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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. If these girls worship Lisa so much, why don't any of them take her advice? Say what you will about Lisa but she can spot an asshole of the male persuasion from a million miles away. Schwartz is still a loser. Sandoval is going to be doing all the work in that partnership. He really wants this to venture to work. I hope it eventually doesn't drive a wedge between the friendship.
  2. Jon's abs. I can't with that guy. Sure his body is amazing but c'mon you could see he had dark, fake spray tan lines around the six pack muscles to make them look more six packier. Not necessary, dude. We get it, you're hot AF. Now go button up and stop being a fool.
  3. Reagan crying and sooooo upset about Jeff and his possible brain injuries. What a phony. Here's a solution: Go get another place and tell your husband that you don't want him there but you're not separating! She wants out but wants him to get better first so she doesn't have the guilts when she tells him it's over. We find out that once upon a time Tamika and her husband split, got back together and yet there's no sex going on now? Hmmmm don't think that's a great new beginning. And she's giving advice to screechy voice Reagan? Have several seats, Tamika, you're headed for divorce court yourself. This show started out great and is going downhill fast.
  4. Like many people with bipolar and depression disorders, they don't like the "dull" way they feel when on the meds, so they go off them. Then they go back on, then they go off again, and the cycle repeats. The trick is getting them to realize that taking the meds consistently for the rest of their lives is not an option, it's pretty much mandatory if they want to live normal lives in society. It's kind of sad really, especially if you don't like who you are when on the meds, and society doesn't like who you are when you are off them.
  5. I'm rapidly beginning to hate Naomi more than I ever even thought about hating Landon.
  6. Stupidest idea ever! What is Christy going to do, drive Autumn to all of her showing and listing appointments and sit in the car waiting for her? Oh, no, Christy will be the one going on ALL the showing and listing appointments. Silly me.
  7. It's even worse for her with TRav because he is not only wealthy, he has that prominent family name and all the important Charleston connections. Even the bad publicity is good publicity for TRav.
  8. Exactly. I wish Preston would grow some balls and tell her to get her head out of her ass. I like Preston but he's a pushover when it comes to Elena.
  9. Exactly. From what I remember from past episodes Adam has a nicer place.
  10. She needs to move on and keep hunting for fresh meat and give up the TRav infatuation. It doesn't get any easier as time goes by. Maybe she should make amends with Patricia so she can get some good pointers on how to do it successfully!
  11. Holy crap! I never knew she used a teleprompter. She has no excuse for the dismal Hot Topics she's putting out there, the lack of information, the people's names that she forgets, etc... it's all written right there for her, all she has to do is read! Oh yeah, she said he never calls her but had to call this time to tell her how great it is! Jeezus, how this show has deteriorated in to total garbage.
  12. Wendy made no sense today. She went off on several embarrassing tangents in Hot Topics and Norman had to reel her back in. Thank god for Norman. White people have more people to hold them up when they fall as opposed to black people? Ok, tell that to Kevin Spacey and Weinstein to name a few. I don't see any white people holding them up. That whole Cosby segment had me going What. The. Eff. Then she said he should be living out of prison, sleeping on a cot somewhere with bread and water.... somebody please help this woman! I could not even figure out what the heck she was talking about with Ali Wentworth. Her friend Reggie calling her talking about Ali's husband George, Wendy hanging up on her, Wendy watching George every Sunday, blah blah blah. She lost Ali, too, who was trying hard to keep up with her rant. There was no following that crazy train of thought.
  13. That phone was beat to hell! WTF? Craig had some legit points with Naomi. He finished law school. He passed the BAR, he has invested in some real estate. He's using his BRAVO money wisely. What is her beef? That he doesn't wake up at 7am every morning to go to a 9 to 5 job that he hates? Sleeping in could get old, but the guy is 29. I have a feeling he will snap out of his laziness. Just not with Naomi by his side. Are we to believe that JD and TRAV go out with Shep, Craig and Austin to party? Not on your life. That was so fake. I did love the shade Craig and Austin were throwing about TRAV's "different generation" pick up techniques in their TH's. He seems sooooo old next to those guys. Oh and JD, stop pushing your Gentry bourbon every time you order a drink. Is there anything authentic about this show anymore?
  14. I wish them the best but I still don't think MJ is equipped to be a mother. She's lazy, slovenly, immature and has a drinking (and pill?) problem. A child deserves better.
  15. The pencil is supposed to drop because that shows there's not enough sag to hold the pencil under the boob. Am I wrong about that? I don't know if I believe the blind item. Wendy was glowing just a few days ago about what a fantastic time they had as a family while taking Lil Kevin to different colleges over the weekend. Doesn't sound like divorce to me unless they are putting on a front for the boy. Maybe she's doing damage control and doesn't want the public to know the truth yet. Hard to tell with delusional Wendy.
  16. I loved the dress! Except that one photo where her nipple is about to pop out of the top of the sheer mesh.... typical MJ. I'm glad she wore her hair up, too, she looked very pretty. Now, that jumpsuit she put on for the reception. Yikes! No, no, no.
  17. I can't stand Kanye West so I thoroughly enjoyed Wendy going in on him today! But.... is he really fat or was it just a bad photo?
  18. Sonja blew it. Season after season all she did was brag about being a carefree single gal in the city, having sex with no strings attached and so proud of herself for being able to bag hot young guys. This is what she wanted to portray herself as when she should have been looking for wealthy husband #2. She can't make it on her own. She's not Bethenny. She has no skills other than on her back. Now she's older and see's how much time she's wasted. Looks don't last forever and hers are fading. Crazy, carefree upper east side townhouse Sonja is not cute anymore. By the way, what ever happened to Edgar, the Parisian hotelier that Sonja said was nuts about her? You know, the one that would put Sonja up in the most luxurious hotel in Paris every time she would visit him? Did he dump her?
  19. Now I really want to know the truth: 1. Is Sonja's divorce due to the rumors that she was partying all over France, sleeping around, while old man Morgan was laid up in the hospital and she refused to come home to be by his side and that was the last straw for him? 2. Or was it a perfect, happy, beautiful marriage that all of a sudden one day fell apart for no apparent reason and Sonja has no idea what happened? I vote for #1
  20. I don't get it, either. For women, competition is fierce in NYC. Especially if you are in the over 50 crowd. I have a brother that lives in Manhattan, he's nothing to get excited about. Average job, average looks, no money to speak of. He's a good dancer and a nice conversationalist, that's about it. He's in his 60's. Women in the over 50 crowd are falling all over him all the time. Women with careers and money of their own.
  21. Where do they get these rediculous party themes from?
  22. I don't think he's an abusive monster. I do think he has made it pretty clear that he is in the relationship for fun and is going to do what he wants, when he wants and is not interested in her having a bad day or being upset about something. Because of that, Amy is being careful not to rock the boat with him. She can't be herself with him. She's still basically enamored that he is spending time with her. I don't think Amy has enough self confidence to realize her own self worth. After years of being married to Matt who can blame her? She jumped in to marriage with Matt at a young age, she doesn't have much experience with dating. She mentioned early on in the relationship with Chris that she was concerned that he being average height and her being little may be a problem for him. She doesn't want to lose him. She's in love like a giddy high school girl. After a year, he hasn't told her he loves her. Because he doesn't. JMHO
  23. Absolutely and so far it's working perfectly for him. She has to be happy, cheerful, carefree Amy at all times. Walking on eggshells. All the time. Don't show sadness, madness or anything else to upset Chris for fear he won't like her anymore.
  24. That's not what we're talking about here. Amy said he disappears, and he's gone for a long time. And if the guy is going to the bathroom, common sense dictates that you don't just gets up from the table without a word to your girlfriend and just leave. Or parks the motorcycle and leaves Amy there waiting for a long time for him to come back, not knowing where the heck he went in the first place. If Chris considers that an imposition, and it cramps his style to "check in", then he doesn't need to be in a relationship at all.
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