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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. I took that as meaning Amy didn't know if she would eventually move or stay or vice versa with Matt or if they would eventually sell. I actually liked Chris this episode. He seemed really nice at Zach's and Tori's and I agree with Zach, Chris wasn't trying too hard or being phony in any way.
  2. I feel like John Goodman is the one over acting, not Roseanne.
  3. Tonya is 54. Too old to be hanging in bars and acting a fool. Most of the others are in their late 30's. Not sure what she has in common with any of them. They're all still in the baby making stage of life and she's way past all of that. Oh yeah, they have famewhoredom in common!
  4. How does one woman manage to raise 5 fucked up daughters? Not 1 not 2, but 5!!!!! Trina was on the Iyanla show with her ex the other day and she is just as messed up as the rest of them. I thought maybe she was a little more together but no way. In fact, Trina in a roundabout way gave indication that mommy was a critical, yelling, demeaning mommy most of the time when they were all growing up, which leads me to believe that Miss Evelyn is a big phony on the show.
  5. Right! Just take a look at her wedding and the gazillion flowers she had ! Such a simple girl, indeed. Shut. Up. Scheana.
  6. Yeah, but she got a text from James which she read to Stassi where he was explaining what was said. She chose not to believe him.
  7. This is exactly the kind of man Lauren wants. She tried it with Carl, he wasn't having it.
  8. I hope Rob doesn't call in or worse yet show up and say what he did (on the phone) on WWHL which was that he and Scheana will always love each other, the timing is off right now, she's a great person, who knows what the future holds for them, blah, blah, puke, vomit. In other words, taking Scheana's crazy, delusional obsessiveness and making it look not so bad.
  9. All of her friends were attacking James at dinner so it looks like they did believe Kristin. What's Sandoval's problem, he supposedly hates Kristin. I thought he and Ariana were buddies with James and Lala this season. I'm still wondering WTH just happened there. Kristin has NOTHING to be pissed at him about, and even if they did hook up, James was nice enough not to go blabbing to everyone about it. Jax, my god, get a life! I'm assuming that by the time this aired Jax is 39 now. How embarrassing for him. Stumbling out of the club with a bottle of vodka stuffed in his pants.
  10. I hope Andy Cohen realizes after watching this season that there is no need for Kim. She needs to be gone for good.
  11. I thought Porsha did apologize to Kandi several times which is why she doesn't want to do it again. Am I wrong about that? Nene wants her to apologize in front of ALL the women. Why? It's ridiculous. They are beating a dead horse with that issue. Anyway, they are just trying to give Nene something to do on the show because clearly she has had nothing going on this season. Same for Marlo. Well, actually NONE of them had anything going on except Kenya with her new marriage which we only got to hear about. What a sucky season. Edited to add Kandi did have a whole lot going on. Still a sucky season.
  12. So why hasn't feminist Janelle worked in years? She just hangs around the house and eats now. Some role model. Kody looked like he wanted to strangle the host when she kept on asking why he and Meri don't go on a "weekend getaway". Looking at all that past footage is shocking to see what has happened to Robin and Meri. They are both aging rapidly. Meri was actually cute at one time and Robin has gone completely down hill. She's not even 40 yet. Was it having 2 more babies that has destroyed her looks or the strain of having to live in that toxic family environment that she claims to love and cherish so much?
  13. Marlo needs to get off Porsha's ass, it's boring. I liked her better when she was fighting with Nene. Now that was entertaining.
  14. They even look like brothers. Good casting. The only time I really like Adam is when he's interacting with Patrick. They have some funny lines together and deliver them well.
  15. I thought Timothy Olyphant was difficult. Andy was getting a lil' frustrated with him.
  16. She's 49, she's not pregnant. Chalk it up to a stylist that should be fired.
  17. Not feeling the new chick at all. Of course she has to be Terra's buddy. It was painfully bad acting when she plopped herself next to Elena and started shit with her out of nowhere. Elena was not having it. Then Jasmine had to stick her big nose in on it. Just so fake fake fake!
  18. Well, my opinion only but I felt that was 10 entire minutes wasted in Hot Topics discussing DMX. That could have been cut down to 3 minutes. She kept going on and on about him. I know Matthew Knowles is kind of a sleaze but he was a good guest. Another guest that wasn't having any of Wendy's shit. He stayed very cool. She tried to make him uncomfortable with bringing up the divorce from Tina. He was having none of it and moved on quickly before she could get another word in. Are we seeing a trend with the guests lately? They are either throwing shade at Wendy or putting her in her place, instead of vice versa. I'm liking it .
  19. Now that I had a chance to watch all of Wendy's rant against Tatum, WOW, way to throw your guest under the bus, Wendy. What host does that? Classless, tactless, and unfair. Tatum's response was probably closer to the truth. Roseanne's shade was Deeeelicious!
  20. A couple of season's ago her Dr. told her she was borderline. She was horrified and scared shitless. Has she done anything about it since then? Noooooo! She's as fat as ever. She's still young(ish). It's just a matter of time before her cholesterol levels, sugar levels and blood pressure will skyrocket in to the danger zone and have a direct negative effect on her health and she is put on many meds or worse yet has a heart attack. I assume she doesn't smoke, right? Bad lifestyle choices can be a bitch and WILL come back to haunt you as you get older. That's why I get so infuriated when Shitney says you can be fat and healthy. No, you can't. Just wait until she's in to her 40's and beyond.
  21. ...Did the ass kissing audience clap, clap, clap for Wendy when she was saying that? I haven't watched it yet today. Wendy is losing control of her guests and does not have control of her interviews. She needs to buckle down and get serious again about this show. Phoning it in isn't working for her anymore.
  22. Did Jackie really order Ryan not to go out? I want to punch that fucker square in the face.
  23. Buddy saying that he and Heather are not getting back together. For now. See, it's the For Now that keeps Heather's hopes up. I think Buddy's craptastic ego enjoys stringing Heather along just a lil' bit. And why has he not gotten a job in 6 mos? I can't stand him.
  24. Yes, they did. Tatum set them straight right away. She also set Wendy straight when Wendy said she was late because there was a fire blocking traffic. No dumbass, the fire was days ago, it was the funeral for the firefighter that was killed fighting a fire on a movie set that was blocking traffic. Tatum was not having any of Wendy's bullshit. She was awesome.
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