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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I think Sandy is pissed off because she didn't know until the playbacks at the reunion just how much shit the crew was getting away with behind her back. Especially unprofessional Hannah hooking up with that hot charter primary. She's gonna make Hannah pay this season. In front of the camera, so she can prove that she's nobody's fool. A little late for that, Sandypants.
  2. Omg, right??? I hope I don't get mastitis again. Oh, no, I think I'm getting mastitis again. Mastitis is so painful. I do have mastitis again. It's sooooo painful. Jer running to her upon her summoning him. I need cabbage leaves and pure oils. Shut. Up. Aud.!
  3. They all become chubby once they hit late teens, early 20's
  4. Mykelti looks pregnant in that pic. Please no. I won't be able to stand a new season of that.
  5. Agree. The Secrets show is always better than the original eppy's and the reunion. These girls crack me up, though. Stassi likes girl on girl porn and Brittney is Lala's type.
  6. That was so strange. I actually had to rewind to see if I missed something. I don't understand how this woman is on the air. I just don't get it.
  7. I thought Matt and Amy still owned the farm together. If that's the case, he can't sell it without her consent or she buys him out. I'm so confused about who owns what, where, why and when with these two.
  8. They were all minors when the show started so none of them got separate checks.
  9. That's interesting. Then how are Jeremy and Zach living without working, buying homes, etc...maybe because they are still on the show collecting checks?
  10. She just can't help herself. Yes, that may redeem the show. Let the younger ones continually break up and make up, and let Kathryn continue to flourish. TRAV won't be missed at all. He's too old for this crew. Go build another bridge or run for office or something, TRAV!
  11. I think Molly is the only one that is successful all on her own. She is a college grad and has a good job. Doesn't Jacob live off of the TLC money he made while on the show? I don't think he's ever worked a day in his life! I believe he was living out of his van and traveling around the country with his girlfriend.
  12. Ashley to Thomas while they are packing: Ohhhh I want some LV luggage Thomas: Kathryn has 5 peices. Maybe you can borrow some when you become friends. Hahaha chuckle chuckle. What a shit stirring SOB he is!!
  13. Oh, how fun, here's an idea. Let's get all of us EX's together and go on a trip so we can be miserable under one roof!! WTF, show. When people are divorced it's not uncommon to have a birthday party for your kid and not invite the EX. Kathryn was stirring shit when she invited Thomas and not Ashley. Neither one of them should have been invited. You have your party for the kid with your side of the family, and the parent with custody has their own little party with their side of the family. It doesn't have to be a big deal, either. A cake, some gifts, and lots of love. What more does a 2 yr. old need? Having said that, damn, Ashley's continual bitching and complaining is exactly what Thomas deserves! It's called Karma. I rolled my eye's when the guys were on the golf course telling Thomas that Ashley was a gold digger and he better watch out. Wasn't Kathryn an unemployed gold digger, too? I guess they forgot about that. Thomas has a type. He likes them when they're all fucked up, immature and crazy. Normal, sane women have no place in his life. The man is 54, he takes care of himself first, always. He's not marrying anybody, ever. If he wants to spend money on women until he grows tired of them and then kicks them to the curb, then so be it. Is Danni getting paid for just being in the background and not saying anything? We never see any parts of her life, she never has any TH's and she's looking rough. Nice, easy gig for her, though.
  14. You have to wonder what Dennis see's in her. It's not her money, he has plenty of his own. Yet after breaking up a couple of times, he keeps going back to her. He must have a serious character flaw. The way she was ordering him around at Ramona's dinner party might be an indication. Maybe he likes to be the submissive one in the relationship. If that's the case, B met the perfect man for her. That's the one (and only, ever) thing I will say in Jason's favor. He would not put up with her dominerring nature, which led to many arguments. We saw that on their show.
  15. Superficial observations: Mika has pretty hair. I wonder if it's all hers or if she has extensions( Elena, Tonya) or wigs (Jasmine) like the rest of them. At least it's not fried to within an inch of it's life like Terra's. Terra has the strangest body of them all with that huge ass. I guess it's her type of dwarfism. I didn't notice until this episode that Christy can't put her arms down by her side. Her arms are extremely short, she kept folding them over her stomach. I know these are LP's, I just find it interesting how many different body shapes there are. In the upcoming previews, is Tonya really talking about boob jobs and vaginal rejuvination? Please don't.
  16. I died when Carole said (paraphrasing) "Ok, you used smoke signals". Loved every single moment of that confrontation!
  17. No and it's cringe worthy to me. I did not see today's eppy yet but yesterday she kept saying Kevin Federline had 4 kids, right after she got done saying he had 6. He has 6 kids, Wendy. SIX. She just said it, and then immediately forgot? WTH with her? How many times did she look to Norman to keep her straight? It has become a regular habit for him to fill in the blanks for her. Why doesn't she just phone it in and be done with skipping on over to the purple chair?
  18. If I have to see Wendy wear one more pair of expensive sneakers with dresses I'm going to throw one of my cheap Sketchers at the TV. The other day she had on a very short white dress and white sneakers. She looked like she was going to be in a tennis match. Yesterday black sneakers and a dress. The other day silver sneakers. A different pair for every day. It's a stupid look. JMO of course but I had to get if off my chest!!
  19. I understood the "snowmies" sweater right away and still didn't think it was all that funny or clever. Get over yourself, B.
  20. And she laughs about it in her TH's. She knows exactly what she's doing. Keeping her spot on the show.
  21. I never liked the way she treated the other dog and disliked Sonja ever since.
  22. Probably because there would be a deductible to meet just like the medical insurance which I'm sure the Connors couldn't pay, and like Chicken Wing said, Homeowners doesn't cover flood so their claim would be denied. I had to have a separate policy for flood.
  23. Why was Amy dressed like a bumble bee or what ever that get up was? Maybe because it was around Halloween costume month? She was the only one dressed up so it looked out of place to me. It was cute when Zach was macho man, being all firm and putting his foot down about not wanting Jackson at the farm then Tori gets her way and there is Jackson at the farm! I like this little family, Zach and Tori are good together. I don't blame Amy for feeling some kind of way about seeing Caryn holding her grandson. I would have the same feelings. Divorce is a bitch!
  24. Grand dad Dan is very tall and big so it's plausible she inherited her height from his side of the family. I hope this is the end of hearing about Roseanne's knee, I'm pretty much over that storyline. It was a bit unrealistic when Dan rescued her from falling in the bathroom because her knee gave out, then she goes to sit on the bed and folds her legs Indian style!. The ole'knee couldn't have been bothering her too much. She must have chugged a bunch of Vicodin earlier.
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