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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. The editing monkeys are high on coke. That should have been a 2 hour show! I really want them to cut Devin, because he. is. not. attractive. He has a wonky eye and with his hair pulled from his face, he looks like a velociraptor. He is signed to Elite? Really? With that face? Bello is so bitchy. I also would like to see the relative that has those ice blue eyes. Mother, father, grandfather; I need receipts! I'm amazed that most of these fragile wannabe models still try out for this show knowing they will be surrounded by vipers. Introverts who have never left their parent's house or their city before need not apply! "I wanna be a model, but I can't be around other people! *runs away in tears*" Haddassah is soo pretty, but so damn bossy. Running down your likes and dislikes during a house meeting will not make the others hamsters like you. And Tyra is going to torture her in the Makeover episode, trust. Nyle and Justin are the only reasons I am watching the show this cycle. Yum.
  2. Yeah. She could have saved her breath and just said, "Eff y'all. Evict me." But she might have been on to something with the reasoning that the HGs won't openly target Audrey because she is transgender. If they don't evict her in the next 2 weeks, I'll root for her to win it all!
  3. Having just watched my first episode of this season (because real life), I've come away with this one thought; No matter what, the HGs are still slobs. The kitchen would give me nightmares! I saw that poor twin almost puke from the mess in the sink. Don't they have an automatic dishwasher in the house? If not, they surely need one. Surely they can get a more diverse variety of HGs.
  4. Oh it was very mean. I took it as "Finally we get to see what happened to Benjen!", not using him to setup Jon to get stabbed. That's all I really wanted to know after the mystery of Jon's parentage; what the hell happened to Benjen?
  5. This. And Olly going all "For the Watch". Now it might have been more powerful if he said "For my Parents". Hell, I could have written better dialogue in my sleep!
  6. The main thing that really bothered me about this season was the pacing of the various storylines. Shit is just happening way too slow. The only episode that hit it out the park was "Hardhome". We've been waiting for winter to come for so damn long and finally, Winter.Is.Here. And all we got was a White Walker basically telling Jon "Come at me Bro!", then watching him sail away. So much for this yooge threat to damn near everyone up North. Are the White Walkers taking the scenic route? Can they build a damn boat so they can destroy the Wall already? All the other stories shouldn't mean a thing if you have a Zombie invasion practically outside your front gates. Stannis took forever to get to Winterfell only to get wiped out in minutes. Honestly, staying in one place long enough for your enemy to sabotage your camp was piss poor planning. All those sellswords and none of them was accustomed to North winters? I would have felt better if Shireen and Sylese had either fallen victim to Ramsay or died from the elements. That would have made more sense. Dorne. What a waste of a few good actors on a slow, shitty storyline. Dornish doesn't harm little girls, but will poison them! The Sand Snakes were a disappointment. Tyene poisoned Bronn, gave him the antidote, and for a final act, teased him with her kitty cat. What was the point? Would have made more sense to have Bronn stay in Dorne since this Snake took such a shine to him. And you can't tell me that Doran would just let his teenage heir go to King's Landing so easily. What, no raven service? No one to tell him that shit just got real in the capital? I don't mind suspending my disbelief since GoT is fiction, but this story just plain insulted my intelligence. ETA: Almost forgot about the continuation of the Worst. Kept. Secret. Evah. Even Myrcella knew that Jamie was her uncle daddy. She accepted it, told him it was cool, then dies in his arms. Jeez.
  7. Well. I KNEW that Ellaria wouldn't let Myrcella go peacefully home. Damn. Now what about Trystane? Are they going to turn around and go back to Dorne or sail to King's Landing with Myrcella's body? The walk of shame was brutal, yo. I felt a little cheated since I wanted to know what happened to Tommen. Dothraki! Since they didn't immediately take her head off, I guess they may have recognized Dany as a former Khaleesi. I did laugh when Drogon shook her off when she tried to make him take her back to Meereen. "Get off me, Mom. I'm taking a nap."
  8. Love this post! I'll bet they will tag along to King's Landing as well. I don't think that Doran will leave Trystane unprotected. Surely he has heard what happened to Cersei, Margeary, and Loras by now. According to the show, Oberyn has 5 illegitimate children. The 3 Sand Snakes are the 3 eldest, and Ellaria is mother to 2 of them. I'll assume the last 2 children are much younger than the ones we have seen.
  9. I also wondering what in the world was Doran doing, sending Trystane into the vipers pit of King's Landing. Will Jamie and his motley crew get back just in time to see Cersei get what's coming to her?
  10. This. right. here. They should have had Dany escaping the Harpies with Drogon in the middle of the episode and then showed Shireen meeting her end. Credits. Multitudes of GOT viewers in fetal positions on floors. Just like the previous Episode 9s.
  11. I'm all for Drogon saving his mom, but what about Jorah, Daario, Tyrion, and Missandei? They are stuck in the middle of a coliseum full of roasted, pissed off Harpies! Ugh. I was expecting Ellaria to lose her head. The Snake sisters did give me a chuckle when Tyene slapped her sister in the face. "Was I slow that time, bitch?" I can't even summon enough outrage for poor Shireen. I didn't expect them to do it, but once the fire started... Sigh. It doesn't pay to get attached to anyone on this show.
  12. A bit? If I was told that my boyfriend would pick his cat over me to my face, I would have left right then. He seemed to like the fact that his cat was at odds with his girlfriend!
  13. While that would have made more sense, that wasn't true. She put her children on one of the boats. The Wights and the White Walkers apparently aren't waterproof, so Jon and the others could escape.
  14. Awww shit. Now the White Walkers have finally come out to play. I was beginning to wonder what happened to them. Since Jon killed one of them, they will now come for him. What did he do with the dragonglass dagger Sam gave him?
  15. *doing my Snoopy Happy Dance* That. was. fucking. awesome. Talk about not seeing the noose before it tightens around your neck. Tommen is done for now. So the Snakes did poison Bronn. I wonder what their game is if they saved him from certain death. Looks like Dorne is really the safest place for Myrcella now. Sam and Gilly better get out of Castle Black real quick now. I'm amazed that this was the first time she was ever accosted. Let's see if Theon is going to help Sansa. I may need to watch this one again!
  16. One thing I caught; Doran is watching Trystane and Myrcella walking in the garden. He says something to the effect of "A Lannister and a Martell. What a combination." So they aren't even bothering to call Myrcella a Baratheon, huh? Worst kept secret ever!
  17. Especially since Cersei promising him the North won't amount to much because Olenna will take her and Tommen down. I don't expect that the Lannisters will have control of King's Landing for much longer.
  18. Plus the time it took for Doran's main goon to come break up the party. So Ellaria only has 3 Sand Snakes? Wasn't there more of them? The better plan would have been for one of them to just snatch Myrcella while her sisters engaged Trystane and whoever happened to be around.
  19. Ugh. Time for Ramsay to die a thousand deaths. Tonight sure upped the stakes. I wonder what Doran will do with Ellaria and her Snakes... plus the unexpected bonus of Jaime Lannister! Lady Olenna is going to burn King's Landing down, yo. Poor Tommen. Didn't even have enough gumption to save his wife. Alright Stannis, time for you to get to Winterfell!
  20. I hope that stupid idea was put to rest since none of the blind date couples actually fell in love with each other. I especially loved Jenny's response; "I'm sure Jelani will make some woman out there really happy (since it ain't gonna be me!)..."
  21. I wasn't even there. I thought Ramsey was going to cut off Theon's fingers or hand. I want that Bolton dead already!
  22. Oh Walda. You in danger girl. So that's where Drogon has been hanging out. So Dany's ancestral homeland is by Mereen and nobody told her about it? Miranda. I was scandalized by her hip bones jutting out. What, the Boltons can't feed their people? Yes, she is hella jealous of Sansa. I though she was going to lock her in the kennels or sic those dogs on Sansa. I wonder what ever happened to Arya's direwolf? (stray thought)
  23. From the way the stories are falling, it may have been that Rhaegar and Lyanna may have fallen in love. Still, he wasn't that swell of a guy because he openly cheated on his wife and snatched a woman from her intended husband. Littlefinger probably thought, "Ah. So that the way the Starks spun this particular tale."
  24. Yes. This! Plus how likely is Stannis going to let a woman rule the North, Stark or not? I don't see Sansa being strong enough to keep control over a House, let alone a good section of the Seven Kingdoms.
  25. On the subject of Lancel, what was the significance of the "tattoo" on his forehead? He appeared to be the only Sparrow with one, unless I missed other ones with it. And yeah, Cersei is so going to get snakebit. It will be fun to watch!
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