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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. Stupid Hiatus! I don't want to wait for more! Oh Barry...you suck at having a secret identity. I get why its necessary to try to keep his identity a secret, but I almost wish he would pull an Iron Man and just tell everyone the truth. Barry is just such a ball of sunshine, he cant lie about something like this. Grodd!!!! I really love that this show embraces its comic book roots. Arrow works as the more "realistic" superhero show (relatively), and this is the kooky fun one.
  2. Hailey Atwel is just so damn GOOD! The banter with Jarvis was hilarious, and showed her excellent comedic timing, but then she turned on the drama hard core. That scene where she said how she wanted to keep the blood so she could protect Steve, like she wasn't able to before? Tears! The way she was trying not to cry just made it worse. Peggy and Steve are just the best. They're so tragic and wonderful. The the scene where Dooley was about to make his jump? More tears. So much great acting in that scene. Peggy looked like she was trying to stay calm, but failing miserably, it was such a great scene. I loved that he made sure that it was PEGGY who was going to catch the guy that did it. He knew that she would be the one to find him, she`s the best agent they've got! When Howard shows up, the SRR crew (including Peggy) are gonna be pissed.
  3. You know what I feel like has been happening lately, on several shows that I watch, including? This exact conversation... Writers/Show-runners/Powers That Be: I love this show I created, but I especially love this one character. I think they're the very best character ever, and I`m going to write them into as many scenes as possible, so that everyone can love them as much as I do! Fans/Critics/The World At Large: Ummmm, we don't like that character as much as you do. We actually like some of these other, better, more interesting characters. Can we see them more? Powers That Be: What? You don't all LOVE my favorite character! Well, I`ll show you! I`ll write even MORE scenes for them! And I`ll decrease screen time for all those other "better" and "more interesting" characters, so you'll forget all about them, and love my Favorite Character Ever! The World At Large: Well, we now hate that character, and now we hate you. Please put the camera back on the characters that actually work . Powers That Be: *puts fingers in ears* lalalalalal cant hear you! lalalalala Unless the Network pulls their fingers out of their ears... I swear I could copy and paste this onto at least five different boards.
  4. Oh my God, Apex! This dialogue is amazing. The parade of characters past keep coming. I don't know if Constable Bob is going to come back, but this was a pretty great exit for him if its the last time we see him. And Limehouse is back! I feel like this show is going to end with all the characters and story-lines from over the years coming together, and exploding. I cant wait!
  5. Damn...I actually teared up a little bit. I was terrified that Dooley was going to be forced to kill his family, but this was pretty awful too. Great episode. Please Please renew this show!
  6. It just makes no sense. It was like the writers knew they wanted to keep in cannon to the comics, but...why bother if that's not whats working? Yeah, Sara wasn't a traditional Black Canary, without the name or the back story, but she worked much better for this show. She was our Black Canary. And then she got killed stupidly, for reasons that had nothing to do with her story. Oy.
  7. That`s been the issue with this season for me, no one will communicate! No one can know Thea was brainwashed into killing Sarah, Quentin cant know Sara is dead, Oliver and Felicity cant have a real talk about their relationship, Oliver cant explain why he wanted to protect Malcom from the League, people just need to talk to each other! A huge part of Oliver`s arc is how he needs to open up and trust people again, but now it seems like hes backpedaling, even with him telling Thea the truth about being the Arrow. It might be a bi-product of having less Arrow-centric stories this season, in their desperation to make Black Canary Laurel and The Atom work.
  8. Yeah, I am still with Sleepy Hallow, flaws and all. The last few episodes have been in constant course correction made. It seems like Fox is listening to critics and fans, even if the writers didn't. The hatred of Katrina, especially on these boards, is pretty much unanimous. I think she might be even more hated than laurel! Personally, I think her turn to the dark side was pretty quick, and not very earned, but I`ll take it. She was actually a teeny bit interesting, and it means the show could return to its former glory! We are heading back to enjoyable crazy, and not painful crazy. It got a ratings bump last night, so now we might be able to see where they go in season 3.
  9. I think one of my favorite scenes was when Ichabad was finally calling out Henry on all his "Daddy abandoned me"! crap. He just seemed like he was annoyed of hearing the same song and dance over and over. Like, "Oh my God, this again! I was dead! And buried! And didn't know you existed! What exactly did you want me to DO?!?!" I am right there with you on the almost eye roll, Ichabad. He finally admitted that what happened really wasn't his fault, and that he wont keep letting Henry use that to make him feel guilty.
  10. I feel like so many writers/ show runners need to listen to Regina George. "Stop trying to make *insert character name here* happen! Its not going to happen"!
  11. I`m not crying...nope... That was a phenomenal episode. When Shameless really wants to buckle down and get dramatic, it hits it out of the freaking park. The scenes with Ian and the baby were so hard to watch. They were more intense and scary than all of last season of American Horror Story! And the end, damn. Poor Ian just looked so broken and guilt ridden. CM was just amazing in this episode. NF is as incredible as always. He just breaks my heart with just a look. I`m just amazed by how much Mickey has grown, and how much he and Ian's relationship has been challenged, but also strengthened over the years. Its ridiculous that Mickey was probably just written as a random guy Ian would have a fling with. They must have realized what they had with NF, and ran with it. Just so many great scenes. I thought it was a particularly good episode for Lip. His scenes with Mickey, especially when he tried to comfort him about trying to help Ian on his own, were great. I also loved the scene with Mickey and Carl. Its kind of amazing they've never really had scenes together. They're a lot alike. Both of them are frequently violent and destructive, but have a huge capacity for love. I really hope we see them hanging out more. Honestly, with his upbringing, and all the shit he`s had to deal with, its kind of amazing Mickeys doing as well as he is. He could, in a weird way, be good for Carl. Granted, I would love if both of them found a more legal way to make money, but you take what you can get. Thought the contrast between Jimmy and Gus was interesting, Granted, I really wish Fiona would focus more on her kids then on her love life, but Fiona has issues like that. Jimmy is pretty much the wrong choice, but they have so much history, and Jimmy did fall pretty seamlessly into her life and family. As soon as they hooked up, he got to know her family, her friends, her neighbors. In just this episode, he asked Fiona to say hi to Mickey on the phone, he asked if Sammi is Frank or Monica's, wants to know how the kids are. But, he`s still that chaotic, scheming Jimmy. Gus, on the other hand, is a nice, stable kind of person, but he hasn't been integrated into Fiona's life at all. He does not even know the names of her siblings, let alone anything really about them. I can see why she`s being drawn back to Jimmy. What else was great about this episode? Oh yeah...minimal Frank! I love Bill Macy, but this show has one of the best, most underappreciated ensembles on TV. Use them!
  12. As we try to figure out who`s next on the chopping block, I do have to say, I appreciate that at least I actually know all of the character, unlike previous seasons. It seems like, in the past, there have been so many pointless, red shirt characters (the first season, Hershel's farm) who, maybe we know their names, and that's about it. At the very least, I feel like we know something about everyone in the group now. We know their names, personalities, some of their back stories. Granted, some of them seem pretty expendable, some don't have much complexity to them, and some I don't care much for, but at least I`ll feel something when they die.
  13. Terry needs to dance in every episode! Can we pass some kind of law requiring this to happen? I love Kevin, and I hope we see more of him. Everyone has mentioned so many great moments, but I loved when Jake noticed that his Holt impression was lapsing into British! And he noticed it just when I did!
  14. Lee, your kind of weird. I like your style!
  15. Saul completely failing at the voice changing thing was completely hilarious, as was his failure at the payphone, and the family's constant singing.
  16. I think my favorite moment was at the end, with the slow motion and the sprinklers going off, and the Hipsters and the "grown-ups" all laughing and cheering. That just seems like one of those really great moments that actually do happen in people lives. I still don't think I`ll like it if Michelle starts cheating though.
  17. First of all: That cover of Sympathy for the Devil on strings was freaking awesome. So was the call back to the pilot with Abby in the colonial days. That actually gave me straight up chills. So, Katrina went darkside pretty quickly didnt she? I mean, I`m ok with it, because it means she might do something interesting, and will most likly be gone from the show soon, it seems a little random. She went from one prick of a dark rose, and a little lecture from Evil Witch Guy, and now shes Team Evil? Completely forsaking Ichabod, and her whole purpose in life? Again, not unhappy about the development, but it seemed to come out of left field. Couldn't they have started her slip to the dark side a bit earlier? Until the very end, I thought she was going to be playing Henry. Speaking of which... So ends Henry. I`ll miss John Noble, but I miss him being Henry Parish, Sin Eater. Not Henry Parish, whiny teen trapped in an old mans body. I had my issues, but I really enjoyed the episode. At the very least, they seem to be heading back in the "Abby and Ichabod fight evil and make sunny quips, while Ichabod reveals he was apart of literally every major moment in the American Revolution ever" direction. I can get behind that!
  18. The reveal that Henry planned out the whole thing was awesome! And of course Louise could respect that. The increasingly silly political ads were hilarious. And, as always, Zeke is awesome. "It took you all day, to think of this?"
  19. Why are they even trying with Barbara? Every episode proves that Leslie is a perfect fit for Jim, whereas Barbara is basically a boring, stupid waste of time. I really like Leslie. Shes funny, smart, and clearly rather quirky. The average person would probably NOT be as gung ho about murders and possible psychics as she is, but I think that makes her good for Jim, Barbara was always complaining about Jim's passion for his job, but Leslie totally gets it. Can we just screw cannon, and let him end up with Leslie? Please? Really good episode. Cameron Monaghan is having a hell of a week, between this spot and his last few episodes over on Shameless. Kudos to him, that last scene was chilling as hell. He seemed to be channeling every major Joker performance out there in one scene. I`m sure we wont be seeing the last of him. He was awesome. Loved seeing the future Graysons! They were cute. Fishes plot was pretty pointless, but I love it just because I love Fish. You gotta love a lady who can make big inspirational speeches while literally standing on a guys back. Speaking of which...Butch! No!!!! Did they give him a lobotomy? What?
  20. Wow. Those were actual real emotions! I still have mixed feeling about Hannah and Adam and how everything went down, but that was probably the most real this show has been in ages. I normally don't think much of Lena Dunham as an actress (shes not bad or anything, just she never really grabs me, and Hannah is such a hard character to watch sometimes, it might affect my enjoyment of the performance), but she was just wonderful here.
  21. Honestly, it seems like the more we learn about Katrina, the more people want her to get sucked into the nearest magical vortex...
  22. I need to think a little more about how much I liked this one, but I think this episodes are necessary to the story they are trying to tell. It was an episode all about fatigue and exhaustion, and how being constantly moving, dealing with loss, and being almost killed every day can take a real toll on a persons mind and spirit. Hence the big Walking Dead title drop. No matter how I end up coming down on this episode, I thought the long shot of the whole gang, trudging down the highway looking like hell, while walkers were wondering around behind them, practically indistinguishable from each other, was really effective.
  23. Other than being connected to Adalind, is there really anything bad about being a Hexenbeast? Pretty sure if she explained things to Nick, things would work out just fine. They've been looking for a purpose for Juliet for ages, sometimes succeeding, and sometimes not, and this would at least give her more to do. I really love all the supporting characters, but I really wish there were more Nick focused episodes.
  24. Of course Nick writes Walking Dead fanfiction. Of course he does. I kept cracking up at how Nick basically started a bar crawl cult. He does has very Mason-ish charisma. Winston is the best.
  25. Team Voldemort! I loved all the Gary/Donna scenes. They were just so sweet. All the random cameos and reappearances are just awesome. I never expected to see the animal control guys again. And they're doing pretty much what I would expect they would be doing. And Brandi Maxxxx! And you can never have enough Jenn "I do three shots of tequila every time I enter this house" Barkley. I love how everyone in DC seems to be appreciate, and vaguely fear Leslie and her intense enthusiasm. Did we really need to have a take down of the MRA guys? I was wondering if they would do something about how Leslie now has to be a political wife, as well as having her own big career, but this wasn't the most interesting way to do it.
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