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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I can't imagine spending all that time on my hair! I absolutely hate styling my hair but have to do it every day. It's shoulder length and fine and still takes too darn long to do! Aud has the thickest head of hair I have ever seen. It must take literally hours if she is straightening, curling and the occassional color. Wonder if she has some extensions in there, too?
  2. It's wiki so I pretty much take it as 25% true.
  3. Guest Van Jones again. Proves my point in an earlier post about Wendy being thirsty for guests. He's been on 3 times already. Pissed me off when she asked him about his opinion of R. Kelly and he wouldn't reply.
  4. They will only discover that when the show is 100% over and they have to resume to mundane lives and actually get real jobs.
  5. Oh, I feel ya! My monthly cable bill is the most expensive utility bill I have. It's outrageous! Still, I have to have my DVR in 3 different rooms..
  6. There was a time a few season's ago when Preston used to tell Elena to stop with all the pipe dreams and stick with one idea. He was not on board with all of her get rich quick schemes because he knows she has no follow through. Now he just blends in to the background and let's her do what ever she wants? Is it because Elena is making more money from the show now than Preston is at what ever he does so he feels he can't say anything? Last season Elena was making a big deal about loving staying home with her kids and ragging on Terra for never spending enough time with her kids. My, how times have changed. Then again, Elena doesn't really plan on working, just starting up a business and letting it go to hell in a hand basket because she doesn't want anything to do with the day to day anyway. Can't stand her, and Preston is a wussy!
  7. I'm not sure I would call it love. Lust, maybe. They have a strong sexual chemistry.(Ewww). I don't think TRav really knows how to truly love anybody but himself. He's 54, he's not gonna start now.
  8. Oh, that's interesting. How do you know that? Instagram?
  9. Wow! Jer had put on a lot of weight. He's not working so I guess more time to eat. Trips to Hawaii and all, too. Nice life he fell in to.
  10. Yeah, I'm not exactly seeing what Austen brings to the show. He's cute. That's about it. He was a beer salesman. Started feeling the fame and enjoying the extra $$ from the show so he up and quits his job pretty quickly. Now he's just another one that parties all night and sleeps till 1pm every day, just like Shep. Then after he wakes up he goes and meets his pretend friends for more beers. Not impressed with him at all.
  11. Wendy's show is one of the few that will probably agree to have Kathy as a guest anymore. I can't believe Kathy has sold out gigs again? Wendy is thirsty for guests, so she will take anybody.
  12. I hope they skewer the shit out of Naomi at the reunion. By then, everybody should be pretty much sick of her. Looks like Austen was already beginning to see the light in last night's episode.
  13. And Kathryn's batshit craziness. It's just not the same show without that. Let's face it, she made the show.
  14. Once again, whyyyyy is Adam always at Bonnie's? He has a perfectly nice place of his own. They could spend time there. The whole sandwich situation irritated me. I don't think Adam was being lazy or a jerk. He has a disability. His legs are paralyzed. He is sitting on the couch. Did it ever occur to bitch Bonnie that in order to throw the sandwich out he has to find a way to maneuver himself in to the wheel chair, go throw the sandwich out and then somehow drag himself out of the chair back on to the couch. Just give the guy a break and throw the damn sandwich out for him, Bonnie!
  15. I saw that show. This was when the divorce of Tins and Topper was fresh. Mom was not happy about that. She wanted Tins to go back to Topper because he was devastated, never wanted a divorce, it was all Tins idea, and he wanted her back. I guess in retrospect Mom probably figured that Tins would end up being a hot mess on her own and needed someone with Topper type of money to take care of her. Looks like she was pretty much right, even though most of Tinsley's problem is how she was raised by the mother.
  16. He was blaming the public and the media for fat shaming Rob. Wasn't it Kim who always got all over Rob and was extremely cruel to him about being fat? Look at your wife, Kanye. He can see no wrong with anything she does, can he?
  17. Dear Carole, You are madly in love with Adam. Stop playing us with the carefree attitude and just OWN IT.
  18. Is it cool or uncool to host a party, then walk out while everybody is still there?
  19. Jasmine dodged a bullet. If she had gone in to business with Elena she would be the one doing all the work. Elena thinking all she needs to do is hire people and never show up proves what an idiot she is. Maybe when you own a business for many, many years, put all of your blood, sweat and tears (and money) in to it, have a manager you can trust and have it successfully making money for you, and only then, are you able to take time away and check in on the business a few days a week. She really gets on my last nerve. Keep doing your lame YouTube makeup video's, Elena. And save all your reality show money. It's all you are ever going to have.
  20. And they were using plastic utensils. The reunion budget couldn't spring for silverware? What would high and mighty Dorit have to say about that?
  21. I don't agree at all. Why? Because (talking about Chris, here) if you have a single ounce of manners and you weren't raised in a cave, you know you don't get up from the dinner table without saying a word to your girlfriend and stay gone for 20 minutes leaving her hanging there wondering WTF, should she pay the bill? Should she leave, too? Did he get lost? Does he want her to wait there for him? If he wants to get away from her or she's getting on your nerves, Fine. Go, but tell her where you are going. It's called being in a relationship and considering someone else's feelings instead of your own for once. I can't imagine doing something like that to my husband. She did say they had a fight. That was total damage control for the camera and viewers. Why would Amy bring it up again to her girlfriends if it was not a big deal? Obviously it was still bothering her.
  22. You have a point. She was clearly very uncomfortable but she did it for Zach, Tori and Jackson. Then got out of there as fast as she could! I think she handled it with class. And no, Matt. You are never going to be invited to Amy's pool parties, friend dinners or any damn thing else she hosts at her house unless it has to do with the kids. You made that bed. Literally.
  23. Mindthinkr, you need to have DVR. With my cable service you can record 4 shows at once and the best part is you can ff through all the commercials. Once you have it, you will wonder how you ever lived without it!
  24. Hot Brittney and sweaty Jax are back together so as far as I'm concerned I don't want to hear another word out of either of their stupid mouths. Next season I hope they are exiled to Kristin status.
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