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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. Kentucky changes temperature about every 20 seconds. It can go from the 50s to the 20s in about an hour. Makes getting dressed kind of tricky!
  2. Oh Ty. I`ll miss that big teddy bear. I`ll miss him a lot. I do wish we had seen more of Maggie's reaction to Beth's death. At least she still has Glen. Poor Sasha lost her boyfriend and her brother in a pretty short amount of time. What the hell was up with that radio? Between this and last nights Shameless, I was basically an emotional wreck all night. I need more happy shows in my life.
  3. You had me at Katrina being the worst witch ever. You had me about 100 times more at magical holographic Thomas Jefferson. THAT'S the wonderful craziness I signed up for! And Jenny and Frank! And Abbeys cute new love interest! I will need to watch it again, because I was writing while watching, but seriously. Magic holographic Thomas Jefferson. The Dark Side can have Katrina. It will probably be all the better for Team Witness.
  4. When you spend long car rides coming up with personal playlists for every character on the show. When you spend embarrassing amounts of time dreaming of a Joe West/Quentin Lance friendship, that involves going to a bar, and swapping stories about all those wacky vigilantes!
  5. Its like they decided that DC Comics whole "no hero should have a happy love life EVER" policy should be instituted here too! I get that they want to drag out the "drama", but come on. We know that Oliver and Felicity love each other, they have literally said so. It seems like the writers just don't know how to write a happy Oliver in a happy relationship with Felicity, even though that would open up WAY more new storytelling possibilities than more angst. Felicity and Oliver should not be ANGST ANGST couple, they were never going to be that couple. Thats why fans fell for them in the first place! When will writers learn that, while you don't have to pander to your fans, you should at least be aware of what is working, and why.
  6. This episode might be my second favorite of the season, right after the season premiere. I really really liked this one, its almost like the writers saw my complaints I had last week, and tried to actually address them (almost, but I`ll get to that...) All the stuff with Ian and Mickey was great, and I am thrilled their story line has really started moving along. CM and NF are just killing it, I just love the hell out of all their scenes, separate and together. It hurts so good. And they were actually acting like a couple this week! I love that some of Mickeys relatives really don't seem to care that he`s gay. One of my favorite throw away lines was when during the coffee shooting scene, when his brother starts cussing about "faggy frappuccinos, then throwing out a quick "no offense little bro". Its kind of sweet, in a Shameless kind of way. Also, can Lip and Mickey please get more scenes? Pretty please? They're both such snarky assholes around each other, it cracks me up. Yeah, Mickey was antagonizing Lip because he was pissed off about Ian possibly cheating, but he took so much pleasure in screwing with him! Speaking of Mickey... Last week, I thought it was kind of weird and out of character that Mickey popped that pill he found in that luggage, as we have never really seen him doing hard drugs before, but with him snorting stuff this week while he was upset with Ian, I wonder if they are going to have Mickey start abusing drugs in an attempt to deal with all the crap he has to deal with. Which would be pretty damn depressing, but I could see that happening. I mean, he`s only in his late teens, and he has about a million things he has to worry about, plus he has never really dealt with all of the abuse he received from his father. It could be an interesting story, but it would be really depressing to see Ian finally start pulling it together, only for Mickey to start falling apart. I have decided I like Sean. Not so much as a love interest, but as a friend/kind of mentor, who isn't afraid to call Fiona out on her crap, but is still a decent, caring guy. I really liked the Jackie story, both as its own little arc, but for the introspection it gave Fiona. I still think Sammi eats up valuable screen time, but I loved her scene with Mickey, and then with Debbie, so maybe if they work her more into the main cast, she wont be so insufferable. Frank...I get why Franks still alive. While all the other characters get arcs, and development, and we can root for them to maybe get their lives together, even if its just a bit, Frank will always be a drunken, shameless asshole. But his hi jinks just take away from the other, most interesting stories, and while they usually can generate a few laughs, it just sticks out around all the more fulfilling, interesting stories.
  7. My thoughts on this franchise, in short form: My favorite movie is Catching Fire, which makes sense, considering its my favorite of the books as well. The original Hunger Games has some of my favorite additions from the books (including some more character moments from the other tributes, and the scenes with Seneca Crane), plus I thought the actors playing the other tributes, especially the kids who played Cato, and Foxface, were excellent. Mockingjay had my favorite sequence of the series in it, the whole Hanging Tree scene, from Katniss singing, the the dam exploding. That was just epic.
  8. Yeah, I feel like Abbeys issues are more that Clark is still her daughter, who she still thinks of as her kid, than a leader holding a tenuous alliance together. The big scene at the end with Clark was cool to watch, but I feel like its going to end up causing problems. Interesting how it was paralleled with the coup in the Mountain. As horrible as the doctor and the son are, I do at least understand where they're coming from. They think they deserve to live outside, and it is tragic that they have to stay locked up in a bunker for ever. It cant justify hurting the remaining members of the 100, but at least they aren't just doing it for the sake of evil. I`m ok with Bellamy being able to strangle that guy. Like Gwen-Stacys said, adrenaline is pretty powerful, and the basic desire to get the hell away from people who want to lock you in the cage and experiment on you! Bellamy is probably my favorite character, so I`m just happy he is getting more to do now.
  9. It figures. The second they put Katrina in an outfit that actually makes sense for a nature loving witch/Quaker from the colonial era, she starts to turn to the dark side. Can we get a whole episode of House Hunters that is just Crane and Abby wondering around, looking at houses? Where the hell did Headless go? Wasn't Katrina supposed to be aiding in his dumb redemption quest or something? Or at least having one? Not that I particular miss old headless, shirtless Abraham, but it would be nice to follow through with a plot when they start it, especially when its one that might lead to Katrina's turn to the dark side.
  10. I wouldn't say I quite there yet...but I feel like, if things keep moving in the path that they have been, I might end up staying more due to loyalty to the actors, and the memories of the great characters they created. And waiting around to see if MG actually listens to fans/critics/everyone ever, and makes this a show about Stephen and his brilliant portrayal of Oliver Queen and his immediate circle, the way its supposed to be. Of course, I think all TV fans have learned that what the People in Charge want, and what Everyone Else wants, tends to be different things...
  11. I forgot about that too! Dang, I was just thinking about why they don't use magical weapons, and now it all makes sense! They just totally forgot about it! What a dang shock. Someone on this show just needs to make a big list of the Rules of Magic, and go back to it when they are stuck. I mean the writers AND the characters. Their very own Book of Shadows!
  12. Penguin is like a really fast thinking cockroach, he will never.freaking.die. He`s a bad guy, but I still kind of keep rooting for him to survive to see the next double cross. I love that Dr. Thomson didn't get upset when Jim started pulling out case stuff on their date. She actually ended up getting into helping Jim out! She seems like a she is going to be an interesting character, plus she seems like a great match for Jim. Please stay on the show, Morena! I have also started enjoying the captain a whole lot more lately. I like her a lot more as a sort of pragmatic ally to Jim than a possibly corrupt obstructive bureaucrat. I like their give and take. She reminds him that there are consequences to his one man mission to clean up Gotham, and he reminds her of how good it feels to actually do good. Harvey and Jim banter is forever my favorite.
  13. Interesting read. I kind of want to read the comments to see if anyone mentioned Arrow, but reading a comments section on Cracked? Sometimes you get the good, sometimes you get the bad. Real bad. To me, Katara from Last Air Bender is the worst. I mean, that movie is one of the worst adaptations ever in general, but they took a likable, flawed, and morally and physically strong main female character, and made her a wet funoodle. And I have yet to find an Irene Adler that they don't make oversexed, or a damsel (a dominatrix? Really Sherlock?) except for Elementary. Shes...certainly more interesting. You know what show I cant believe I like as much as I do? The 100. Yes there are plot holes, and sometimes characters do dumb things, but the acting is good, the stories are interesting, and I appreciate how many creative risks the show has taken this year. Plus, the most recent episode had the main character and the head warrior queen of the Earth tribes fighting a gorilla. How can you not like that?
  14. Totally agree on the Author not being a bad idea in theory, but I seriously question the actual logic behind it. It would have made so much more sense to have Rumple and the villains try to find the Author, for some nefarious purposes, and have the good guys try to stop them. Then we wouldn't know for sure what the deal even WAS with the author, if he was controlling everything, and how, we would just have a simple "stop bad guys" plot, which could later lead into something more interesting. I have been beating this drum since the freaking pilot, but I really do want to know how this world actually works. How do we know all these stories that are happening in an alternate universe, where the characters are real? Is ALL fiction ever real? Are all creators actually wizards who glimpse alternate realities and write them down, or are they creating them with the power of imagination? Its an interesting idea, but turning it into another stupid Regina Pity Party, and everyone setting out to find the mythical Author, who no one knows anything about, nor do they know what his powers are if he has any power over the things he writes at all! Ack! I just get a mental picture of angry characters from various shows/movies/books etc. storming into writers rooms everywhere, pulling shot guns, and demanding re-writes. Or maybe just their fans. Lord knows there are a few writers I would REALLY love to have a chat with...
  15. I don't feel like the Kev and V stuff is that out of character. V has always had more apprehension about being a parent than Kev, I just hope they are going somewhere interesting with it. Maybe it will be like when they had Ethel way back when, and it took V a little while to warm up to her, while Kev jumped into parenting immediately? I think I kinda get why Fiona got married. She meets a good guy who keeps her interest, and seems stable and honest, who she has an immediate connection with. Its a weird mix of impulsiveness and a need for stability. I like Gus so far, but I honestly dont see him lasting the season. Does he even know what he is getting into? Does he know that shes the legal guardian for her multitude of siblings, who are going through all manner of problems? I mean, he`s met Liam, Debbie, and Carl in passing, has he even seen Ian or Lip? Has he met Kev and V and the babies? Does he know about Frank and Monica? Because he`s not just marrying a hot waitress, he is marrying into the whole big, extended clan, and that might be a little too much for the average guy. Normally I have a little more patience for Franks shenanigans than most people do, but his story, while at times funny, seemed like a waste of time. Frank is at his best when he is dealing with his family, and they have hardly interacted at all this season. Now that Sheila is gone, I have no idea what he is going to be doing all season. I have to agree with others about Ian and Mickey this season. I thought they were great the first two episodes, but have seemed kind of off the last two. I have no idea why they are getting such a shaft on screen time lately, when they are arguably one of the most popular aspects of the show. Even when it was earlier in the show and they were just having sex, they seemed more coupley than they have been lately. I don't need constant sex or anything, but some cuddling, kissing, like in the first episode, would be nice. ON THE OTHER HAND...most of their really interesting stuff didn't happen until later last season, so maybe they are just holding out, and they are going to get a lot more screen time/relationship stuff later on, and they are just building up to something? From what I heard, they have a lot of stuff coming up that sounds pretty intense, so I am holding out hope that the writers have some kind of plan. It usually takes the show a few episodes to really build into its big story, so I am holding out hope that the show will get to the good stuff in the new few weeks. I enjoyed the first two episodes this season, but the last two episodes have been...ok. Full of stuff I enjoyed, but also a lot of stuff that I either didn't care about, or that just seemed off. After loving so much about last season, I really REALLY hope things pick up soon. I love these characters, please don't screw them up, writers! Please!
  16. I cant believe how much I like Petra and Milos! I swear, this show just makes me like so many of its characters, its incredible. I kind of suspected Rose of being Sin Rostro, but damn. That was cold as ICE. Normally, I feel like if a show starts throwing out its Big Reveals, it starts to run into trouble, but this show just keeps throwing out new plot lines. Whats Rogelio going to do now (Not gonna lie, I teared up when Jane called him Dad. I just love them so very much)? Why is Magda faking being in a wheelchair, and what are Petra and Milos going to do now? Will Michael catch on to Rose before that ominous voice over from last week catch up to him? This show is juggling a lot of stories, but its also resolving them quite quickly, and moving onto new ones.
  17. Very few characters can say that they, personally, sent a promising show down a spiral of doom that might never escape its tailspin of disaster, by their sheer lameness, lack of interesting personality, unintentional shadiness, and stupidity. Katrina Crane from Sleepy Hallow can.
  18. Does Frankenstein want to get back to his brother in his home universe? Where is King George, and is he in jail? Is Tiny still gardening? Did Grumpy ever try to look up his fairy girlfriend again? Where did Sydney run off to? Have I just forgotten these things, or are they still unexplained?
  19. I almost wonder if they choose Robin Hood to be Regina's designated love interest so that he would already have an established character and back story, because the writers sure weren't interested in giving him anything, especially after he hooked up with Regina. He`s a shallow love interest, who just exists to give a main character someone to kiss/angst about, who happens to be named Robin Hood, instead of Jo McSexy Pants. A good love interest to a main character should have their own personality, story, hopes, dreams, and a life outside their relationship with the main character. Robin...had lunch with Will once?
  20. Let multiple people contribute?!?! What is this sorcery?!
  21. Sometimes I think of all the plot lines/characters that have been dropped over the years, and it just makes me sad. Television is such an interesting medium, because, unlike movies, writers have the time to tell multiple, complex stories, with multiple, complex characters, with interesting arcs and story lines. Sadly, the writers got too interested in a few characters and story lines, and neglected basically all of the other ones. Then, they started throwing things at the wall (anti-magic bracelets! Neverland! Oz!) to see what stuck, and let everything that didn't just slink away. And then things that DID work still got neglected, if it has nothing to do with whatever the writers new favorite toy is. I know that a lot of TV shows have issues picking favorites (especially on shows with ensemble casts, and multiple story lines), or letting characters and plot lines just fall to the wayside when they had a lot of potential, but this show....
  22. I really enjoyed the hell of out this episode. I swear I could watch a whole episode of Jims "What in Gods name is going on here?!" expressions. Jim and Penguins mom is comedy gold, as it turns out. Selena and Bruce make me so sad. They are just such cute little things, I hate when they're sad. I think she freaked out at the idea of getting closer to Bruce. If she is used to being all on her own on the street, having a home might seem scary. I hope they make up soon.
  23. I am really interested in seeing where the show goes in its second season. I, like a lot of people here, don't actually think that Sam killed Lila. That could last for another season, but what after that? A new case every season? I would like to get more background on the Keating 5, it seems like, despite all getting a lot of screen time, we don't know a lot about them or their history. Some bits and pieces have been thrown out (Michaela is from a disadvantaged background, Connor went to boarding school and might have issues with his family, Wes`s mom killed herself), but I would really like to know more. Watching Annalise is just so fascinating to me. I can never tell if anything she says is true, or if shes manipulating the people around her. Especially her weird ass relationship with Wes, which seems a little more sub-texty than what is comfortable. Is it on purpose?
  24. I swear, next episode I am starting the #tellQuentindamnit tag, and I will keep going until someone listens!
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