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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. It is beautiful! As a fan of Steampunk themed stories, I'm so in. Daniel Wu is sexy and he has a black girlfriend. Good. I was thrown by the plantation references, so I hope the writers did that on purpose and that the other Barons is diverse in background. I'm also looking for a female Clipper who is at least on Sunny's level. Now if I had a trained killer on my payroll, he would have been sterilized. Maybe the Baron didn't expect Sunny to find a boo! He's such a beautiful specimen of illiterate killing machine. Looks like the Baron's son is plotting to take his daddy out. The lone female Baron seems to want that, too. This should be fun to see who is more successful.
  2. Nah. Jermaine's boy has that mixed Jackson look. That child is partly black. Blanket is so not black. At all. Sorry for busting your bubble! ;)
  3. Heh. Looking forward to Game of Thrones! At least their episodes don't leave me questioning the intelligence of the writers.
  4. Like I said, I wish the writers were better. There was no excuse for them to pull the same shenanigans they did with Original Recipe Heroes.
  5. Yeah. Storyline wise, Noah isn't as sharp as he used to be. Phoebe should have caught one between the eyes before Nathan ran into Quentin. Her powers didn't effect HIM. Sigh.
  6. RIP Penny Man. Too bad the story is picking up when the season is practically over. Noah was quick enough to figure out that Quentin was the butterfly, but he couldn't do anything about it to keep Nathan safe. At least he has Malina. I wonder what Erica will do with psycho Joanne... Carlos was a wasted story in this series. Is there something about him that makes him slightly less vulnerable to Parker's mindraping? Katana Girl is real in the future? Interesting... Phoebe had already cancelled his power out by then. She was the reason why he couldn't teleport himself and Noah out of the hospital. As long as she is hovering around, Nathan is powerless.
  7. Here's a thought: I know that Romani women don't get a say in much of anything, but wouldn't the Romani men at least be able to choose who they marry? Is there a pool of available Romani girls that a prospective groom (or his family) can choose his bride? Besides his age, Peter's main concern is to get to choose his bride himself. It seems like Peter thinks that Christian was blindsided and he wants very much to avoid that fate.
  8. Michael was close friends with Miko Brando. It wouldn't surprise me if he decided to do his friend a favor and help him have another child. I'm just saying that Blanket looks strikingly like the Brandos.
  9. Blanket is a biological Brando. I'd put money on that. Even though the second generation of Jacksons are biracial, they still resemble each other. Michael broke that chain on purpose. Prince probably wants the test done now because Klein can't collect on being Prince and Paris' biological father.
  10. *Speechless* Josh. is. insane. "You want a baby. We can't afford a baby, so we won't have sex until you get a job." What?!? Really? Seriously??? Then he flips his lid when he finds her prenatal vitamins and unused birth control. What a nutjob. The Millers? "We don't want our boys to hang out with gadje. We don't want them to even be around gadje. Let's go to the beach where all the gadje are!" Gah. Maria needs to stop following Peter around stirring up shit. She needs to sit next to her husband while he's making those hateful faces. Christian's ring was too big? All this time no one saw fit to size it properly? I did cringe when that waitress flirted with Christian. (She touched his hair! I don't think Maria has ever touched his hair.) And they are in such a hurry to marry Peter off. Why? He is only slightly more mature than Christian. Plus he admitted that he is so not ready for a wife. #FreePeter Veeral. "Time for us to have a baby. I know! Let's go on a honeymoon... that I will invite my sister to crash! Ragini will love that!" *wishing I could put my hand through the television to slap Veeral silly* He is high maintenance AND clueless. Ragini may have to break out the wax again to keep him in line.
  11. Looks like this is the season finale. This was taped quite some time ago, but I want to call Taryll and implore him not to marry that woman he had children with. The lunch with TJ and Frances just highlighted the fact that Taryll and Breanna need to break up. She can barely stand Taryll and says shady shit to him in front of his family! Girl, let that man go so he can be happy. "I wanna get married, either to you or someone else." Who says that? The contempt is also clear on her face whenever she looks at him.
  12. That was the televised equivalent of whiplash. I may have to watch this episode again to fully grasp what just happened.
  13. Heh. I think Payel is way too invested in her brother and his life. Veeral's parents would done better getting a woman from India to be his wife. Maybe he didn't want to marry a stranger, which defeats the whole purpose of being arranged.
  14. I nearly fainted when Meghan spent $700 on 3 items. Honey, I get wanting to eat at your table, really I do. But blowing that amount of money when you are on a strict budget is a yooge no-no. Residency is only for 1 year? Does she think that Josh is going to move back home? She could have had that job at his hospital! clearly she needs something to occupy her time while Josh works. Christian is going to hold his feelings in until he explodes. And the explosion will be fabulous. So while awaiting the explosion, Maria is going to cause trouble for Peter. He probably won't marry for at least another year! Let him talk to another girl. He knows he has to marry. They are going to make this such a big deal when he doesn't even have a prospective bride yet.
  15. I'm sure Maria knows that a curling iron does not cost $200. She was testing Christian to see if he would spend the amount of money on her that he spent on himself. He totally failed that test. If he had said, "Here baby, get your curling iron", she would have been okay with that. You have to be reciprocal in a romantic relationship.
  16. I'm not saying that Hayden or Milo owe us anything; I just wish that Kring was a better writer. If Claire's children are pivotal to the story, you have to have Claire herself. If I could sit down for a few hours and figure out a few ways to plug the gaping storyline holes, surely Kring has someone on his payroll that could do the same.
  17. News flash: makeup doesn't cost that much. Maria didn't go into Sephora or MAC to get that makeup. Christian isn't interested in moving out of his parent's house; he is all into wearing expensive clothing for no good reason and making Maria miserable. Let her have her makeup!
  18. Present!HRG stalked through the hospital until he saw Erica leaving. Past!HRG saw Present!HRG and followed himself stalking Erica. Present!HRG put the silencer on his gun as he prepared to shoot Erica in her back. Past!HRG yells and lunges forward to stop himself from shooting Erica. End scene.
  19. Or use the scenes from Heroes. Yes, they would still have to cut HP a check, but it would be worth it to make the story better. Okay, I'll grudgingly accept that maybe Phoebe's shadow did Claire in. When Noah and Hiro looked out of the hospital window, they could see the bombing. That's pretty evil of Erica to ensure that the Evos couldn't save themselves or others since their powers were cancelled out. Another question: Hiro sent the children into the future. How did they get back to present time aged 15 years? Remember that Odessa Hiro was sucked into Evernow. Maybe there is another timewalker?
  20. I liked this ep! It answered many questions and only left me with a few. So... A nearly indestructible evo is taken out by the stress of childbirth. What? I know they couldn't get Hayden Panettiere to make a few cameos, but really? It would have felt better for Claire to hand her children off to Angela and disappear off the face of the earth. Erica didn't have Molly yet, so that could have happened. I had to chuckle at Angela and Noah look at these babies and wonder which twin would save the world. "I know Claire's child will save us!" "Which one?" "I dunno." It also makes sense that Erica would be looking for one baby, not two teenagers sent back from the future. One question: Who was Malina and Nathan/Tommy's father? The bombs were Harris clones. Poor, Pretty Mohinder bought it since he was right next to one. Hiro and his butterflies. There could have been a way to stop the clones unless there was way too many of them... but Hiro could freeze time! I wonder why he didn't tell Noah how he ended up in Evernow? I didn't miss Carlos. I see that Noah is just going to ignore Hiro and step on a yooge butterfly named Erica... How apropos for his past self to try to stop him from making an even bigger mistake. Only if he was trying to grow new clones in the midst of Phoebe's shadow. I'm sure Harris Prime was safe somewhere else at the time of the bombing.
  21. Of course the relationship is odd, these are two children who are strangers being forced to be together. This whole situation is to benefit the Miller family. Seeing how desperate Michael and Nina are to marry off their boys, especially the ones younger than Christian, leads me to believe that they are using the dowries from the wive's family to sustain their standard of living. They have a pretty nice house, even the basement area where Christian and Maria live. He never said he loves Maria because he barely knows her!
  22. The marriage is not legal in that they did not get a marriage license from the state. The Gypsy people keep to themselves in every aspect of their lives. So technically they cannot force Maria to stay with Christian. I truly enjoyed the Council ripping Christian a new one, but... If they knew the boy wasn't an ideal prospect for marriage, why did they allow the marriage to take place? Surely there is a program in place to ensure that the pairings are successful? Christian should have had counseling before he took a wife. Ragini's situation is the result of doing something to please someone else. She probably would have been alright if she had the courage to live her own life and not get married. Some women just aren't meant to be traditional wives. Veeral was acting like a toddler, though. Surely you could understand that Ragini doesn't want to be around your family 24/7, especially since her family is not close by. Then for her to get the "Better Have a Baby Before I Die" speech from her father. I felt sorry for her. Oh! I forgot to mention those faces Christian was making while trying to talk to Maria in the diner. His mouth was saying, "I'm sorry.", but his face was telegraphing "I hate you!" Poor Maria. No way I would have gone back to that manchild. I know she really feels that she doesn't have a choice.
  23. I'd be willing to bet money that they probably consummated their marriage (in a very unsatisfying manner) and Maria hasn't allowed Christian to touch her since. He seems grossly immature.
  24. Tito is pretty awesome. I'll be real. I am a sympathy crier, so as soon as I saw Taryll start to cry in the car, I just shut the tv off. Maybe I'll watch it again when I feel like having an ugly cry.
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