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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Before you started watching, there was a romance, Tonya was crazy about Jaa. Then he told her he wanted to take it slow and that wasn't good enough for Tonya, so she called Kerwin in Texas or wherever he was living, convinced him to leave his girlfriend and come live with her because this time she was serious. Kerwin picks up and leaves his girlfriend and moves back to Tonya. Kerwin is no prize,quite a jerk in fact, but Tonya is a real peice of work herself. It's just a matter of time before she gets romantic with Jaa again.
  2. Her pastor was 100% correct. Nobody is going to fill the holes in her except her. Is she afraid to be alone? Has she learned nothing in 54 years? Listen to your pastor, Tonya and start by getting to know yourself!
  3. We can all predict where this is going. Good friend Jasmine will have hurt feelings about Elena asking Terra to partner up with her. There will be a rift in that friendship. Then, if Terra and Elena actually do go in to a partnership, it will be a disaster. I agree, Terra will definitely try to take over, tell Elena she doesn't know what she is doing (probably true, too) and Elena will tell Terra to eff off and so it goes..... these girls are something else! I was surprised to hear Tonya's deep issues with Terra. There are no genuine friendships with any of them, I don't care how long some of them have known each other. As soon as this show went in to production, all bets were off. Jealousy and resentment are a bitch.
  4. Yup. These women have no self awareness whatsofuckingever.
  5. I believe she said she did it when she was 38. Still not the freshest eggs but better than nothing.
  6. Wow, I really don't remember that at all. I do remember Kathryn sleeping with Whitney, then Shep, then T-Rav and both Shep and Trav having a conversation about who used protection and who didn't because Kathryn said at that point she might be pregnant. Then TRav took her to the Dr. himself to make sure she took the test and wasn't lying. Once it was confirmed for sure, then Trav started all his talk about taking care of her, the baby, living happily ever after, and all that horseshit.
  7. She said she's living in Daniel Island. A very nice and high end area. Anyway, I'm not sure what's wrong with living in suburbia. He didn't promise her anything if she "became pregnant". She became pregnant when they just started dating and they hardly knew each other.
  8. Craig has invested in real estate, purchased several investment properties to use as rentals. Judging by the way real estate is skyrocketing in Charleston and the surrounding area's, this is a win for Craig. He will make nice profits when he sells. Good for him. It's nice to see that he isn't pissing away his BRAVO money. Being a good landlord can be challenging, though, I hope he's up for the task.
  9. Right? That was quick turn around! They guy is so transparent.
  10. And then they will change it again. Apparently Mauricio is making boatloads of bank these days...
  11. That really turned me off. In fact, these characters are unlikable to me. They have lost their special chemistry, all of them. I think I'm just not a re-boot kind of gal. Will and Grace sucks, too, and these two shows were favorites of mine. Sometimes it's better to leave masterpieces alone and let their original genius shine through till the end of time..
  12. What the heck were Shawniece and Jep arguing about in the car? Something about who was supposed to drive or one car needing gas or some other bullshit? They had my head spinning. They are so childish! I want to know who gets the puppy dog because they are clearly not going to make it. I think they may actually try and stay together for a few weeks after the show but their immaturity will get the best of them. Shallow observances: Molly's skin looked worse than ever, the acne has traveled over to the other side of her face. Girl, you ain't all that... Jackie- I love her, she deserves the best, but can't she ever wash or brush that stringy, mousy hair of hers? Get a style, for godsakes!
  13. How many times Did Amy and Chris kiss after the sky diving? Good grief, we get it, you like each other! Must have been the adrenaline high......
  14. How dare that little yorkie attack River! As mama Kyle said to the yorkie, "Don't be such a bitch"! I love all these lucky Beverly Hills dogs!
  15. Kourtney hung on to Scott for way too long. She was crazy in love with him. It took her quite a while to kick him to the curb for good.
  16. Brittney couldn't wait to move her ass to Cali.... how did she and Jax meet? Did she move there and have her own place for a while? Don't think so, she moved right in with asshole, before getting to know him. Britt wants to be on TeeVee. I wish the "girls" would stop telling her how perfect she is. I'm not seeing it. She thinks she can mold Jax in to something we all know he will never be and I think she is still afraid that if they really break up (not fake break up), she won't be able to survive in Hollywood and more importantly the show may not need her. The alternative of moving back to Kentucky is NOT on her radar.
  17. I like it! Difference between this show and that godawful Southern Charm Savannah is that Savannah is a very small town and while it is a charming little town, it's boring and so is the cast. New Orleans is full of life! The cast is educated, accomplished and actually work. Tamika in her pink dress she had flown in from L.A.- Wowza, perfection. What a beautiful woman and she knows how to throw a dinner party. Reagan- I just can't with that voice. It's not just the vocal fry, it's high pitched and makes me cringe. I feel sorry for her husband. He's kind of broke down, what his family did to him is unforgivable. Justin- I don't see his girlfriend lasting very long. They don't seem like a good match. He was cute when he was explaining he thought he wanted to be a Dr. but realized he couldn't hack the science so settled on being a lawyer. I think his mom is very attractive.
  18. I'm not seeing it, either. Thanks, I didn't see that part. Kind of explains why I always thought the relationship between Amy and Auj was a little bit frosty.
  19. I always thought Khloe took after Kris. Kris is tall and big boned like Khloe. She towers over Kim and Kourtney, who are short and have darker Armenian complexions like daddy.
  20. I feel for poor Eddie. My husband is getting ready for his 4th heart procedure in 3 yrs. It's no fun. Eddie is young, exercises all the time, and appeared to be in excellent health so this is unusual. Must be genetic. Wishing you well, Eddie!
  21. Wow, Wendy is totally relying on Norman for Hot Topics. How many times does she look over at him for the real tea, or to give her real (not fiction) facts, or to just keep her moving along. It's painfully obvious. Then he gets yelled at if he doesn't say what she wants. Poor Norman. I really wish he and Suzanne would quit. Carrie is too young for a facelift. For Wendy to imply that was disgusting. Carrie had an accident and was badly injured. For fucks sake, Wendy.
  22. I love all the dogs on this show. (the four legged ones).
  23. I thought she said on her show when he was dying and she was crying that he didn't want her to visit.
  24. Funny you mention that, she already has and of course Kroy was sitting right next to her.
  25. What a snooze: Eva Marcille had nothing to add. Marlo gets to stays on the couch. Does she finally get the peach she's been salivating for? Not interested in hearing Moose and Fish lips go at it so loud and screechy, I can't understand a thing they are yelling about. This reunion did not need 3 parts. They could have done it in 1.
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