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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Oh, listen, I totally agree with you. He's worthless and I don't even think he's that nice of a man, he's mean. I'm just not understanding why Tonya keeps playing games and wanting him back after they break up. There's nothing warm or perky about Elena. She's a cold, ruthless bitch. I liked her when she first came on the show, she had a very sad story of her childhood. But now, I just can't "warm"up to her.
  2. I have always thought Tatum O'Neil was and still is so gorgeous. I also think Tatum O'Neil was losing her patience with Wendy's stupid questions and comments. Awkward AF interview. Why is Wendy interrupting hot topics with her shameless plugs? Who's stupid idea is this? Big Kev's? It's disruptive and throws off the rhythm of hot topics. Stop it now, Wendy! Something is so off since she has been back. I know, I know, it was off before she went "away" but now it's off in a very different way, if that makes any sense.
  3. My skin crawls when Tyrone is talking to Sheree. She's in love with that?
  4. The Jax/Sandoval relationship is so weird. Let's not forget Jax screwed his girlfriend while he was sleeping in the next room! How do you forgive that?? Tom seems more in love with him now more than ever...... and yes, I do think he is in some kind of warped love with Jax.
  5. That's a scary thought. What will she do? She wasn't on this episode, maybe she will show up later on. Did you hear she wasn't going to be on this season? Tonya needs to let Kerwin go if that is what she really wants. She's been jerking him around for 30 years. Back and forth. And he keeps coming back to her. Let it go for good, already. That fight at Autum's party between the Elena and Terra was ridiculous and obviously producer driven. Regardless, Christy should have kicked them out. Shame on her for letting them ruin her daughter's day.
  6. Don't know where you got that info but it is not correct. Lisa is around 57, Ken is at least 15 years older. I know this because they talked about the age difference on their other show and how she was so young when she met him.
  7. I can't take Amanda's crying and whining any longer. I hope they don't bring her back next season. If there is a next season. What was that supposed to accomplish? She went to bed and passed out because she couldn't keep up with him so he went out with the rest of them to continue partying. That was a great plan!
  8. I think the word she said that was bleeped was "douchebag." Out of nowhere she blurted out to him she thought that when he was Khloe Kardashian's boss on Khloe's short lived radio show, he was a douchebag. It came out of nowhere. Then he said he was like that because Khloe was bringing cocaine to the studio!! Then Wendy said, well, who doesn't? It was the strangest thing ever, a lot uncomfortable and you could tell he was pissed off but kept it professional. Wendy is not one bit better than before in my opinion. A little bit of the old Wendy pre vacation is creeping back in to the show little by little every day.
  9. I don't remember her offering. He went to her with the suggestion. She's been miserable ever since.
  10. Why is Sheree always acting like her Boo is getting out of prison any minute now? I thought he was in for 10 yrs and his parole was denied or some shit like that. Am I wrong about that? I read on Tamaratattles that Marc is going to be on the show next season. Now Kenya will get to keep her peach. So much for Marc being uncomfortable in front of the camera. http://tamaratattles.com/2018/03/23/exclusive-kenya-moore-has-saved-herself-it-seems/
  11. At least Kyle and Cher have beautiful hair. Kody on the other hand, well, no deep conditioner in the world will fix that mess.
  12. Cynthia and Sheree have very beautiful daughters, wow~! Kandi, Todd and that asshole assistant lost me tonight. They don't see anything wrong with telling someone that they hope they get raped? Kenya's huzzband is handsome but something off about him. Not sure what it is. I get a bit of a controlling vibe from him and don't even know why, he barely said two words. Maybe it's the things Kenya has said she has to do for him and that smug look on his face tonight. I did laugh at Sheree saying she hasn't seen a nose ring since Tupac! I see Nene having a future of supporting her son for a very long time...........she better stay on the show, she's gonna need the checks.
  13. I just can't with the loooong tearful pauses from Meri every time she is asked a question and having to watch her wipe her tears with her fingers. If the host was any good she would know how to move it along but noooo we have to be subjected to Meri's drama. Meri doesn't give a rat's ass about Kody. She is hanging around as long as the show keeps getting renewed. I guess the other wives decided before taping that they would join together and pretend (lie) that they all love Meri (c'mon now Janelle, we know better) and life would never be the same if she left them. That's sure not what they were saying the last several episodes. The little clip for next week of Tony complaining that Mykelti has changed since the marriage- I'm living for it! I guess all is not well in matrimony land. Can't wait to see FT stick his fat foot right in his fat mouth! That soft, sincere voice Christine brings out when she wants to look like she's smart drives me crazy. Then she goes batshit crazy at game night! I swear she is high on some kind of meds. Woman is nuts!
  14. Omg that bun! It's on the top of his head, is curled and looks like a lady bun. Why doesn't he just get a decent hair cut? In that short little clip, it's looks like Kody is over all of it. Robyn needs to watch what comes out of her mouth. He is being uncomfortably truthful about what he feels about Meri. I have to applaud him for that. Can not wait for this shit show of a reunion!
  15. I thought Lidia's recipe was boring. Still lover her, though!
  16. I know who she is because I watch the Braxton reality show. She is a total bitch and a spoiled brat. Her sisters can't stand her.
  17. You nailed it with this comment! Wendy never reports anything that her lazy bureau doesn't discover the same way we do. All the gossip sites out there do a fine job of it. All we have to do is go online. In fact, I already know (as most of us do) or have heard about what she's "reporting" before she sits her ass down in the purple chair. Sometimes she's repeating word for word from an article that is already out there.
  18. I agree, I'm tired of her stand by my man BS. She's with him as long as the show keeps getting renewed. And as far as I can tell, this show is ratings gold so Jax will be well in to his 40's before it's cancelled and Brit will be nowhere closer to working with special needs children than she is right now. In fact, I believe because they are not on any birth control, Brit wouldn't mind getting pregnant and trapping Jax for good. After all, she thinks he would be a great dad.
  19. Also, just because they reduced it to $4.5, doesn't mean that is what the buyer offered or what the final negotiated price is. We won't know that until the sale has closed.
  20. Well, we know how Kim lies. Just ask Nene, lol. I have never seen Kashmere advertised anywhere or in any stores. I doubt it's a multi-million dollar company, she probably puts more money in to it than any profit she receives from it. It would be interesting to know the actual numbers, though.
  21. Oh, I think Kim thinks she looks fantastic. Just like Barbie. She is completely in love with herself.
  22. Cal was getting mighty frustrated and pissed off. First time I have seen him like that. I enjoyed it.
  23. Didn't asshat Ryan also smugly say something like "she was mad I was going out, so I stayed out longer"? What a complete A-hole! Aside from thinking they should have matched Jon with Jackie, I think they should have matched Ryan with Molly. She would have plenty of spare time to have her hair and nails done and what ever else she needs to do so she doesn't lose herself in the marriage. Two selfish A-holes. Bingo! Perfect match.
  24. Wendy embarrassing Suzanne again, ughhh. Telling her she likes her hair, and it looked better than the day before when the professional styled it! What the hell kind of backhanded compliment was that?? She could see Suzanne was nervous, then said something like (paraphrasing) "Calm down, we're just having hair talk". Poor Suzanne is seriously scared to death of Wendy. She doesn't want to be on camera with you Wendy, leave her alone! I thought it very interesting the other day when Wendy told Dr. Oz that her Dr. said she has the most severe Vitamin D deficiency he has ever seen and Dr. Oz also said her Vit B levels were also dangerously very low and it was most likely due to her vegan diet. I wouldn't be surprised if she had an iron deficiency as well. So here's the thing about going vegan: You have to know how to supplement your diet, where to get the protein and vitamins that you will no longer be getting from meat and dairy. Apparently Wendy went to the extreme and was doing it all wrong. I know this because years ago I decided to go vegan and I did it all wrong, too. I lasted for 6 mos and ended up with bloodwork showing all the deficiency she has. I was fatigued, my hair started falling out and I developed a sinus allergy that took forever to get rid of. All because I thought it would be ok to load up on nothing but carbs and sugar and that was my vegan diet!! I didn't have the education to do it the right way. So I think part of Wendy's health issues have to do with her diet. I wonder if she has introduced some meat back in to her lifestyle now or if not she needs to learn how to do the vegan lifestyle correctly.
  25. Omg that psychic was the worst ever. I wonder how much Beverly Hills money Kyle paid that poser for those pathetic readings. At least she could have booked that new kid psychic to the stars Tyler Henry (who now has his own show on E!) "Marilyn Monroe is at the table". Ohhhhh this woman is a genius! To LVP- You have 3 dogs in heaven that love you very much. (then admitting she saw that on Twitter) To Erika- You are very connected to Spain. Must have seen that on Twitter, too. Answer to Kyle about her new show- your mother is concerned about her hair, makeup and wardrobe. I was on the edge of my seat with those revelations...
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