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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Can you really have a moral center in a show full of killers? Just asking.
  2. I guess Waldo is not going to lecture Tilda on following orders any more! I found it cute that even though Quinn's clippers were in the middle of the fray, 2 Barons still chose to attack the Widow. I guess manpower is at a premium if they were threatened by her taking in cogs. We're probably not going to see Lydia's father and his people anymore. Lydia was propelled back into Ryder's orbit. I'll bet she'll take up with Jade to avenge Ryder even though he treated her like trash the last time they spoke. Poor Veil. She should have drugged Edgar then climbed out. He looked like he was going to rape her after getting drugged. I don't feel sorry for Ryder. He was too weak to be a Baron. He should have made sure his daddy was dead! Barring that, he should have taken the opportunity Quinn gave him to take the power honestly and honorably. I think that some part of Quinn knows that he is on borrowed time. But since Ryder couldn't do what he was supposed to do, he had to die.
  3. This episode was everything! Baron Chau is so not for Sisterhood. I guess killing your husband is not the "right" way to become a female Baron. I am amazed at how Jade always manages to escape being killed. So now she will be the Widow part 2? I guess the other Barons will be okay with her since she didn't actually kill Ryder. Speaking of him, good riddance. Talking all that shit at the Conclave and running like a bitch when his not-so-dead daddy appears. Quinn even gave him a chance to take him out! Ryder, you wasn't built to be a Baron.
  4. Yeah, it's really crappy for Veil because the only one who can truly protect her is her baby daddy! I'm hoping that Quinn is going to crash the Conclave. They appear to be underground, but I'll bet they are right under Ryder's nose.
  5. For the DVR people, tonight's episode will start at 10:25 pm (East Coast time) to accommodate the Walking Dead season finale.
  6. I like Kimora, whiny queen that she is. Jaymes was well out of his depth here; maybe another season once he becomes more seasoned. I'm all Team CuCu! Those white outfits were fierce! Well, except for Kimora with that blue bra. Girl, no colors at the white party!
  7. It was Jessie who called Jenn the Asian Barbie! I love her.
  8. I'll take the constant sunshine and rapping over a man borderline abusing his partner any day.
  9. Floyd. I forgave Becca for that slight once I saw that they vibed well together. At 6'3, she probably towered over the tallest guy there. Francesca? She is huge!
  10. Yep. I think he chose her purely on looks. Their chemistry is horrible.
  11. Becca and Floyd are my clear favorites because they clearly came to raaaaaace and they plan to have fun doing it! Being pretty doesn't help much on the Amazing Race. Bye Kevin and Asian Barbie! Seth and Olive seem strong. I cackled when she deadpanned in the airport about no romance with her partner. "Siiiigh. He likes dick." Jessie and Francesca will probably steamroll challenges now that are getting along better. My show is back!
  12. My Sunny is back! I found that this is one of those shows that you have to turn your brain way down in order to enjoy it. Now this is the one thing that kind of stuck in my craw besides Quinn still being alive; it's only six months later and Veil has already given birth? It seems like last season she just found out she was pregnant. But, I'll file that away and get to the "Quinn has Sunny's baby" freak outs. The Widow chopped those Clippers to bits to prove a point to Baron Ryder. Clearly the quality of Clippers have seriously dropped since Sunny went away! I also knew Tilda wouldn't let those rogue Clippers get away alive. She has a clear problem with men abusing women; the Widow should have remembered that! M.K. and the Master? Eh. I'd like to say that it was his unbridled strength that caused the Master's injury as opposed to what little skills he possesses. I just wonder what makes him so much more powerful than the others.
  13. I thought this was an awesome premiere! My reaction to LG's entrance: "Hmmm, that queen look just like Gaga. HOLY SHIT that IS Gaga!" My faves are Nina Bo'Nina, Shea Coulee, and Kimora Blac. Jaymes Mansfield and Eureka can sashay away right now.
  14. We call Tasha "Chase Ho" because of the Insecuritea podcast, not that we think she is a whore. It's funny. I think it was fitting for Issa and Molly to end up on the bouch. She probably won't stay in that apartment next season. She should chalk it up as a lesson learned and move on with her life. I wish Lawrence hadn't called Issa and got her hopes up. Once you say you're done, that's it! That "I hate you but I miss you nope I really hate you" phone call was the real gag. We probably won't see Jared anymore. I would think way less of him if he decided to take Molly back after all her nonsense.
  15. Ahh. I'm glad Molly and Issa made up. Those two need each other! Of course Lawrence was going to hit up the Chase ho (TM Crissle). I was thinking that there was no way he's going to pay upwards to $400 for some action when he had a chick who was DTF just for him! What would really make me like this series is if Issa finds a new man to vibe with. Let Lawrence go for good. His petty ass left that Best Buy shirt just to twist the knife, IMO. He thinks he's hot shit because he has a new job that Issa had to force him to take! I also want to see Tiffany's marriage blow up. She's way too snooty for me and I'm sure her hubby is hiding hella things from her.
  16. Issa: We have a lot of work to do! Move that bench over there. White Co-Worker: We just moved it over here. Issa: Don't question my authority! Thanks!
  17. I smelled that as well. It would be just like misguided Molly to try to get back at Issa by fucking Daniel. Lawrence is going full steam ahead to Miss Bank Teller.
  18. What got me was the sign; "We Got Y'all... You Got Us?" That made me chuckle and cuss at the same time! Issa's coworkers are the worst. So glad she got props from the kids and the boss. Molly. She was fully tripping all night. Therapy might be good for her. She got mad at mere suggestions no even directed at her. She deserved Issa's read and then to go running to Jared like he should be grateful for her attention. Girl. I cringed harder with every word out of her mouth. She just basically told that man he was beneath her. I cheered when he shut the door on her. Daniel must have thought he had the magic stick. I am glad that Issa told him he was just an itch she had to scratch. It was cold, but truthful. She should have said that before 3 weeks of multiple texts went by. Lawrence is heading straight for that bank teller. Here's a podcast for the show:
  19. My favorite part remains when the white boy co-worker comes up to Issa to ask "Why don't more of them swim?" "Slavery." I cackled every time I rewound the scene. That was the perfect answer.
  20. That was the only thing I couldn't understand with Ned. Yes, he took a considerable risk having a Targaryen child in his household when his best friend wanted to wipe all of them off the planet. He should have been able to set Cat's fears to rest concerning Jon's true parentage. But seeing Cat damn near abuse the boy for years? I can't imagine Lyanna wanted her child to be mistreated by his family! I can only assume that Cat either didn't like Lyanna for whatever reason or she was part of the Hate Targs brigade. Why be resentful of a child when you had plenty of your own legitimate children? That always bothered me when watching the 1st season. I would love a prequel to explain those things...
  21. Nah. Margaery had to die because no way would she have stood for Cersei killing her father and brother in the Sept. That shit was gangsta. I have to wonder what happened to the Tyrell army. Were they outside the perimeter of the Sept or did they die along with the family? And what other noble families were there to witness the trial shenanigans and got wiped out? Any other Lannisters left since Kevan and Lancel are no more? So many questions!
  22. That was Lancel. I hope the little birds got themselves out of dodge before the wildfire hit the Sept.
  23. Now Sansa has got to get Littlefinger out of the Vale. Thank goodness she refused his clumsy overtures. How on earth are you going to try to get a girl you sold to a sadist to rock with you? Even Sansa is not that stupid.
  24. Nah he won't. Tommen jumped on his own. Cats don't avenge self sacrifices! That was a satisfying finale. Don't worry; Cersei won't be Queen long because the Sand Snakes and the Queen of Thorns is coming for her. RIP Margeary. You managed to save Olenna at the very least. Arya's back in Westeros fucking shit up. A girl is awesome. *Playing Beyonce's song "Run the World (Girls)"
  25. Damn. He ate all four of them? Did he even offer his wife a bite? Heh.
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