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Everything posted by tennisgurl

  1. Winston Bishop: He is not a smooth man Coach: Y2K was a very uncertain time...
  2. God Jeff is like a cockroach, he will never be destroyed. Avery/Juliet continue to be the cutest ever. Avery`s last song with Scarlet and Gunnar was great as well. I actually...like Layla these days? I appreciate how hard she`s working to get her career moving again, and she actually does have some talent. Getting into Rayna`s label was a great call. Luke really should have come with her. At this point, I feel like Luke just needs to risk being honest with people. I know its easier said than done, but it seems like its going to happen eventually, and if freaking JEFF if your best hope, you know your screwed. I could watch Luke dumping Jeff`s ass as dead weight again on a loop.
  3. I just...why? Why do the writers want to upset their fans? Especially writers like the Arrow writers, who know exactly what fans and critics are saying about the show, WHY are they screwing with all the things people liked about this show? You love Sara? Well, she`s dead now. You love Dig? His screen-time is severely reduced. You love Olicity? Too bad, it falls apart, and Felicity hooks up with Ray. You love funny quips and action? Here is lots of moping and plot boredom. Its not like they have to do everything that fans and critics want them to do...but if you are doing things in your story you know people will hate, do it for a REASON! Don`t pump up characters that no one likes, while excluding or getting rid of characters that people do like, just because it gets people talking, or your playing favorites. Have a purpose, and, even if people are upset, they`ll understand why you did it. But now...who freaking knows. The powers that be just like reading angry tweets I guess.
  4. So they are really going all out in this whole "Emma wasn't ready for friendship with poor Lily, but she`s totally ready to be BFF`s with Regina now!" thing. Great, awesome. It was so subtle and great last season. I try not to watch the sneak peaks, but I cant help myself from hearing about them...and it kind of just seems like the same old same old. Emma tries to reach out to Regina, Regina is mean to her back, rinse and repeat. I don`t even care anymore. See, now THAT might be interesting. Seeing all the evil she has done, actually leads Regina to realize her evil? And how could Emma continue to not only pall around with a woman who, she has read herself, killed a man she cared about, after she raped him for years, and has slaughtered countless innocents, but is ok with her family being around her? Questions and ideas...that will probably never be brought up.
  5. We are blessed to live in interesting times! I want an episode that takes place in a completely different time and place, and is about the life of a Grimm from the past. Like, a Grimm in ancient Rome, or Egypt, or during the Punic Wars or something. Or a Victorian era Grimm, or one operating in the Civil War, or any important, historical event. We hear about how Grimm`s and Wessen have been influencing history for pretty much ever, lets see some of it!
  6. Apparently #SaveFelicitySmaok has been getting some traction. The vibe I have been getting is less anger at Felicity, and more at the writers, if that makes sense. I have always liked Malcom, but this is getting ridiculous. How did this guy outlive Moira? Sara? How is he still around, but not Walter? Why is he not dead yet, his story is OVER! Deal with it!
  7. I really wish that they had a more gradual slide into Katrina`s evil turn, and Henry was just a huge waste of a character in general. They had John freaking Noble, who, to be fair to him, did the very best with what he could, and they totally squandered him. From a writing perspective, their ends were pretty sloppy and reeked of writers who were desperate to win their audience and their critics back. But from a fan perspective, it seemed to be for the greater good. I do wish they had been more graceful with the end of Katrina, but I am just glad they finally trimmed the fat on this whole debacle of a story-line.
  8. Yes Yes Yes! Lord this is bugging me! Yeah, Malcom is Thea`s biological father, but Robert was the man who raised her, and loved her, and Walter was the man who was a positive, loving stepfather to her after Robert died. I hate the idea that biology is more important than actual love. Some biological parents are awful, and don't deserve to have kids, while some parents who have never had blood children can be full of love for the kids they raise as their own. Uggggh! On the other hand, Nyssa/Katrina Law is amazing. Can we get more Katrina, pretty please?
  9. I love that, when he opened with a Woody Allen quote, he had to specify that he thinks the guy is icky, but its still a good quote! Latin Lover Narrator is one of the highlights of the show for me, without a doubt.
  10. There seem to be a decent amount of survivors running around, I don't think its quite time to start re-populating. I mean, people are probably going to do that on their own eventually, more or less. I still wonder if other parts of the country might have more actually societies built up. Even with the walkers, I don't feel like its impossible for some semblance of society to come back. Its only been around two years. And there have got to be SOME encampments of people, other than our guys, the Greens, and the Vatos are aren't totally coco for coco-puffs.
  11. Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I feel like Howard might offer to fix Sousa`s leg next season, I don`t know if he`ll accept or not. I was hoping that Thompson would give Peggy the credit she deserved, but I`m kind of glad he didn't. He`s still has a major glory hound asshole side, even though we`ve seen there`s more to him, and he has his good traits too. It makes him more interesting, and maybe he`ll grow more next season. If I keep talking about things I want to see next season, maybe it will happen! So glad we got to see more of Howard. He and Peggy are great, and it just kills him to see how broken up they still are about Steve. Hopefully we can get more of them together next season!
  12. Tom really is an excellent actor. He was so saddened by Katrina`s betrayal and death, I was actually sad about it for a minute! Now that takes talent! In all seriousness though, I do feel kind of bad about Katrina/Katia. We never really saw much struggle from her, nor did we ever get much insight into her shady tendencies, or how it lead her to turn to evil so quickly. Maybe because her shadiness was kind of accidental? I actually thought Katia was pretty good as Bad Witch Katrina, I really wish they had started with all this earlier in the season. If course, that might have meant even more Katrina/Crane family angst, so maybe its for the best it was rushed like crazy into the last few episodes. I honestly thought she would have some kind of small redemption moment at the end, or at least show one second of love for Crane, but nope. Just love for her evil kid she never really knew. But yeah, it really was for the greater good. Now maybe, since Ichabod has pretty much accepted that she went evil, and she had to be stopped, we can just put all this behind us in season 3...hopefully. Can we have an episode when it turns out Ben Franklin left a hologram of himself lying around somewhere, so we can have him back on the show, without going back to the past again? Pretty please?
  13. One more thing, I am weirdly proud of Brandi Maxxxx. She`s been a Leslie fan for the whole run of the show, and she ended up taking over her job! Go girl! Now, going back to my tears...
  14. God help me, I am so pumped... I swear, if they make Emma all obsessed with helping Regina, instead of her spending time developing her relationships with her boyfriend and her family, I am going to drop kick something...and then come back next week. Damn it.
  15. That was literally the best series finale ever. It had some great jokes, but it was mostly about spending time with these great characters we have come to love, and seeing what happened to them, as well as emphasizing this shows big lesson lesson: making the world a better place will bring you happiness. Finding people to share that happiness with will make it even better. Gary`s ending hits that lesson perfectly. He got dumped on for years, while staying the nicest, most optimistic guy in the world, and he ended up with everything he ever wanted. Sniffle...sniffle...I`m ok....stop looking at me!
  16. I am officially heading for the liquor store. I am going to make a super special drink for this... DO NOT SCREW WITH MY CAPTAIN SWAN! AND STOP TRYING TO MAKE REGINA/EMMA A THING! IT SHOULD NEVER BE A THING!
  17. I am so pumped for the live thread! I am looking forward to this show so much, I am seriously embarrassed by myself.
  18. "Goodbye my darling..." Tears! So many tears! Please keep going show! I want more! Finally someone thinks to wear earplugs when dealing with a hypnosis guy! Good thinking Sousa! I knew I always liked you for a reason! I literally squeeled at the end. I am such a freaking nerd.
  19. You know, I`m actually really sad that Ava and Boyd have really gone south. I really liked their smarter, and more well organized Bonnie and Clyde thing. They seemed like they really loved and understood each other, in a way no one else really had before. Ava is at her best when she`s bad, not when she`s needing to be saved by Raylan. One of the show`s greatest villains ever was a woman (Mags), and they have plenty of other bad, or morally ambiguous women, so why not let Ava stay gray? I really want to know more about whats`s going on inside her head. Is she really interested in Raylan again, or just falling into old pattens, or is she manipulating him? Or all three? I really want to know if she feels any guilt at all for turning against Boyd. Like I said, I really felt like they loved each other for quite awhile. Yeah, she`s angry he dropped the ball while she was in prison, but feelings like that dont just go away. I really feel like this is going to come up later in the season, for good or for ill.
  20. Honestly, I wish Goffman had just admitted that he and the writers screwed up season two, spent too much time on Katrina, his favorite character, and had to do re-writes to course correct the last half of the season. He might not come off looking like a master story teller, but at least its honest. I could have kind of respected that. But no...
  21. I literally laughed out loud as the wife in the woods started on her "What is legality? Slavery was once legal! Slavery of PEOPLE!" rant, and Saul was just starring at her like "no...that's not going to cut it." "Its like they say in Silicon Valley, its not a BUG, its a FEATURE"! So this is how Saul will become SAUL I assume? Maybe by the end of the season, he`ll ditch Jimmy, and fully embrace Saul Goodman? Whenever I see Saul interacting with anyone, I`m just going to assume its a con from now on.
  22. Yeah, the evil turn was so hilariously abrupt. Maybe evil Katrina was always in the works, but I feel like it would have been more gradual and tragic, not just "Oh, ok, she`s evil now. Its ok to kill her." That being said... Nanana. Nanana. Hey Hey Hey. Good Bye....
  23. Ichabod Crane: It does not matter if its the American Revolution, or the year 2015,he is always charmingly befuddled by cell phones.
  24. Abbie Mills is the American Dream! So says Ben freaking Franklin! Ding Dong the witch is dead! You can just hear the writers going "fine fine, you win! No more Katrina, no more Crane drama, just the main characters that people actually like, fighting evil, and having National Treasure hi-jinks. Lets just pretend this little misstep of a season never happened, ok? Then you'll all come back, and say nice things about us again?" So so good! THAT'S my show! All that was wrong has been righted! I know that when I think more about it, I`ll be more critical and skeptical of the next season, but for now, I am riding the high. YES! Please let us see Ben Franklin again! I love how his reaction to meeting a woman from 2015 is just like "your a time traveler? Awesome! Hows the future? Which one of my inventions are still around? This is so cool!" like, instantly.
  25. DAMNNNNNNNN! Say what we will about Fish, she is one hard core lady. Butch has got to be up to something. I am so relieved that he didn't seem to lobotomized or totally broken. He`s probably just waiting for Fish to arrive again to spring into action. So much happening! Alfred! No!
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