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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Why does LaLa always make that weird face with her lips sticking out? Must be too much sucking on that baby bottle. I still can't stand her, don't care how much her feelings are hurt and how much crying she does. She will always be a "Yacht Girl" to me. She just got lucky with the rich fat guy for how ever long that lasts.
  2. She did! I posted more on that in the Cast on WWHL thread
  3. Kathryn looked stunning, she's back to long hair extensions, a pretty dark auburn color. Craig is getting better looking all the time. I can see him in his later years looking distinguished with grey running through his hair. He's a real looker, puts the rest of the guys in the cast to shame! Anyway, enough about looks. It struck me that Kathryn really is a quiet person. It's the drugs that brought out the crazy. When Andy asked her what changed her the most and she said "being alone", it kind of pulled at my heart strings and I have never been a Kathryn fan. Craig is doing much better, he wants to do pro bono work with a law firm. The guy really does like helping people. He's not all the way together yet but in 5 yrs or so he is going to be very successful. No wonder Shep hates him. Better looking, a nicer person, oh yeah, and he did get his law degree and passed the bar. Where will Shep and his mailbox money be in 5 yrs? It annoys me that Andy keeps trying to make a romantic interest between the two. Can't people just be good friends without Andy always trying to throw sex in the mix? Andy is so juvenile.
  4. Barry was cute folding the napkins to make them pretty, putting out place settings for the table and what does Tamica do when she gets home? Snatches everything off the table! Anybody else notice that? WTH is wrong with this woman? Barry was really nice to her during their date night when he was trying to explain to her what wasn't working in the marriage and the family. That adorable Rani is going to have mommy issues if things don't change. I don't think Tamica is gorgeous. She has a funny looking mouth.
  5. Charlize Theron was a surprise. I don't know why but I expected her to be an uppity out of touch with reality diva. She was so down to earth and funny!
  6. Please, there are many major cities in the US that have a dark side and corruption. Mexico is a large country. The problems of drug trafficking and violence are mostly at the borders and around the beaches. When is the last time you heard of a school shooting in Mexico? Or a terrorist act that killed hundreds or thousands of people? A year ago, my son moved to a beautiful ex-pat community in Mexico and has never been happier in his life. The people are warm and helpful, the fresh food glorious and he never felt safer. Americans and Canadians that live there have told me that as far as safety you have to use the same common sense in Mexico as you do here.
  7. I wonder how many people Wendy and Kev have paid off?
  8. Why doesn't Patricia stop worrying about Thomas getting married and dispensing advice to Ashley about how to get that proposal and concentrate on her own son?
  9. Not a particular Carole fan, however, Carole had a long career as a journalist, is in her mid 50's now and has plenty of money. Who gives a rat's ass if she has a career at this point in her life? Lu, Dorinda, Sonja, Tinsley don't have careers. I think Ramona sold her business of selling second hand clothes to TJMAXX so she doesn't have a career now, either. STFU Bethenny! Also, if you like someone and are good friends with them, what is wrong with defending them? I hope my friends would do the same for me. Again, STFU Bethenny. She had no problem when Carole was her little lap dog, always defending her. It's a shame that no matter how much good Bethenny did in PR, she comes right back to all the petty BS with these women and inserts herself right in to the middle of it.
  10. You have to hand it to Lu. Nothing embarrasses or humilitates that woman. Not cheating, divorce, humiliation, arrests, drunken escapades, nothing! You won't see Lu hiding in bed all day with the sheets pulled up over her head. She gets right back out there and carries on! The only reason Bethenny is giving Sonja the time of day is because she has no friends on the cast now that Carole has defected. She has always hated Ramona and Lu, Carole and Tins are besties now and have no time for her, and she will never be close to Dorinda the drunk. Sonja was on WWHL last night. She is a real peice of work. She was practically mauling Keith Hernandez, she couldn't keep her hands off him. She would not shut up, either. Andy was quite annoyed. She is completely off the rails.
  11. I think Roseanne and Dan were pretty good providers. They didn't lose their house, they managed to get their mortgage payments made and raise all of their kids there. There was always food on the table and trips to the mall to buy them clothes and shoes. Sure, they had to struggle, money was tight, they had to jocky money around to get the utilities paid sometimes, but when one of them was out of work they always managed to find other work, even if they hated the jobs they found. So I would say that was being a good provider.
  12. Even if the food wasn't to their liking, these neanderthals could exercise some class and voice their displeasure in a more diplomatic way. Geez, and this Nichelle is a professional woman? Would she let anybody talk to her that way? And if she doesn't like to eat out of a bowl, put it on your freakin' preference sheet. NO BOWLS, thankyouverymuch!
  13. Sometimes when you are on a yacht it doesn't necessarily have to be bad weather and choppy seas. For me, if the boat is rocking because it's windy or for what ever other reason, it's the slow motion rocking back and forth of the boat that makes me sick to my stomach. If you take Dramamine, it has to be taken before you get sick, not during. It's too late by then.
  14. The Conners most definitely should be on Medicare at age 65. They wouldn't have had to come up with the entire $3,000 deductible at once as Roseanne said. My husband is on Medicare and only paid $900 towards deductible for open heart surgery which was hundreds of thousands of dollars including the hospital costs. Also, the Connors don't have a single credit card that they could use? That scene at the hotel was not funny to me. When Darlene starts working she needs to contribute to the household as long as she's living there. Agree. Jackie is completely annoying and the character is being treated as a joke. Laurie Metcalf should be pissed.
  15. Or pick something up from a fancy dancy specialty food store. Or have your housekeeper/cook make something. I didn't realize Teddi and her hubby had so much money. Is it Mellencamp money? Dorit's son is a handful. I don't think she's prepared for that.
  16. The guys on the other yachts turning these bitches down. Pure Perfection.
  17. I never did understand why they would choose that lot in that neighborhood to build that big house on. It must be close to the hospital where Jen worked.
  18. I live in Florida and you see a lot of that wrinkly chest situation. It's from years of sunning, and the women are a lot younger than her mom. Wendy's mom is a light skinned black woman like Wendy. I'm sure she spends a lot of time in the sun and her skin tans. She looks pretty damn good for a woman in her 80's. Most women of any color wouldn't dare show their chests at all at that age! And those words came directly out of her mouth ! How Norman could possibly be blamed for that has always baffled me. Doesn't Ms. Boss Wendy have the power to approve or disapprove what she is going to say in Hot Topic?
  19. Yeah, that's a very sketchy situation and yes, messy explanation. How many seasons has James been on the show?Hasn't it been established the VPR cast gets paid a couple hundred thousand a season now that it's so popular? Surely he has enough money to have his own place. Even when Brittney was fake breaking up with Jax she said she could afford to live on her own now.
  20. And Jax completely fell for it. Not that he cared, he was just thinking with his dick as usual. LaLa really thinks she's hot shit. I'm not feeling it. She has a "fat" sugar daddy. Big deal. Fat sugar daddy will dump her with in 5 yrs for a younger model. Her definition of being a feminist was pathetic. Letting you tits hang out when you feel like it. Really, LaLa? Sit down, girl. I liked it better when she was the villan and the witches of WeHo hated her, it was much more fun. Brittney's boob job is the worst I have ever seen. Too big and saggy. Put those things away, Brit! I did think she was sincere when she said she tries to see the good in people instead of being negative. The other girls sure do seem to love her. Kristin said she was her best friend. When did that happen?
  21. I had all my silver replaced with tooth colored fillings. Not so expensive in Florida. I did have dental insurance at the time so that helped. Every other dental procedure is a complete rip off, though! Just my opinion.
  22. He was hard to read. I wish Frank would loosen up, at least outside of the precinct. Take off the damn 3 peice suit once in a while, have a casual dinner, laugh. I want to see him laugh.
  23. Thought I wasn't going to like this eppy because I'm not in to the spooky "ghost" thing, but it was very enjoyable! No fighting, yay! Tamica is a lot, though. She's so damn loud. Must she scream every time someone pulls up in a car or walks through her door? She loves, loves, loves the camera. Just calm down, girl. Reagan, stop being so selfish, go back home and support your husband. Staying away in your own downtown pad is not going to help anything. Do these guys really wear jackets everywhere they go? It's cute, but it's so damn hot in New Ohlins......
  24. According to Celebrity Net Worth (I know, I know, take it with a grain of salt) she's worth 60 million. How bad can the take home be? I believe she's worth that much or close to it. Miss Wendy has been busy these past few years. The show, the HSN line, her books, broadway gigs, Dancing with the stars, her awful stand up. She's been raking it in. Even with all of her expenses, she's loaded. I'm assuming the 10% Bad Kev gets goes back in to both of their pockets, no? They are a married couple after all. Is he hoarding that 10% all for himself and his side peice? If he is then Wendy is more insane than I thought. Anyway, my point was that she certainly can afford to buy her parents a home just like Rashad did for his mommy.
  25. Well, they have already slept together so they have a head start knowing if they are sexually compatible or not.............
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