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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. It can be a savage wilderness if you don't have money. Armando was living in a shack before Kenny moved down there. Even though Armando is no lazy slug (he had his own little dog sitting/grooming shop), the money a Mexican earns is poverty level. It's Kenny's money that got them that nice home they live in now. I think he made a big profit from selling his Florida home? Anyway, the people that live a comfortable, cheap life in Mexico are the ex-pats, that move there with their retirement money, not the native Mexicans. It's sad but true. the majority of Mexican people work hard for their money and have very little to show for it. As for Armando moving to the states, it can be done but it is difficult if you do it legally. I know this because my son lived in Mexico for 2 years and when he and his girlfriend (Mexican and educated) moved back to the states she had to jump through hoops to get here. Interviews, proof of employment, background check, etc. Of course if son married girlfriend that would not be an issue but that's another story I won't get in to, I've already made this post way too long for anybody to probably want to read it. 😏
  2. He didn't tell Jenny that right away, though. He led her to believe he still had that job until he confessed the truth. He is a pig and a liar. Jenny may not be coming in to the relationship with a ton of $$$$ but her pittance of a social security check and her TLC money goes a long way in India. Pays for the rent and food at least. That is why Sumbitch hasn't kicked her to the curb yet because god forbid he has to work a full time job. Does TLC pay Sumbitch? That may be another reason why he hangs on to her. If they break up, no more Jenny = no more TLC money.
  3. Yes and their home is very nice. Unlike most Mexican's they are living a very nice life there. Shut up, Kenny and your cry baby daughter.
  4. Yeah, then she turns around and constantly says she's not sure she wants to marry Corey. Bitch, you're already married so stop with your bullshit!
  5. Agree. He needs to have a little chat with his arm candy about looking appropriate when around his 20 something sons who are at the age where they are capable of getting a hard on at the slightest breeze brushing by them. I'm really not here for the Lisa/Meredith turmoil over Jenn Shah. A little of that talk goes a long way. I know Heather is a fan favorite but her loyalty to Jenn is creepy. She was still supporting her on WWHL last night even though she said what Jenn did was wrong. She's either confusing or a spineless doormat. Haven't figured out which yet.
  6. You have to go their IG stories, not just their regular posts. Baby products, baby toys, sports drinks, facials gadgets, beauty products. It's all there. I don't know who buys the crap they push but it's working for them. Katie tried to promote some pink dildoes but that was stopped pretty much as fast as it started. Talk about a new low.
  7. Both Stassi and Beau are promoting products on IG all the time. They are probably making good money doing it. Same with Brittney and Jax. These gigs are sustaining their lifestyle. They sure do take a lot of vacations. It's a very unfair world.
  8. Steph and AJ are the cutest couple. They really get each other. I hope they like the Keys, though. It's hot as hell there all the time and after winter season the place pretty much folds up and there is nothing to do. They should get a boat then they will have something to do year round. Keith and Kristine were always one of my favorites, too. I hope he really didn't buy that monstrous RV without talking to Kristine about it and this is all manufactured drama for the show. Keith always seemed like a pretty level headed guy. In a marriage, big ticket items should always be discussed and agreed on.
  9. Michaela is a loose cannon. Zack knows it. He must have had a past relationship with a "Michaela" and refused to go down that road again. Johnny cries too much. Starting with crying about his dad. Then he puts on this macho party boy image. It doesn't add up. Gil is a good looking guy, has a respectable job he loves and a strong work ethic. Gil will never be a millionaire and doesn't care to be but he will live a comfortable life so if that's what Myrla wants she needs to get out of the relationship so Gil can find a lady that is perfectly ok with living a middle class life style. I just don't understand why he hasn't found that on his own. I don't think Ryan is attracted to Brett. He has friend zoned her. She sure looked pretty this episode with her straight shiny hair and minimal but just enough makeup. Her wardrobe choices, however......yikes. Jose is a drag. Rachel wants more spontaneous fun. Ain't gonna work.
  10. She only films for a couple of hours then she's gone. Not good enough. Especially when the others have to sit through hours of filming and re-takes.
  11. Soooo first of all, did ya'll Whit tell the other fatties that she weighs 320 now? So she lost 60 pounds since the show started because she used to be 380? I guess Buddy's salads must have paid off. She really thinks these phone conversations are actual dates! How sad is this. Whitney needs lots of therapy. She more delusional about men than ever and seems to be digressing back in to puberty. She's always been immature but she is approaching a whole other level now. Giggling on the phone and asking Frenchie if he wants to get married and pushing him to commit to meeting up is not something a woman approaching 40 does. She knows no boundaries. It also seems that her group of besties is not being shown much this season and with Buddy moving out I wonder if that's it for his time on the show. Interesting. We are left with a whole lot of Whitney doing her talking heads and the audience having to listen/watch her phone calls with invisible Frenchie which is not enough to sustain a one hour reality show. Has her head gotten so big that she thinks she can carry the show mostly by herself? Something in the dynamic has changed and it all feels so off to me. Also, enough with the aging parents and their physical limitations. Leave them alone. Again, that doesn't belong on this show about a big fat obnoxious woman and her Big Fat Fabulous Life. Lastly, why is there never a word of French spoken with the tutor? Not a single word.
  12. Thanks. I think I need to go back and watch the first few episodes because I could never figure out exactly what the problem was.
  13. I don't understand what the beef is with Kim/Barry and Ethan/Olivia when it's clear that Kim/Barry allowed Moriah and her boyfriend in their home only to be subjected to watching them fondle, kiss and sit on laps right in front of them at the dinner table no less. WTF gives? What have I missed? The parents never stopped it, either. Even though I CAN NOT stand Kim/Barry, that was disrespectful of Moriah to behave that way in her parents home. Edited to add: Micah has gotten to a good place with the parents even though he has chosen a modeling career where many of his photo shoots have him practically naked! Why is that ok with Kim/Barry? I'm confused about this entire family dynamic unless they are all bullshitting us for the camera and the paychecks.
  14. That is one ugly bachelor pad. I don't care if it is a million dollar penthouse in the sky, it's still ugly. No warmth or comfort to it at all, just like it's owner. Time to sell and buy a family home, Mikey.
  15. On a superficial note: Mia's face is a damn mess. I noticed when she was sitting at lunch with her mother she is not a pretty woman at all. Her face was lumpy, greasy and puffed with the typical fish lips you see all to often these days. Her makeup is never on point. I don't know what kind of hair system she has going on but the super black cheap looking hair is a fail. Or.... the lighting in the restaurant was really, really bad.
  16. She should be demoted to a "friend of" housewife. It seems to really piss of housewives through out the franchises when one of their own is doing part time work for full time status and pay.
  17. I knew it was too good to be true. Chris looks like he's aged 10 years. Maybe it's the grey in his beard. Or living with Candyass.
  18. Me, either. Really, with all her money and success she's settled for a trainer that's 20 yrs younger? I wish they would keep him off camera. I have a feeling we're going to get much more into all of their personal lives this season than actual real estate porn which is what the show was originally intended for. Fredrik has become a cartoon character of his once awesome self. Derek may be losing his patience and although I'm not a fan of his I can understand getting tired of Fred. Altman is losing his asshole edge, too bad. Don't we watch for the asshole factor? Now he's just happy suburban husband and daddy. Bore. Flagg is playing up his eccentric side, I wish they (producers) would just let him be himself which is plenty good enough. He was always entertaining, now they are going to ruin it with exaggeration.
  19. I didn't think she was acting all that giddy or over the top. Just happy and fun loving. Oh, I guess happy doesn't work for Johnny. Does he want some sourpuss that finds fault with everything? Johnny, meet Mryla. I did notice that Bao's hair was greasy the entire episode. Wash your hair, girl!
  20. I can not believe Darcey is still talking to Georgi's ex. WTH is wrong with this cow? That would be a deal breaker for me. Seriously, does she really want an adult relationship because she has the mentality of a child. She will never, ever have a healthy relationship unless she gets deep (and consistent) therapy. That goes for her looney twin, also.
  21. I remember that. She also said she has something else awful to tell him, I guess we won't find out until next episode.
  22. Do we know what she did yet? Indian John's daughter is cute and smart. Go figure. Looks like Amber lost a lot of weight. I always thought she was so naturally pretty. I hope she stays clean. Forget Puppy, she's an addict. Her mom needs to face facts. I can't get past Brittneys wigs. So bad. Kristianna is perpetually depressed. She must be a joy to be around. No words for Shawn. He's punking us, right?
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