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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I just rewatched the "Category Is" performance. Sasha was so off the beat that she didn't properly execute the death drop. She just fell on the floor and stuck her leg up! *cackles* I also want someone to transcribe the raps of the queens. I thought I heard some good burns in them.
  2. I was not too surprised with tonight's result, because I was hard pressed to figure out who should have went home. My pick to win? Shea Coulee! She was fierce from top to bottom this year. My second choice would be Sasha Velour. But I surely won't be mad if Peppermint or Trinity Taylor takes the prize. This is the first time where I liked all the final queens.
  3. It was Alexis' time to go home. Her attitude just stunk up the joint. Peppermint just sold the hell out her lipsync! Looks like it will come doen to Shea Coulee and Trinity Taylor for the crown. Sasha Velour is an awesome queen, but she just doesn't have that spark.
  4. Me: Sunshine. Make sure Quinn is dead. Please. Make. Sure. Quinn. Is. Dead. This. Time. Sunny! Make sure... Dammit Sunny! Season 3 will be fire. Tilda is alive, Bajie just sent signals to god knows what, and now Waldo might be Baron of something. We'd probably have to wait nine months for the next season, too!
  5. This. I'm a Food Network whore and I will watch these shows... but this.
  6. Alright, I'll accept Stephanie Izzard as an Iron Chef. But her beating Morimoto by one point when he made 5 dishes to her one dish? I can't stomach that!
  7. I loved that commercial! Bob can do no wrong for me. Valentina and Nina's pilot was painful. I did laugh at Carson being the only one to half-heartedly clap. Shade. Wow. I thought for sure Mama Ru was going to just tell Valentina to sashay away after she said she wanted to keep the mask on. Gurl. No excuse for not preparing for the lipsync! Shea, Sasha, and Peppermint are my faves. I'll be happy for any of them to get the crown.
  8. Quinn doesn't know he has a tumor. Veil had been showing him doctored x-rays the past few weeks. In regards to Henry, how on earth was Quinn going to feed a child who is breastfed? That, and the fact that he simply wanted to possess Veil because she was Sunny's woman, is the only reason he didn't just kill her outright.
  9. I'm glad Sarah is out of the running. No way is she Iron Chef caliber. I don't know how Stephanie is going to best Flay, Symon, AND Morimoto. I'll give her winning against Flay if they use an ingredient that he isn't good with. I'll call all manner of bullshit if she beats Symon or Morimoto.
  10. *pours some cranberry juice for Tilda* Well, Tilda went out like a G. I would have lost all respect for the Widow if she let her live. The Widow has been killing since she was a child. No way in hell Tilda could take her out. Lydia is seriously off her game. Quinn plans to kill them all just to keep Sunny from Henry! All this tip toeing around the crazy is making me stabby. So much for the killer tumor. Sunny had better chop Quinn into hundreds of pieces when he gets to him.
  11. I was out and totally missed the show. Should I watch it, or just rewatch Queen Jujubee's reign in the library?
  12. Yeah, that's when I became less of a fan of the Widow. Veil had her issues, but she surely didn't deserve being underneath Quinn. Eww! I thought Sunny was looking rather delicious in that killer white. On Twitter, I was ROFL because someone said that Baron Chau was hoarding Oxyclean! I wish that the actor playing MK wasn't so wooden. He sucks the energy out of every scene he is in.
  13. Shame Aja couldn't make her personal bitch translate to the bitchy character she was supposed to portray. She needed to sashay away tonight. Nina! She is fierce, but she needs to get a hold of her emotions. Shea Coulee FTW.
  14. I'm all for Liz and Mike going next. Dude, you're crying about how much you miss your daughter. You did this reality show to get money for your daughter. Big picture, man. Focus on the race! Becca and Floyd FTW. They are running a smart race and having fun while doing it. That is the TAR experience I would love to have!
  15. I'm just glad that Ashton/Vanck was put out of their misery. They were truly miserable together and now let's banish the word "different" from the Amazing Race. I'm sure I heard that word at least 15 times from them this episode. Poor Scott. I would have put in earplugs by now.
  16. I. Love. This. Show. So many layers to this onion. I was happy Veil got to the Widow, but then I remembered that Veil was the one who gave Tilda that poison. Doh! The Widow popped her right back to Quinn. Damn. But what happened to Lydia? Quinn doesn't take to kindly to people who fail to kill him. Sunny got his boy back and a whole lot of trouble with him. So now MK can't hulk out? Figures. Back to the Master! Who knew Bajie was one of the acolytes (I don't know what to call them)? So it was possible to escape the compound alive.
  17. Oh, I was about to do a lot of cussing. Shota's dishes were not as banana laden, but they sure were pretty.
  18. Amen five thousand times. I may break the mute button on the remote if she keeps up the noise.
  19. I'm tickled that Team Fun had the Fast Forward and ended up Team 3. But they got to skydive, so I guess that is a decent enough trade off. Killer fatigue is showing. Ashton needs to stop talking shit in Vanck's face. So rude. Brooke's screeching is getting on my nerves. Poor Scott!
  20. Good riddance to Shamir. Brooke spent so much time crying and whining, she must be dehydrated.
  21. I'm a sucker for cooking shows, so I'm in. I am rooting for the cheftestants of color. It will have to be for Shota, since Nyesha lost. Sigh. The "winner" of this contest has to go against and BEAT Morimoto, Symon, and Flay? Don't think that's going to happen.
  22. Man. I hope this unfinished business Sunny is leaving behind doesn't bite him in the ass later. It's nice to not want to kill for any old reason, but Sunny doesn't need new enemies tracking him into the Badlands. I'd hate for Moon or that nasty Mech leader to pop up when it is time for Sunny to deal with Quinn.
  23. It looks like she is the only woman in Quinn's bunker. "He tried to rape me." But Quinn also knows she wants out and away from him. I'll bet he will just look at Edgar's body and say "Oh well. Who's going to cook dinner now?"
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