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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Present!HRG stalked through the hospital until he saw Erica leaving. Past!HRG saw Present!HRG and followed himself stalking Erica. Present!HRG put the silencer on his gun as he prepared to shoot Erica in her back. Past!HRG yells and lunges forward to stop himself from shooting Erica. End scene.
  2. Or use the scenes from Heroes. Yes, they would still have to cut HP a check, but it would be worth it to make the story better. Okay, I'll grudgingly accept that maybe Phoebe's shadow did Claire in. When Noah and Hiro looked out of the hospital window, they could see the bombing. That's pretty evil of Erica to ensure that the Evos couldn't save themselves or others since their powers were cancelled out. Another question: Hiro sent the children into the future. How did they get back to present time aged 15 years? Remember that Odessa Hiro was sucked into Evernow. Maybe there is another timewalker?
  3. I liked this ep! It answered many questions and only left me with a few. So... A nearly indestructible evo is taken out by the stress of childbirth. What? I know they couldn't get Hayden Panettiere to make a few cameos, but really? It would have felt better for Claire to hand her children off to Angela and disappear off the face of the earth. Erica didn't have Molly yet, so that could have happened. I had to chuckle at Angela and Noah look at these babies and wonder which twin would save the world. "I know Claire's child will save us!" "Which one?" "I dunno." It also makes sense that Erica would be looking for one baby, not two teenagers sent back from the future. One question: Who was Malina and Nathan/Tommy's father? The bombs were Harris clones. Poor, Pretty Mohinder bought it since he was right next to one. Hiro and his butterflies. There could have been a way to stop the clones unless there was way too many of them... but Hiro could freeze time! I wonder why he didn't tell Noah how he ended up in Evernow? I didn't miss Carlos. I see that Noah is just going to ignore Hiro and step on a yooge butterfly named Erica... How apropos for his past self to try to stop him from making an even bigger mistake. Only if he was trying to grow new clones in the midst of Phoebe's shadow. I'm sure Harris Prime was safe somewhere else at the time of the bombing.
  4. Of course the relationship is odd, these are two children who are strangers being forced to be together. This whole situation is to benefit the Miller family. Seeing how desperate Michael and Nina are to marry off their boys, especially the ones younger than Christian, leads me to believe that they are using the dowries from the wive's family to sustain their standard of living. They have a pretty nice house, even the basement area where Christian and Maria live. He never said he loves Maria because he barely knows her!
  5. The marriage is not legal in that they did not get a marriage license from the state. The Gypsy people keep to themselves in every aspect of their lives. So technically they cannot force Maria to stay with Christian. I truly enjoyed the Council ripping Christian a new one, but... If they knew the boy wasn't an ideal prospect for marriage, why did they allow the marriage to take place? Surely there is a program in place to ensure that the pairings are successful? Christian should have had counseling before he took a wife. Ragini's situation is the result of doing something to please someone else. She probably would have been alright if she had the courage to live her own life and not get married. Some women just aren't meant to be traditional wives. Veeral was acting like a toddler, though. Surely you could understand that Ragini doesn't want to be around your family 24/7, especially since her family is not close by. Then for her to get the "Better Have a Baby Before I Die" speech from her father. I felt sorry for her. Oh! I forgot to mention those faces Christian was making while trying to talk to Maria in the diner. His mouth was saying, "I'm sorry.", but his face was telegraphing "I hate you!" Poor Maria. No way I would have gone back to that manchild. I know she really feels that she doesn't have a choice.
  6. I'd be willing to bet money that they probably consummated their marriage (in a very unsatisfying manner) and Maria hasn't allowed Christian to touch her since. He seems grossly immature.
  7. Tito is pretty awesome. I'll be real. I am a sympathy crier, so as soon as I saw Taryll start to cry in the car, I just shut the tv off. Maybe I'll watch it again when I feel like having an ugly cry.
  8. Finally some movement! That should be the last we see of Katana Girl, since she was used to free Hiro. And we get to go back in time to see what really happened on that fateful day...
  9. It's pretty odd for a man to scream bloody murder about his wife's makeup. Christian is the worst. He had no problem dropping nearly $300 on himself, yet balked at Maria getting a curling iron so she could look good. I'll bet he would say no if she wanted a candy bar. That's beyond messed up that Maria doesn't get to enjoy the money she worked for. I was incredulous when Christian did that TH in a suit! Where was he going? Who was going to see him? What I want to see is someone sitting him down and telling him not to be an asshat to his wife. Maybe the Elders will deliver the smackdown?
  10. I have to wonder how the Romany men (in this case, boys) are prepared for marriage? Is "Don't be a dick to the woman unfortunately stuck with you" not in the manual? If the boy is clearly not mature enough to not be abusive, why subject the poor girl to that? Christian's parents respect each other; they probably had to get there after a few years, but still. They are apparently scaring Peter, who I am sure is way better than his brother.
  11. That's what I was wondering as well. It seems like Ragini is spending every weekend with her in-laws. Does she ever get to spend time with her family? They certainly can't blame her for not wanting to be around them since all they want to do is talk about her having babies. It looks like Maria left the makeup with her goodbye note.
  12. Good lord have mercy. Christian is all in her makeup and hollering about saving money. What is HE doing as a Gypsy "Man" to provide for his wife? Plus I am not liking that his parents are not reinforcing ALL the Romany ways. His father is okay with HO money his wife keeps to herself, but Christian seems unaware of that aspect. Plus he is extremely selfish. "I need money to buy myself some clothes." What about Maria? What does she get when she is done peddling flowers in bars? Ragini is getting the full course press. But, that is partly what she signed up for. I can't say that I blame her for chaffing at the constant pressure from Veeral's family, but she has to learn to put them off in a manner that should get them off her back.
  13. I had quite a few chuckles about Tenay. You're asking for privacy with the DNA results when you've practically touring as a Jackson? You're asking for privacy when you have been all over the entertainment news shows saying Tito was your father? You're on a reality show with your "brothers", dear. The privacy ship has already sailed! (And she doesn't have the "Jackson" look that all the others have...) Bree should have answered TJ's question like this: "I've been such a bitch to Taryll lately and I might as well be nice on his birthday so he can buy me stuff." Taj has a wife. I find it odd when we see so much of Taryll's girl and TJ's wife.
  14. Hmm. Here's what my Google-Fu uncovered: From the marriage, two of Jackson's three children were produced: son Michael Joseph "Prince" Jackson, Jr. (born February 13, 1997) and daughter Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (born April 3, 1998). Jackson and Rowe divorced on October 8, 1999, with Rowe giving full custody rights of the children to Jackson. His third and final child, son Prince Michael Jackson II, was born to an unnamed surrogate mother on February 21, 2002. From the looks of this, they should have called Blanket "Prince" since it is his actual name. If the oldest boy is Michael Jr., why not call him "Junior"? Also, who was the first Prince Michael Jackson for Blanket to be named after him? How odd that none of his children wanted to go by "Michael".
  15. I'm still mad that that child is stuck with name "Blanket". Tonight's show features a woman claiming to be 3T's sister. Why isn't Tito involved? They introduce this woman to Jermaine?
  16. I agree. We haven't seen Taj's wife yet in the show. I wonder if she decided not to have any part of it? Taryll's girl? I kinda hate her too! I get her wanting to have her man be a man, but that doesn't mean leaving all of the responsibility of the relationship on his shoulders. If your budget doesn't allow for the expensive items, you don't get them. That said, Taryll needs to have another source of income (several sources, as a matter of fact!) to supplement his musical dreams. He needs to find something outside of 3T since his brothers clearly don't give a damn about 3T anymore. And all 3 men need to go to a therapist to deal with their mother's murder. Then maybe they'll be alright.
  17. Whew. I'm so glad that JP straightened up. He also needs therapy to properly deal with his mother's death.
  18. That was the very best story coming out of the Jackson lore. Although I can't see myself being with one brother and having children to being with HIS brother and having children with him! Jeez. Alejandra thought she was going to get money but she got baby daddy drama times two! Ugh.
  19. I never knew that Tito Jackson's name was Toriano Adaryll Jackson. Where did that middle name come from? I also see that TJ (birth name Tito Joe Jackson) was the "Blanket" of his generation! "Jermajesty" almost sounds cool compared to these brothers' names! Taj is one year younger than me. That's over 40 folks. Somebody should have told him to lose those braids. He looks too silly to be a grown ass man. Taryll has the wife (girlfriend?) from hell. He makes the bulk of his money from music, which he isn't making much of these days. She basically wants the best of everything and simply doesn't understand that she didn't marry Michael. She seems so bitchy and their children are following in her attitude. Poor dude eats to deal with her. I figured that TJ would be the one hurting for money the most since he seems determined to have as many children as possible. Looks like his wife has 2 children from a previous relationship, then they had 4 children. With Michael's 3 children, that makes 9. Guardianship probably helps with the brood he has. I thought TJ was the oldest since he seems to be so bossy with his brothers. At least he has a nice relationship with his wife. I just can't get over how un-Jacksonlike Prince, Paris, and Blanket (ugh) are compared to the other Jackson progeny. Heh. All the other Jacksons look alike and here is Blanket looking like a Brando. I had to giggle when they went camping. TJ knew good and well he is too high maintenence to be roughing it. Despite the music and their personal lives, I like that the brothers are close to each other. Wikipedia to the rescue! Siggy is Jackie Jackson's son (Jackie's birth name being Sigmund Esco Jackson). Jafar, Jermajesty, and Donte are Jermaine Jackson's sons. There was Michael's sons and TJ's son Royal. Was that everybody they showed?
  20. I'll admit it. I got the "Brotherhood" Album and I really dug the song "Tease Me". Nice Bedroom music. But then Tito's boys fell off the face of the earth. I'm watching this show because now I am interested in what went wrong. Plus I get a thrill of looking at Michael's children in this show looking nothing like their cousins. *cackling*
  21. From the earlier episodes, it looked like Bello was Hadassah's roommate and the only one she hung around once Mame started focusing completely on Justin. It was funny that he expected her to fall back into step with him after he came back. She was probably relieved once he left for good!
  22. Well. The networks gods made things right by having ANTM come on a hour behind The Amazing Race. So we have to wait until next week for Tyra to cut Justin? (Not a spoiler, but I want Devin to go home. I usually don't get what I want!) Thank goodness Bayjo didn't get back into the competition. He turned the bitch up way too far. He acted like Hadassah owed him for his "friendship". Gurl please. Dustin took an awesome picture! He earned his way back in. I think Yu sabotaged Justin by making him pick up the dog. Justin got tired and flustered, so crappy photos. Other than that, Yu is miles ahead of Tyra's boyfriend.
  23. I'm mad because with the new timeslot, this show will be airing at the same time as The Amazing Race. Grrrr.
  24. When Phil walks up to them. If you focus on Kelly, you will see her back is all red.
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