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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. I totally should have known Hannah would be that teacher (or sub) who gets WAY too tight with their students, to a weird, unprofessional degree. How did she think that going out to get a piercing with one of her students was a good idea? But, yeah, in retrospect, its totally a Hannah thing to do. She kind of still acts like a high school girl who longs to be a cool kid, so of course she tries to become best friends with a cool kid. I totally knew teachers in high school like that, who basically wanted to be in high school again. It was always awkward and unprofessional. My new favorite reaction to Hannah is when Hannah is rambling about the "new misogyny" or whatever, and the other teacher just sighed and walked away. That was awesome. Marni and Desi are gross. I was all excited that Marnie told Desi what a dumbass he was, then she ruins it by accepted his proposal. All for a music partnership that sounds like every other couple that sing sin coffee bars, everywhere. I feel sad about Hanna's parents. However, I am always up for wacky academics. More please.
  2. The more I think about it, the more I think Rumple thinks the author hunt is totally crap. It would explain his dramatic use of phrases like "villains", "heroes", and "happy endings". Its just the magical version of political buzzwords. Its what people want to hear. He has another plan. Really, I cant believe the Queens buy anything that he`s selling. I assume they are just going with his plans just because they don't have anything. BUT they seem to actually be buying into the "we can get a happy ending because of magic author" thing. Its weird. Whenever Rumple talks, people should just put head phones in. For their own personal health.
  3. I hope the door hits Goffman on the way out. He ran that show into the ground, and it has only improved when they only started digging their way out when they started trying to undue his mistakes (most notably, his never ending love for Katrina). I know he`s been hired to oversee another show or two for FOX, and I highly doubt I`ll be watching them. I love it! I just got my sister hooked, and we are finishing the show together. It`s just the slice of weird, quirky fun I need this TV season, while still having a lot of real emotion behind it. And it has possibly the catchiest theme song...ever.
  4. Creepy...but very true. I think he really likes Emma, but he only wants to date her before Norma was starting to pull away from their creepy mother/lover relationship. Then of course she pulls him back into bed. Be interesting to see where his relationship with Emma goes from here. Or Emma's relationship with Norma. I don't think he killed the hooker. I think he just dropped her off somewhere. But then, the creepy music was playing, so I cant be sure. It just seems a bit early for Norman to start a random killing spree. At least give us until season four!
  5. So happy to have this show back! I really love Jane so much. Her enthusiasm at meeting the author was so sweet, and then her reactions to finding out she had to massage her! I actually like Raphael and Michael, and I like them both with Jane. Its a real conundrum. "Its easy to go all Carrie Bradshaw..." I really don't want Michael to die.
  6. Delphi, I am so pissed they are competing against each other. I love them both so much! Olicity has just broken my heart this season. I could just vote for both I guess...
  7. Its a tough day to be a CaptainSwan AND an Olicity shipper. But since Olicity been such a mess lately, I`m joining team CaptainSwan. Its getting intense online.
  8. I wonder how much of the intense reaction to Jessie is to her right now, or how people see she will be used later. I admit, my first reaction to her was "oh good lord, already a love interest? Come on! We ll know she`s zombie chow for Rick to angst about", but that really wasn't fair. If I don't look at her as a possible love interest, or even a future main character, she seems just fine. Not super exciting, but a nice enough person. Add to that, the fact that female characters are, unfortunately, very strongly criticized, especially when they are introduced as a possible romance for the main character. If shes not a badass, shes a wimp. If shes too much of a badass, shes a Mary Sue. Its hard to win, and I admit I can be just as guilty about quickly judging characters as anyone else. I`ll give her a few more episodes before I dub her Lori 2.0, is what I mean.
  9. Stay in the damn house, Sam!
  10. So, that's one crappy showrunner gone, but there are still more plaguing our TV screens. Lets grab our torches and pitchforks, and get this party started! For real though, this all seems like good news. They are course correcting at breakneck speed, and I am going along for the ride. I am cautiously optimistic.
  11. Just going to focus on the good part of the news... Hit the road jack, and don't you come back no more no more no more no more... This means there has to be a season three right? They need to stop letting everyone twist in the wind, and freaking confirm it. They wouldn't have bothered firing Goffman if they were just going to end the show anyway, right?
  12. When Ian has stabilized a bit, he really needs to consider telling Mickey to cut back on the drinking. He`s only about 18/19, and his response to his crappy life is pretty much always getting drunk. A lot. He has seen the guys down at the Alibi right? He can`t really help Ian if he wont deal with his own issues. More things to deal with in the Ian and Mickey spin-off show I desperately want to see created! No actually, scratch that. Give Frank and Sammi a spin-off. That way, I can avoid it like the plague, and they wont be taking up screen time here anymore. Chuckie can stay on this show though. The farther he`s away from his mother, the better. I am already depressed by the fact that, after a season of brilliant performances, the only person who will get recognized during awards season is WHM, and his leg-chasing antics. What a world. I love Carl more than I think I should. Fiona Fiona Fiona...I love you girl, but look at your life. Look at your choices. You have kids, they are all having major league crisis's, and they need you! Next week looks like a step in the right direction, but you got to keep stepping. I don't think Lip was trying to get an extension using his family's problems, I think he was just trying to let the guy know what was going on, and he started unloading all over the place. He has a lot on his plate, especially for a 18/19 year old. It was bound to hit him sooner or later.
  13. When will DC learn that edgy" does not have to equal "dour" and "realistic" does not have to equal "boring"? Just for fun, try to count how many times people smile in Man of Steel. The answer? Basically never. In the fight between Marvel making fun, exciting, well done popcorn movies, and DC making dour, serious, "important" movies, I know which one I am going to be more excited to see on opening weekend.
  14. Bumping this thread up for the theme song/title credits for The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Its such a funny, catchy song, and it completely captures the tone of the show. I never skip over the theme song, even as I binge watch!
  15. Best episode yet! I loved everything about this episode. The stuff with Cyndee and how she is still wort of stuck in "professional victim" mode, while Kimmy is trying to live her life was really great. It was the sort of situation that can really only happen on this show, now just any "single girl in the big city" show. The butterscotches just appeared in my pocket! Am I a bear? A daddy? A Huxtible?!?! Titus was at his best in this one!
  16. Poor BR. He seems like a really good guy, and I don't have any problems with his performance. It sucks that he seems to always play the "other guy" to the big popular couple. First Chuck, now this. The shipper wars are brutal. We have really seen some stuff in the Once fandom... I love Captain Swan AND Olicity, I don't know what to do!
  17. I like Mals look. Its like she just wandered out of a speak easy where she was meeting with Al Capone. I still don't get what Will is doing here, and I haven't found anything explaining it, or even if there's a plan. This show has proven that it really is a small multiverse after all.
  18. His scenes are basically a completely different show within a show. It`s like a backdoor pilot that will never.freaking.END!
  19. The main reason I call Jessie's husband as abusive is because it would be the easiest way to get her together with Rick. He gets to ride in, save her from her evil husband, get rid of the bad guy, and get the girl. Really, that`s the only reason I`m calling it. I feel like yesterday, I was too harsh on Jessie. Yeah, she is just kind of blandly nice now, but we hardly know her character. There is nothing wrong with being nice and welcoming as defining character traits. I need to give her more time. I didn't think much of Michonne for ages, and now she`s one of my favorites. Granted, I don't think Jessie will EVER be Michonne, but I could grow to at least like her somewhat. I think the reason I immediately threw so much dislike at her was because: 1. Shes obviously being set up as Ricks new love interest. That puts a lot of pressure on a new character, especially when the writers have seemingly been teasing Rick/Michonne, a pairing that, to me, makes a lot of sense than Rick and Jessie. She has to make a really good first impression if she is going to be the main characters new love interest and she was...just alright. 2. She kind of gives off vibes of the female characters from season one and two, who just cowered behind the men with the kids whenever the walkers attacked. Which isn't fair, because how could Jessie become a badass like all of our groups lady's when shes been in Alexandria, but it opens up the possibility of her becoming the pretty blond lady Rick has to save. Not a super interesting characterization. I`ll give her a chance, but I am not super confident in all this.
  20. I now desperately want to watch a movie called "Call of the Wild" about an insane telemarketer.
  21. To me, Scully/Hitchcock don't have many real similarities to Gary/Jerry/whatever. Scully and Hitchock are really legitimately strange, gross, and are both seemingly a mess both at work and off the clock. Garry was the nicest guy in the world, who sometimes bumbled things up at work, so everyone made fun of him. Outside of work, he had this amazing, perfect home life and family, and at home he had it totally together. He even had some really honest emotional moments, like when he told Leslie that he was alright with not accomplishing much in his professional career, because he wanted to spend more time with his family. I don't see them doing anything like that with S/H. But maybe they will, who knows? So...when did Andy Samberg did kind of hot? He was seriously working that pilots uniform. Like, dang. It helps that I feel like he has legitimately grown as an actor a lot, or maybe he was always good, he just didn't have many opportunities to go beyond his Samberg stuff. His speech to his dad, then later his reaction to Holt, were pretty affecting. Gina can be used for good or bad. I have warmed up to her a lot, but I can get why some people wouldn't like her. I would like to see Amy get one over her for once.
  22. Zombies? No problem. Small talk about pasta machines? A fate worse than death!
  23. Oh, and the hand stamp? My mind immediately went to Pretty Little Liars. A survived the zombie plauge! Of course! Don`t judge me!
  24. Yeah, Booster-Gold showed up right near the end of Smallville. I don`t remember much about it (I gave up on the show, then came back to see how it ended), and I remember it being kind of weird. Like, Superman's journey is almost over...now here`s Booster-Gold! Maybe it wasnt quite like that though, its been awhile. I am actually tentatively excited about this news. Tentatively.
  25. So, last week Daryl called Carol out on trying to fit into their new, fancy home, and she told him he has to try to keep up appearances. In this episode, we see that even though Daryl hasn't changed much on the outside, he is actually open to joining this new community. We also see that, while Carol might be acting like a soccer mom now, she is just as intense and scary as ever on the inside. Interesting.
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