20. Like you, I also happened to be reading the TWoP TWW forum when the news broke that JS had died & I started seeing posts discussing it, in whatever thread I was reading, though I never really "got" it until I got out of the posts pages & back to the page with the thread titles & saw 1 called "RIP John Spencer" (I think). That, & reading the posts in that thread/posting my own to it, is what made it sink in; though I also admit to a sense of lingering disbelief until I started hearing/reading the news via other, non-TWoP, sources. As if I needed an "objective" source to confirm it. I actually was also something of a Leo/Annabeth shipper. That scene where they're sitting together on a plane to a campaign stop or somewhere, Leo the recovering substance abuser & Annabeth the chick who seems to need an Ambien swigged with a glass of booze to get through a plane flight, just got to me somehow. It's still a favorite scene, after all these years.
  21. Mega was on We earlier tonight (with Michael McKean & Annette O'Toole--I'm a fan of hers & I still can't believe she married "Lenny" from Laverne & Shirley--as a rich married couple who were some kind of "self-actualization gurus" & ran what Abbie called a "cult" & they were mixed up in the "no survivors" crash of an airport shuttle helicopter containing 1 of their members). I've seen the ep a number of times & something still confuses me: Did Annette's character end up serving any time for her connection to the chopper crash? It got really confusing after Annette & Michael's characters were charged, then Michael seemed to be the only 1 sentenced (6 terms of life with no parole, per plea agreement), & Jack said to Abbie that Annette pleaded out, 6 life sentences. Then Jack & Abbie went somewhere to talk to Annette at the end, because they figured out she'd "gaslight"-ed Michael regarding the copter crash to get her hands on their vast fortune (or something), & it seemed like they were talking to her at her & Michael's characters' estate, instead of jail, & she was still free & living happily ever after. I don't get how she got off, if she got off.
  22. Spoilery pic from either Ep 424 or 425 (I'm pretty sure) for the McDanno fans on the forum (but not quite the kind of spoiler at least some of the McDannos are hoping for). https://mobile.twitter.com/ScottCaanWeb/status/714936075714699264
  23. Geraldo's actually of Puerto Rican descent, I believe. I get what you're saying about Trump & the US-Mexican border wall he wants to build IF he becomes President, but Geraldo's Puerto Rican (& Jewish, I believe).
  24. I appreciated when he said if he hadn't been eliminated this week, he'd have asked for a recount in the voting. At least he had a sense of humor about the elimination. But, like everybody, I'm sorry Edyta's return didn't last very long.
  25. Allison & t'Witch welcomed a healthy baby boy on Easter Sunday. Named Maddox Laurel, weighed 8 lbs. 15 ounces. http://celebritybabies.people.com/2016/03/29/stephen-twitch-boss-allison-holker-welcome-son-maddox-laurel/
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