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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Hell, up to the procedure, I thought her husband punched her in the eye. I understand Golden's feelings about the acting craft and what it is worth these days, but she still didn't need to shade Lisa. If Golden had just googled her, then she probably would have shut her piehole. I didn't like her pulling Lisa to the side to make her give her credentials. Did she think Paula gave her the Producer nod for shits and giggles? If Golden is that stank to someone she just met, I wonder how she treats people she knows?
  2. Clearly this is something to do while that Executive Producer money rolls in. It's easy to dismiss someone when you don't see all the things they do. Lisa clearly has enough juice in this game. I'll bet if Nene Leakes was on this show no one would be shading her "reality star status"!
  3. Paula and her husband... Judging from the previews of next week's episode, I am not going to like this dude. First of all, he's letting Paula shade him on television. Then, he doesn't seem to be doing anything to keep his family above water. Now he's about to get out of pocket with his mother-in-law. *shakes head*
  4. Agent Melinda May. I flove her! I really do. Amazing that people just won't do their proper research when planning to impersonate someone. The imposter will almost always do one thing that the real person would not do, say, or eat.
  5. We should be able to make episode threads even if there is no description. Yes, Jay was quite the nutter. When he demonstrated to Jackson how he "played" with Marley, I shrank back in horror! Dude, why are you replicating that cat's greatest trauma? Yes, this was a grand example of "you should have gotten a dog". I have to explain to my brother daily that you can't play with cats the same way you play with dogs. He is used to dogs, I own cats! Alison and Dylan's warring cats sure made their first year of marriage difficult. I would have loved to know who were the other 2 cat behaviorists were... Good thing Jackson was able to fix things since they wanted to get rid of the other's cat!
  6. It's no rumor... http://madamenoire.com/471306/congratulations-keke-wyatt-expecting/
  7. Lisa Wu shot to fame with her role on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Atlanta. She is unwillingly tied to the stigma that reality stars have no talent but Lisa has credits to rival those in Hollywood. Prepared to come in and use her talents to fight for her place in this business, Lisa doesn’t think other actresses should be upset by her presence. Instead, they should get to know the real person she is and not the reality star she portrayed.
  8. Elise is a black actress who has no problem with self-confidence. She eats healthy, works out and knows that she’s a great looking 48 year-old starlet. She’s been fortunate to land several lead roles on TV shows like The Hughleys and All of Us, and great films including, Rosewood and Hustle and Flow. As a result, Elise knows her worth and what she brings to the table as a multi-faceted actress. But Elise knows as a black actress you have to wear more than one hat. Therefore, she is going to reignite her dance troupe, Elise and Assorted Flavors, and show the world that she is a true triple threat!
  9. Countess, a child star, has been dealing with being a Hollywood actress since a very early age. Like most women in Hollywood, sometimes Countess felt she couldn’t measure up to most of the leading ladies she co-starred with on her past television shows. Once The Parkers ended, Countess took some time out to being a mother a wife. She currently has two children, one from a previous marriage and one with her current boyfriend, David, a construction worker who also has a child from a previous relationship. Their blended family has been her focus over the last few years.
  10. In the clique-ish world of Hollywood, it is great when a black actress finds herself on the inside. Paula Jai knows this answer all too well. She was accepted and dated within the circle, but once she married a former production assistant she met on set, she had to suffer the consequences. Known for her roles in Hustle & Flow, Friday and She Hate Me, Paula’s career also suffered once she had a child she affectionately named Onederful. With her sights on getting her name back in the spotlight and move out of the hotel she lives in with the family, a new project may actually help Paula reclaim her fame.
  11. Golden Brooks known for roles on hit movies like Beauty Shop and Something New, and the mega successful hit show Girlfriends and Heart of Dixie is on the search to discover the next big hit! Like many black actresses, Golden has several layers to her craft which include dance and poetry but feels there isn’t certain avenues allotted for Black actresses to showcase their skill set. A doting mom to a precocious 4 year old girl named Dakota, this single mother is ready to have it all. And with her eyes on the prize, this beauty is determined to achieve just that.
  12. Team Lisa and Team Countess here. I couldn't believe how shady Elise and Golden were towards Lisa! Miss "Triple Threat" and Miss "I studied my craft" need to have a stadium full of seats. *whispers* You'se all Reality Stars now bitches... Paula is just plain crazy boots. I almost felt bad for her husband, but then I realized that he must not be any good because he has his wife and son in a hotel. He sat there while she blamed him for all their issues! Any man with any self respect would have walked out the first time he heard her say that! Paula also gets a side-eye for naming her boy "Onederful". Poor kid.
  13. Amen. "I trust you." and a lame poem has got to be the worst birthday gift ever. Hell, even if you wasn't going to propose, at least give a decent gift! Loretta girl, now that your face was broken on National television, it's time for you to cut Noel Jones loose. Damn, I felt bad for her. I can imagine the party got sour real quick after that. So Caleb was acting out because he was jealous of Wayne? I can see that, considering Wayne seems to be the brother with the most going for him. The other Cheney brothers was in a recording studio trying to be rappers.
  14. Kuvira is a total bad ass! It makes sense that most would refer to her as "The Great Uniter" while the clown Prince is hiding in Republic City. Do they really think that Kuvira won't bump Prince Wu off the second he lands in Ba Sing Se? I wonder if there was any significance to the Kuvira supporters throwing strawberry pies at the Prince?
  15. I'm wondering what Geena Davis did to her face and what happened to her jaw to make her sound like it is wired shut. Anyway, it is merely a retread of the surgeon god making life miserable for the attending wanting to break into their specialty.
  16. I don't think Mere has accepted Maggie as her sister. She has accepted the fact that her mother had another child. She won't be so quick to accept Maggie once she learns how she blew up at Richard.
  17. That would be too much like right. Alex still has Cristina's shares, doesn't he? They could have just put him and Bailey on the board and be done with it.
  18. My favorite part of the episode was Alex and Meredith quickly tracking the info that proved that she had yet another sister. I cackled when she admitted that she really didn't remember much about the time spent in Boston. Why would she remember Ellis being pregnant? I'm sure that Ellis spent very little time with Mere while incubating Richard's child. Poor Alex! Being Mere's person is going to be more than he bargained for.
  19. I have to admit, the episode won me back, with the exception of Pierce's tantrum and Alex getting screwed over yet again. I suppose that the board seat had to go to Bailey to keep her from terrorizing the hospital. What is Alex going to do since Pierce cost him his job? Thank goodness that Callie and Arizona decided against the new baby. How's about they pay some attention to Sophia? (And please, please, please don't let Callie fall into Owen's arms!) I see McDouchebag was in full effect at work. What is he doing since Amelia is head of Neuro? I think I have to watch last season to figure things out. Looks like he will be going to DC so Meredith can go into full on Drunky-pants mode. The Day Care situation must be real prolific at Seattle.
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