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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I love carrot cake, but I would never force that on anyone else. I want to know what's up with Tiffany and Derek too! There has to be a good story brewing between those two.
  2. Mikey's eyebrows and lip gloss in the THs are so distracting. I wish folk would realize that parking in a Walmart/Sam's Club parking lot will do you no favors and probably hurt your feelings. Those folks are not thinking about food! I thought that the duck costume was ... an actual costume. Dude was walking around in a poorly inflated duck inner tube guilt tripping people into buy his mom's food. Yikes.
  3. On a shallow note, I guess everyone expected Rhaegar to be more handsome in appearance because of the way he was rendered in the artwork. But I did chuckle at that fact that Rhaegar was just an older version of Viserys looks wise. It shouldn't be so surprising knowing the Targaryens were generally inbred. We are also put off because show Danaerys is quite beautiful. I wonder what Danaerys would have looked like if the show runners were more dedicated to the book material.
  4. Issa should have swallowed. I'm still waiting for Candice to cosign Dro's assertion of their relationship. Until then, I'll still believe that he is lying.
  5. Yep. You know they have to survive so they can tell those at Winterfell that the Wall is gone. So long, Baelish. You have definitely outstayed your welcome. Sansa knew that Arya never wanted to be Lady of any damn thing. That was an awesome season finale!
  6. Molly girl. I'm more inclined to think that Dro is not entirely truthful about his open marriage. Anytime a man I know is married ever slid up to me, I made sure to talk to his wife! I would have called Candace up to have a little chat. On the slim chance that he didn't lie, he is still not available!
  7. I was the one screaming "Leave! The Night King just took out a dragon! Why are you still on the ground?" Thank goodness I have no neighbors on either side of my house. They would have thought I was crazy!
  8. On a lighter note, all this talk about succession and "Those dragons are the only children I'll ever have!" in this episode. I'll bet the second Jon lays with Danaerys he will knock her up. With twins. The Night King got a new minion, but he gained the fury of its mama! He made the Scorpion look like a slingshot though. He was an Olympic medalist for sure. And to think I was worried about Jon making it out alive. *Pours liquor for Benjen* Now it's time for Jon to get back to Winterfell so he can finally find out he's a Targaryen. I'm tired of dodging the dragon sized anvils! "You don't look like your father." No shit.
  9. Randyl was beaten and he really didn't want to be under the thumb of either Queen. He expected his son to care more for their House than for him. Dickon of the unfortunate name was his only heir since he booted Samwell to the Wall. But Dickon apparently didn't want to live without his daddy.
  10. This ep hit the feels and laugh bones. Overlooking the fact that Jamie and Bronn swam all the way behind the battlefield in supposedly ankle deep water, I was heartily amused at the fact that Bronn won't let his castle dreams go that easily. Gendry! Guess we got our confirmation about Jon's parentage. I sure he pissed his pants before learning that Drogon doesn't mind being petted by him. You'd think that Danaerys would have at least wondered why her baby was okay with Jon touching him. Does she know that Tyrion also had a close encounter with the dragons and lived to tell about it? Sigh. It's a shame that with all that Sansa and Arya went through, that their relationship reduced itself to petty sibling rivalry. Baelish is going to have fun pitting them against each other. Sam is done with the Citadel. I hope he kept that book Gilly was reading. But that reveal belongs to the 3 eyed Raven, though.
  11. Well, she still struck a blow to the Red Keep. You can't eat gold. Winter is here! I was wondering if Jamie was going to die tonight. He should have been ash for rushing Danaerys like that. Drogon swung his head over real quick to barbeque Jamie only for Bronn to save him at the last minute. Damn. I don't think he will get his castle, though.
  12. *raises hand* I was fully expecting something nasty to happen to Ellaria and Tyene. While I am happy to not have to avert my eyes, I did feel a small pang for Ellaria not being able to comfort her daughter as she dies. A tiny pang... Yes, Euron is way too much for me. Hopefully we will be spared a Yara rape scene, because he seems like the type to do that to women he feels are too big for their britches.
  13. Wow. I'm going to need a scorecard or a chart. So far, Tyrion's on the losing end of the war strategy. At least Jon got his dragonglass. Bran finally got to Winterfell. To hell with the raven announcing his arrival. Olenna went out like a G. "Yeah, I killed your son. Tell his mama I did it." I now want Euron to die before he does something nasty to Yara.
  14. Being Desert fighters, they would have been out of their element on the water. While I did expect the Sand Snakes to go down, at least they didn't go down easily.
  15. Remember that Sansa and Tyrion were forced to wed. He was in love with another woman and was at best civil to Sansa. Jon kept saying to Sansa that "you know him", when she really didn't. All she could say was that he was the nicest Lannister! The 2 Sand Snakes was the ones whose bodies were hanging off the ship. Euron took Yara, Ellaria, and possibly Tyene Sand with him. I suspect he wants to do some nasty shit to Yara before he tries to kill her. Euron looks like the pedophile uncle type. "Give Uncle a kiss!" I was grossed out when he said that to Yara.
  16. Yep. Even though she cheated, Issa deserved way better than a pump and dump from Lawrence. He's being a shit to Tasha, too. Is he sucking the life out of her, because she looks hella drained! High school kids are horrible! I felt for Frieda and Issa; however, they should have figured out how to engage them better. Or maybe they are just awful with children period!
  17. I think that the fact that Nymeria didn't allow her pack to feast on Arya and her horse was recognition enough.
  18. Okay. I get it. No eating during GOT. Was I the only one cringing as Sam took way too long to skin that piece off of Jorah? So much for the Sand Snakes. I thought Yara has the best of the Iron Born? Looks like she and Ellaria will be Cersei's gift... Euron probably wants to rape Yara before he kills her. Gross. Tyrion will have to figure out a way to get the Dornish armies across the water. Is it next Sunday yet?
  19. Bran now knows the whole story about Jon's parentage. I'm sure he's heard the story of how Raegar took Lyanna away many times. The raven vision only confirmed what he was told. What he doesn't know yet is if Lyanna went willingly or against her will. Will he be able to relay that information to Jon at least before he meets Danaerys is the question. I also wondered how Dragonstone was so empty. So Stannis took everybody with him up North to die? Is the area around Dragonstone so inhospitable that no one bothered to go there once they learned that Stannis was dead?
  20. I cackled. Euron sure looks the part of a Westeros fuckboi. As much as I dislike Cersei, I giggled when she said "You know what? Nah." to his proposal. Arya is the GOAT. Took out the whole house of Frey in one fell swoop. Wine will be the death of you, boys! I want to root for Sansa, but she is a bit too belligerent and Baelish is still slithering around her. You know, I'd rather watch a thousand bouncing bare breasts than to watch Sam nearly puke through his day. The Khaleesi is home. Shall we begin? Is it next Sunday yet?
  21. I'm cool with Sasha winning the crown. There can be only one Drag Superstar! The real test is how she will parlay this honor to ramp up her drag. It's mostly the queens who don't win who have big upswings in their craft after RPDR. Shea Coulee, while giving the weakest lipsync this season at the end no less, will be just fine. I saw her videos and ran to iTunes to buy the songs. "Ride" is my current fave and is on repeat. Watching the finale, I was living! I'll admit I cackled when Trinity chose Pepper... Bitch you know the rest to lipsync against. Trinity put herself in 4th place, IMHO. Todrick had the best description of Trinity's performances: it is like we are watching her on Skype! Poor rhythmless queen. Even exposing the Tuck didn't help her. I love a good stunt, so Peppermint took it! I'm sure she hit Trinity in the face with the wig. I'm still cackling. I'll admit that Sasha gives good but crazed faces. Bob the Drag Queen is Bae. He never disappoints me. Every queen should take the time to dig Valentina. It will never not be funny. "I'd like to keep it on, please." *cackles*
  22. What is that phrase after Ru had the girls go whoop whoop? "She done already had hers"? That line she had to replace "she-mail" with. Just wondering.
  23. I just rewatched the "Category Is" performance. Sasha was so off the beat that she didn't properly execute the death drop. She just fell on the floor and stuck her leg up! *cackles* I also want someone to transcribe the raps of the queens. I thought I heard some good burns in them.
  24. I was not too surprised with tonight's result, because I was hard pressed to figure out who should have went home. My pick to win? Shea Coulee! She was fierce from top to bottom this year. My second choice would be Sasha Velour. But I surely won't be mad if Peppermint or Trinity Taylor takes the prize. This is the first time where I liked all the final queens.
  25. It was Alexis' time to go home. Her attitude just stunk up the joint. Peppermint just sold the hell out her lipsync! Looks like it will come doen to Shea Coulee and Trinity Taylor for the crown. Sasha Velour is an awesome queen, but she just doesn't have that spark.
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