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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Chrisette is a very special snowflake. I like her when she is with her people, but not when she is with the other Divas. The "Opus" sounds pretty good so far. I like that Leela and Mo are trying to help Michel'le with her issues. I figured her troubles began quite recently and it is still very raw. She is seeing a therapist, so there's that. Can't wait to see how Warryn Campbell will gum up the works on the Puerto Rico songs.
  2. Oh lord. Another season of Dietrick being extra dramatic.
  3. I believe these people are genuine. It's just rare that lay people get a glimpse into the private lives of their spiritual leaders and they are shocked to find that they are as human as we are! Being in the church myself, I am always amused when folk worship their pastors and bishops instead of worshipping God. Real recognizes real.
  4. Girl, how he bristled when the word "fornication" came up. He was pissed because that was exactly what they were doing!
  5. Leela is my new friend in my head! I love how she's all "Can these women get over themselves so we can make some music?" I think Chante was being shady. She could have told the divas up front that she only wanted to use her connection to them to get her single off the ground. And her management sends out letters with misspelled words and no letterhead? Really now. Especially since the other divas has attorneys to look over every contract! Is it sad that I only like the ladies when they are not all together? when they break up into smaller groupings the personalities are easier to watch.
  6. Yeah, Dietrick was trying way too hard to clean up what was going on with Dominique. While they were not livivg together, they sure was having sex. But he allowed this story to gain so much momentum. His storyline could have been about his decision not to return to the pulpit. But he spent the entire season hollering about "being with his family".
  7. Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams interviews the cast of "Preachers of L.A."
  8. I was so firmly addicted to this show. Now that I don't have any free time, I'll probably have to settle for DVDs. My favorite parts were when the "secondary" characters got to shine. I love Naruto, but he didn't start getting really cool until Shippuden.
  9. *sweeping the floor and setting up the dessert table*
  10. These girls are making me itch. They are just going to sit back and let the boys pick them off one by one. Sigh. They need to turn in their ovaries!
  11. Chante was being all shadyboots about her "Ladies Anthem". Is she trying to pull a Faith Evans on the ladies? Leela girl. You could have put that tat in a less painful area. And the girls call this a bonding session? I would have preferred a spa day! I am still done with Mo and her wigs. I love Crisette!
  12. I was just as confused, for a different reason. Why wouldn't the PTB just give Frankie the photos? If anything, they could have included them with the letter!
  13. She was the one who helped in Ethan's creation, right? I'm sure she is going to come between Molly and John at some point. She is way more into Ethan than his "mother".
  14. I'm going to give Jocasta a pass because it has to be nerve wracking to be sick and with a house full of strangers while being very sick. She wasn't expecting the hamsters to rally around her and she was touched by that. Cody is hawt and he is also in danger. He'd better sleep with one eye open. As much as I dislike Devin, I'd rather the hamsters vote Caleb out.
  15. I think that this is merely the calm before the storm. I don't really like the premise of these Divas shows; there's one big project that someone wants all the Divas to participate in but it blows up because some of these Divas don't play well with others. I start watching the show being excited to see the singers I like only to be disappointed in how the singer behaved during the show. Mo is working my nerves already with the blonde wigs.
  16. Nah. I think the whole idea was to create a hybrid. Kryger, being male, could not bring new life into the world. So now, it's a matter of what is now percolating in Molly and who is going to try to control it.
  17. Angie has apparently quit the Divas show over Ashanti and his loose ways. http://s2smagazine.com/2014/07/10/angie-stone-quits-divas-after-beaus-affair-revealed/
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