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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. That retired footballer guest Wendy had on Friday (sorry, forgot his name). Nice guy. Wendy kept poking at him for being 33, single and no kids. She was looking at him with shock, like she so badly wanted to ask him if he was gay! It wouldn't matter if he was, but she just couldn't believe a man could be that age without all the baggage. He also said the first thing he did with his money was buy his mother a house. I wonder if Wendy did the same for her parents. I know her parents live in Florida. A nice condo perhaps? I feel like Wendy is cheap with her money.
  2. 20 years ago! Who even cares? Wendy going on and on about it being breaking news!! This is sad.
  3. Charleston weather is unpredictable. Usually in Jan, Feb and maybe March it can be 40's and 50's. It snowed this year in January. Oct/Nov it's sweater weather at night, still nice during the day. The rest of the year unbearably hot and humid.
  4. Oh, Shep. That hair of yours needed a whole lot more than a trim.
  5. As far as I'm concerned, they were all way to lenient on her. Adam acted like it was no big deal about the money. I know Jill is loaded with$$$ and 2 grand is nothing to her but it's the principle. Gambling away the gift of the diamond earrings was the lowest of the low. Oh, and Christy, YOU dumped Patrick so quit whining about him.
  6. The way she danced out on that stage over to Wendy! And she's 86, whaaaattt! And Wendy can't even walk out on stage normally without worrying about falling or tripping over herself. That was excruciating to watch. Honestly, the woman is just not good enough to have a show anymore. She's a no talent hack. She can't even spill the tea without fucking up so why is the network bothering with her? I guess she has a contract and as long as she's got an audience full of minions clapping and hollering for her she's good for another 5 seasons.
  7. Ha, even Naomi's dad was pretty much telling her not to be nasty. It took daddy to make her realize she owed Peyton an apology. Kathryn has come such a long way, I hope she can see right through Thomas' BS. Looks like he is going to put the moves on her again next episode. His rambling at the restaurant to somebody that when the "French" get tired of their wives they go look for mistresses? My god, he is an insufferable, aging, embarrassing alcoholic. Just like his awful, mysoginist dad! That apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ashley, stop trying to be besties with Kathryn! Being polite to her when you see her is enough for now.
  8. Also, Craig talking to Austin about Naomi: "I still have open case files in my head that need to be closed". Spoken like a true lawyer. Love Craig this season. That's exactly what she wanted. She pulled that shit last season, too. She doesn't want either one of them so what's her problem? She likes to stir it up, then sit back and watch to see if Austen is man enough for her. Austen is not auditioning for you, honey. Who the hell does she think she is?
  9. Unfortunately that mouth of hers has made her a millionaire.
  10. Sonja really thinks she's adorable. Flirting with the gay married guy. Ugh. Did she actually say that she picked up the dog poop with her bare hands? I feel sorry for the realtor/property manager. If that townhouse actually rents, can you imagine the horror of dealing with Sonja every time the tenant calls with a repair request? You just know there is going to be a plethora of ongoing stuff wrong once someone moves in. Leaky faucets, toilets not flushing, dishwasher not working, the usual everyday BS that happens when you rent a property, especially one that has not been maintained throughout the years.
  11. Ramona on WWHL making pathetic excuses for Dorinda's behavior. "She didn't have her nap", "She shouldn't have gone to dinner". That's called enabling. All the naps in the world aren't going to cure an alcoholic's problems.
  12. An accountant told me the same thing.
  13. Amy's two girlfriends bug me. They are terrible actresses. I can't stand Amy gushing over everything Chris does. I just can. not. She sure was pouty when she thought he didn't do anything else special for her birthday. I guess he has to be full of surprises and adventures all the time so she can compare him to how awful Matt was. Let's not forget Chris and Amy are at a stage in life where there are no kids to take care of, no car pools, no discipline, no having to get the kids up for school, do homework, have dinner on the table every night for a family of 6, be their taxi service, etc, etc... It's not fair to compare. Amy and Chris are free to have all the time in the world to "have fun" so stop gushing, Amy. If she still had school age kids living at home I'm sure single for his whole life carefree Chris wouldn't have even considered the first date.
  14. I love Tori's new highlights. Her hair is shiny, healthy and beautiful. She is beautiful inside and out. It was nice how she and Zach appreciated the "sound track" or dvd or what ever you call it Matt made for Jackson. It warmed my heart seeing Matt out on the farm by himself having a blast recording the farm noises and Zach saying he grew up with those sounds. Say what you will about Matt, there's no denying he sure loves his grandchildren. It's funny how some people can be crappy parents but wonderful grandparents! I can't stand hipster Jer but I actually thought he was really sweet with baby Ember. Auj was a whiny sourpuss as usual. I wonder if she's having trouble bonding with the baby and maybe suffering from post partum depression. Who would have thought Jer would be better at parenting than Auj!
  15. Jeez, that diatribe between Teddi and Erica went on and on.... I kid you not, I actually fell a sleep for a bit and when I woke up they were still at it!! I don't blame them, either! Dorit was a colossal asshole during that shoot and deserved to have her head cut off. There is no way she could have watched that segment when it aired and not felt total embarrassment at her behavior. Oh, wait, this is Dorit we're talking about...
  16. Eh, I don't think Fishman cares all that much. He's pretty much been out of the limelight for years and from what Roseann has said he likes it that way. He has other projects going on that have nothing to do with acting, is fairly successful in his own right and he is happy. I got the impression he has used his Roseanne money wisely. He and Roseanne have stayed close throughout the years. At least that's what she said on that crazy short lived reality show she had featuring her nut farm in Hawaii. He even came to visit her one episode.
  17. Then tell the woman you're going out for a cig. End of story.
  18. Yes! Some people here (a lot, actually) aren't getting that it doesn't matter why he got up and left. People are making up all kinds of theories of why he did it. It doesn't matter why! It's the fact that he got up, walked away without saying a word and didn't appear again for 20 minutes. After Amy got up from the table and walked out of the restaurant still wondering where he was. All he had to say was "hey, I'll be back in a few, do you want to wait for me outside? Or stay here? I'm sure she would have been perfectly fine if he just said something. That has nothing to do with feeling like you have a ball and chain you have to "check in" with.
  19. Wow, right? He better watch himself or he's going to find himself without TomTom. Especially since Lisa hasn't cashed the checks or signed any contract with these two idiots!
  20. How did Scheana land a gig in Vegas? I think she said she moved there. I wonder if she's going to be on VPR next season and I also wonder if the other girls are jealous because she has something else going on outside of the show.
  21. How long are Jax and Brit going to use his father's death as an excuse for his unhinged behavior? His yelling and screaming about Sheana when she wasn't even in the room and everybody sitting there letting him rant was really weird. Brittney, please don't get pregnant. Don't. Get. Pregnant.
  22. Just how many gummies did Katie eat? Girl is wayyyyy mellow!
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