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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. As for being in love with Renly, he was a good looking man who payed attention to her. Even though Brienne is a warrior, she was still innocent in most ways. She may not have even realized Renly and Loras were getting it on. Renly was also married to Margaery, so there was no chance of getting intimate with him, either. Unrequited first loves are a bitch!
  2. I may have to go back to find this info: Which Martell was Myrcella promised to? I don't know why she is so heavy in my GoT obsession and I am trying to wait until this season is over to read the book.
  3. Margaery is the King's widow, but she has no leverage to remain Queen. She has no heirs to secure her position. Sure, she could be married to Tommen, but he is still a child. Cersei gets to remain Queen Regent unless Tywin decides to shove her out of what little power she has left.
  4. I thought it was quite odd that Tywin didn't come over to watch the king die himself. He is the Hand of the King, after all. I'm going to have to rewatch this ep a few times to see what was going on in the background. Cersei damn near knocked Margaery down to get to Joffrey. I thought she would have run to him as well, at least to make sure he died if she knew what was going to happen.
  5. Hopefully to safety, because now Tyrion can't shield her anymore.
  6. True enough. Only one death! piffle. I thought Joffrey was going to put his new valerian steel to grisly effect for entertainment! Poor Sansa. I wonder if she somehow knew it was once Ice.
  7. Awe-fucking-some ending. Shame that Tyrion went down for ridding the realms of the menace that was Joffrey. Amazing that they thought it was the wine that did him in. Anybody else got any of that pie?
  8. Insane doesn't begin to cover these 2! I thought Gordon was going to be sick once he found out that they were stealing the server's tips. How do they even have servers? No way would I work for any tyrants who keep my tips!
  9. Shae is Sansa's personal handmaiden. Remember when she checked their bed after the wedding? She would be the first one to know if Tyrion did his duty. No excuse for her sudden stupidity!
  10. I was wondering about that during Jaime's scene with Tywin. I want to know his thoughts on his "Baratheon" grandson! Or is it an open secret at this point? Anyone who dares to speak on it will probably be killed, though.
  11. I'm sure she was never thrilled. She's just not hiding it anymore.
  12. Yep. Looks like Tyrion let the fox right into the henhouse in regards to Prince Oberyn. I wonder how they are treating Myrcella in Dorne? Shae is so doomed now. I can't believe that she is jealous of Sansa. She clearly doesn't understand what being a political prisoner is.
  13. Arya's getting her groove back! I'm amazed that Jaime let Cersi's remark about "taking too long" pass without an immediate explanation. I'm sure he probably won't like being replaced in his sister's affections...
  14. Sigh. I am RuPaul's bitch, because I went right to iTunes and downloaded "Oh No She Betta Don't". I'm listening to it right now. ;) ETA: I obviously am having trouble spelling words properly this morning...
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