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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Dany better figure out how to call Drogon back, because she just lost her Unsullied Army (RIP Grey Worm and Ser Barristan Selmy). I am hella worried about Loras. Looks like Marge will be calling for Grandma real quick. Poor Tommen. He doesn't have the heart to really be King. The Sand Snakes appear to be quite lethal. So 2 of them are Ellaria's daughters? I don't think that Doran is going to let her near Myrcella, and now she knows Jamie is in Dorne. I wonder if Bronn could take the Sand Snakes on?
  2. So.much. truth. I was yelling at the tv, "That is a living, breathing being! Not an "accessory", asshole!" He didn't want to make things comfortable for his cat, he just wanted a prop for his photography.
  3. Love Lord Commander Snow. "Talk shit, lose your head." Littlefinger may not know about Ramsey because not too long ago, he was a bastard. He seems to know the important men. But I really don't want Sansa to be abused any further. I can't watch that. I liked Brienne's back story. At least she knew about Renly's proclivities but loved him anyway.
  4. I loves my GOT, I really do! But I can't help but think that I am being lulled into thinking that gruesome shit isn't coming down the pike. Bronn! Drogon is back! I wonder where he's been. Surely a Dragon can't just fly about and not be noticed. Free Shireen! Especially from her shrew of a mother.
  5. Or that they will die exposed as Lannisters, not Baratheons. Gold is the Lannister color.
  6. I'm kinda cool with Pastor Shelby and the date. He did this with each of his daughters. My thing is his wife acting almost jealous of the attention showered on the daughter. The whole thing with the eyelashes was ridiculous. She is going out with her father. Chances are he probably never noticed them. And in this week's preview, she and her older daughters gave off a mean girl vibe talking about Bishop Corletta. Saved or not, I don't like mean girls.
  7. I guess I am the only one still watching... I watched the third episode and came away with these thoughts: Bishop Coretta's husband? Shady as hell. He is probably paying her back for all the traveling she did in the beginning of their marriage. I'll also bet that he has a family in NC since he wants to stay there so much. He wouldn't answer her when she asked him what was in NC that was so important to him. Yes, I think he is up to no good and using her ministry as an excuse. I like Pastor Bullock even more. He keeps it all the way real.
  8. Amen, Thank you, please! It's bad enough having to deal with that in real life (having children and cats!). I don't want to watch vomit.
  9. I guess she figured folks won't be able to pronounce "Lebya". I won't be able to refer to her as "Libby", though.
  10. Lebya is campaigning hard for that ring. You'd think that 10 years is more than enough time to decide if you want to get married...
  11. Being the TAR superfan that I am, I was amused by this opening. How rude to make the teams run a nasty obstacle course right from the start! Kinda hard to make a good impression covered in mud. Here's the teams that caught my eye: Blair and Hayley: He is soooo not into her. It's hilarious and hella awkward at the same damn time. Jelani and Jenny: They make a great team! I'm optimistic that they shouldn't make any glaring race mistakes. Lebya and CJ: Oh honey. It's been 10 years. I don't think you are going to get what you want by the end of your race. Tyler and Laura: He is gorgeous. That is all.
  12. So this episode is actually considered the second one... Looks like Pastor Bullock is going to be my early favorite of this crew. He is clearly passionate about Detroit and so disdainful of the other Preachers. They clearly don't like him either. Heh. Jeez. We have another Bishop Clarence who reminds me a little too much of the one in LA. I also got a few chuckles from that. So now the sexism issue in the church is going to be addressed and I. can't. wait. to see how it comes about! I was all for Pastor Shelby until his wife called herself a handmaiden. Sigh.
  13. They did make that point later when Arizona was with Dr. Herman as she was assembling a home in the hospital. Herman asked her why she doesn't roller skate in the hospital anymore. I think watching them relocate furniture is kind of funny. "What happened to the couch?"
  14. I dug this episode. So Mere was still freaked about getting on a plane. She had a "Me" weekend and realized how much better life is without attachments. Okay. It would have been nice to let your husband and sister know where you are as not to cause a lot of unwanted drama... Amelia and Hunt? Hopefully it won't make him a complete freak like when he and Christina got together. Hopefully the PTSD is cured.
  15. I understand the need for sisterhood among women. But what most of these women want is someone to worship them, not be friends with them. I'm sure Chante could be a good friend, but she is not going to kiss anyone's ass. Then she becomes a bitch for not wanting to kiss ass! I'm not looking forward to Stacy Francis' introduction because conflict seems to reside in her spirit. She can sing, though.
  16. Brave is a sweatheart! She is just a bit more flashy than Claudette and appears to not be a drama magnet. Stacy Francis is going to be the fly in this ointment. Back to episode 2 of "We Love Leela" (you know we all do!): Chrisette is a piece of ... something and shady as hell. It says something about you if your bipolar younger brother doesn't even want to work with you in the same industry. She is a pushy thing! Making her brother sign with her label and making everybody wear wings to her party; enough! I also didn't like the way she interacted with Brave. I don't deny her talent, but her personality stinks.
  17. I think it's cute that Jessa is all "I will happily adopt!" as opposed to getting knocked up as quickly as possible. "Sure, let someone else do the hard lifting so I can have kids." Heh.
  18. Oxygen is expanding the network’s popular franchise and heading to Motown for Preachers of Detroit, set to premiere winter 2015. The series will also focus on powerful themes of faith, family and friendship as these seven men and women of the cloth share their lives, transformations and triumphs in and out of the pulpit in Detroit, Michigan. The prominent pastors include: Bishop Charles Ellis Pastor David Bullock Evangelist Dorinda Clark-Cole Pastor Don Shelby Bishop Corletta Vaughn Bishop-Elect Clarence Langston Pastor Tim Alden
  19. Now that was the thing that seemed constant at Grey Sloane Memorial (Is that the current name of the hospital? I forget.). It is that easy for a person who didn't belong there to blend in so well that no one notices except the one person who is in charge of damn near everything. Of course only April knew all the interns by face and name! But I know this is not how a real hospital operates, so I am able to suspend belief.
  20. So Mo got herself a new hair color and a new husband. She still ghetto, though. I thought Chrisette was not going to do another season? Chante looks great! But I would rather bond on a beach than in the woods. These forced bonding exercises are not fun to watch. So we get to meet Brave and Stacy Francis later. Looks like fun.
  21. I tell you, this new season just snuck up on me! If I wasn't on Twitter, I wouldn't have known it was coming on tonight.
  22. Where was Aang's situation explained? In the show or was it explained in the comics? I totally missed it.
  23. The one time that being up at an ungodly hour actually benefitted me! I am satisfied with the finale. Varrick and Zhu Li get to do the thing for the rest of their lives, Beifong awesomeness, Team Avatar saving Republic City. *time to save some money for the DVDs*
  24. With an Earth/Lava bender, a Fire bender, a group of Air benders, 3 Earth/Metal benders, and an Avatar, the chances of survival should be pretty high. I'd expect at least a few bumps and bruises among the non-benders, but nothing more than that. Kuvira is a boss. She was using Junior from the start and I really don't believe she ever loved him. Why wait until after the conquest of nations to marry? She was merely dangling a carrot in front of him to make him do her bidding. I guess poor Junior has no choice but to go back to his family now.
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