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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Kuvira is a total bad ass! It makes sense that most would refer to her as "The Great Uniter" while the clown Prince is hiding in Republic City. Do they really think that Kuvira won't bump Prince Wu off the second he lands in Ba Sing Se? I wonder if there was any significance to the Kuvira supporters throwing strawberry pies at the Prince?
  2. I'm wondering what Geena Davis did to her face and what happened to her jaw to make her sound like it is wired shut. Anyway, it is merely a retread of the surgeon god making life miserable for the attending wanting to break into their specialty.
  3. I don't think Mere has accepted Maggie as her sister. She has accepted the fact that her mother had another child. She won't be so quick to accept Maggie once she learns how she blew up at Richard.
  4. That would be too much like right. Alex still has Cristina's shares, doesn't he? They could have just put him and Bailey on the board and be done with it.
  5. My favorite part of the episode was Alex and Meredith quickly tracking the info that proved that she had yet another sister. I cackled when she admitted that she really didn't remember much about the time spent in Boston. Why would she remember Ellis being pregnant? I'm sure that Ellis spent very little time with Mere while incubating Richard's child. Poor Alex! Being Mere's person is going to be more than he bargained for.
  6. I have to admit, the episode won me back, with the exception of Pierce's tantrum and Alex getting screwed over yet again. I suppose that the board seat had to go to Bailey to keep her from terrorizing the hospital. What is Alex going to do since Pierce cost him his job? Thank goodness that Callie and Arizona decided against the new baby. How's about they pay some attention to Sophia? (And please, please, please don't let Callie fall into Owen's arms!) I see McDouchebag was in full effect at work. What is he doing since Amelia is head of Neuro? I think I have to watch last season to figure things out. Looks like he will be going to DC so Meredith can go into full on Drunky-pants mode. The Day Care situation must be real prolific at Seattle.
  7. I hope Chrisette does not come back next season. I would miss Claudette, but she has probably got what she needed from the show.
  8. I hope not! Syleena is by far my favorite Diva, so maybe the producers can build a good cast around her. Keke may feel like she no longer needs R&BDATL, but I probably won't watch a show with her popping out more babies and acting crazy. Divas with yooge egos need not apply!
  9. I am not a fan of the Twinnies from their shrill jaunts on TAR, but I was hoping that John wouldn't physically go after Natalie. "If you were a man, I'd knock you out." That sent chills down my spine. So he needed to go.
  10. And that is what was bothering me about Bishop Ron. He has his views and relentlessly pushes until he gets his way. His sister hasn't been sober for a year yet; how can he make her daughter sing Kumbayah with Shawn so fast? That needs at least a few months of therapy just to "get over" the damage her mother caused her. A real therapist, not bible study! He probably forgot what it took for his family to accept him back from his addiction.
  11. I had dropped Grey's Anatomy a few seasons ago but was drawn in by this new sister thing. I'll admit, the story is pretty preposterous from every angle. I am just going to buckle myself in and go along for the ride. So, Ellis gets pregnant by Richard and says nothing to him about it? Jeez. I guess I would have to question if Ellis ever loved anybody to do the things she did in her life! So Maggie knows Ellis is her biological mother and doesn't yet know that Richard is her father? Okay. And how apropos is it that their child would be a brilliant surgeon as well. That would be an interesting study.
  12. Amazing. It takes a reality show to make folk show their true colors. Chrisette is very talented, but whoa is she socially awkward. it's a shame when some women just can't vibe together in the music industry.
  13. Some churches are created by the pastor, so if this one was built up by Bishop Haddon, then it makes sense that he could ultimately decide who will be the pastor of it. Also this is a 45 minute show featuring six ministers, so we probably won't see the committee meetings that might have taken place before the restoration ceremony. I am totally Team Dominique! She had to endure a lot of crap being with Deitrick and it was nice of his father to acknowledge that in church. He should have done that with his daughter, but I digress. Dom was dragged for something that she had nothing to do with. And I thought it was funny that she had to threaten Deitrick with no affection to get him to mend fences with Jay. I'm glad that Wayne went through with the vasectomy. I was fully prepared to hate on him if he didn't do it for her. Men are always so concerned about their manhood; never mind what the woman had to do to birth those children. If she had to be cut to have those babies, you should want to spare her from that injury if you are done having children. You can bet money that Deitrick wouldn't do that for Dominique! I see what Bishop Gibson was trying to do, but I think it was way too early in the process to make Erica fully forgive her mother. She is afraid to let her in because she just might be disappointed again. LOL! I think it's cute as long as it is his wife he is leering at.
  14. Deitrick has matured some and Wayne Cheney is awesome. That's all I got! ;)
  15. She wasn't that great; however, her talent was present and she could be molded into the kind of music star most people like. I saw her and said, "Yep, that is what you want at a label. Someone you can teach." I am loving Pharrell right now. Even if she doesn't win this show, he would probably sign her to his label.
  16. Hopefully this means that the McClendons will be phased out of next season. We've got plenty of stuff going on with the Haddons, Gibsons, Chaneys, Haizlips, and Noel and Loretta! ;)
  17. I really wanted to slap Deitrick's sister for getting out of pocket. She was the one who felt some kind of way for not being told about her brother's baby? Clearly she has serious issues. She was trying to make Deitrick's wanting to know about his people into some kind of disrespect towards Bishop Haddon. If he wasn't tripping about that, she should have fell back. I kind of liked the way Bishop Haddon shut things down at the table, but not what he said to Dominique. I feel he should have made Zena apologize to Dominique, even if she didn't want to. I was intrigued by the story and I had no idea Deitrick was my age! I thought he was much younger for some reason. I was wondering why the title page kept calling Dominique "First Lady". Looks like Deitrick will be a pastor again.
  18. I'm amazed that Bacon lost even with the extra money they won. I guess time management is a must when selling food out of a truck.
  19. Yes, Leela James earned my love forever with one word; "bullswanky!" Other than Claudette, that's the only Diva who did not made me feel sorry for/actively dislike this season.
  20. Dominique is willing to take care of her girls. It's Deitrick who started in on this nanny business! His public reason is because he had one as a child, but his real reasoning is so Dominique can put her full attention on him instead of the girls he helped create. Dominique got her hands full with minor children and an overly needy husband. Plus she has her mama (Faye) to pitch in if things get deep. Faye just refuses to move in to become the de-facto nanny because she really isn't too fond of her son-in-law who demands her to love him.
  21. See, she is better than me, because I would have been cussing folk out. I'm sure his family knows how strong willed and flighty Deitrick is by now. I would be damned to get blamed for every flight of fancy he goes on. Dominique can't control her man!
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