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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. A bit? If I was told that my boyfriend would pick his cat over me to my face, I would have left right then. He seemed to like the fact that his cat was at odds with his girlfriend!
  2. While that would have made more sense, that wasn't true. She put her children on one of the boats. The Wights and the White Walkers apparently aren't waterproof, so Jon and the others could escape.
  3. Awww shit. Now the White Walkers have finally come out to play. I was beginning to wonder what happened to them. Since Jon killed one of them, they will now come for him. What did he do with the dragonglass dagger Sam gave him?
  4. *doing my Snoopy Happy Dance* That. was. fucking. awesome. Talk about not seeing the noose before it tightens around your neck. Tommen is done for now. So the Snakes did poison Bronn. I wonder what their game is if they saved him from certain death. Looks like Dorne is really the safest place for Myrcella now. Sam and Gilly better get out of Castle Black real quick now. I'm amazed that this was the first time she was ever accosted. Let's see if Theon is going to help Sansa. I may need to watch this one again!
  5. One thing I caught; Doran is watching Trystane and Myrcella walking in the garden. He says something to the effect of "A Lannister and a Martell. What a combination." So they aren't even bothering to call Myrcella a Baratheon, huh? Worst kept secret ever!
  6. Especially since Cersei promising him the North won't amount to much because Olenna will take her and Tommen down. I don't expect that the Lannisters will have control of King's Landing for much longer.
  7. Plus the time it took for Doran's main goon to come break up the party. So Ellaria only has 3 Sand Snakes? Wasn't there more of them? The better plan would have been for one of them to just snatch Myrcella while her sisters engaged Trystane and whoever happened to be around.
  8. Ugh. Time for Ramsay to die a thousand deaths. Tonight sure upped the stakes. I wonder what Doran will do with Ellaria and her Snakes... plus the unexpected bonus of Jaime Lannister! Lady Olenna is going to burn King's Landing down, yo. Poor Tommen. Didn't even have enough gumption to save his wife. Alright Stannis, time for you to get to Winterfell!
  9. I hope that stupid idea was put to rest since none of the blind date couples actually fell in love with each other. I especially loved Jenny's response; "I'm sure Jelani will make some woman out there really happy (since it ain't gonna be me!)..."
  10. I wasn't even there. I thought Ramsey was going to cut off Theon's fingers or hand. I want that Bolton dead already!
  11. Oh Walda. You in danger girl. So that's where Drogon has been hanging out. So Dany's ancestral homeland is by Mereen and nobody told her about it? Miranda. I was scandalized by her hip bones jutting out. What, the Boltons can't feed their people? Yes, she is hella jealous of Sansa. I though she was going to lock her in the kennels or sic those dogs on Sansa. I wonder what ever happened to Arya's direwolf? (stray thought)
  12. From the way the stories are falling, it may have been that Rhaegar and Lyanna may have fallen in love. Still, he wasn't that swell of a guy because he openly cheated on his wife and snatched a woman from her intended husband. Littlefinger probably thought, "Ah. So that the way the Starks spun this particular tale."
  13. Yes. This! Plus how likely is Stannis going to let a woman rule the North, Stark or not? I don't see Sansa being strong enough to keep control over a House, let alone a good section of the Seven Kingdoms.
  14. On the subject of Lancel, what was the significance of the "tattoo" on his forehead? He appeared to be the only Sparrow with one, unless I missed other ones with it. And yeah, Cersei is so going to get snakebit. It will be fun to watch!
  15. Dany better figure out how to call Drogon back, because she just lost her Unsullied Army (RIP Grey Worm and Ser Barristan Selmy). I am hella worried about Loras. Looks like Marge will be calling for Grandma real quick. Poor Tommen. He doesn't have the heart to really be King. The Sand Snakes appear to be quite lethal. So 2 of them are Ellaria's daughters? I don't think that Doran is going to let her near Myrcella, and now she knows Jamie is in Dorne. I wonder if Bronn could take the Sand Snakes on?
  16. So.much. truth. I was yelling at the tv, "That is a living, breathing being! Not an "accessory", asshole!" He didn't want to make things comfortable for his cat, he just wanted a prop for his photography.
  17. Love Lord Commander Snow. "Talk shit, lose your head." Littlefinger may not know about Ramsey because not too long ago, he was a bastard. He seems to know the important men. But I really don't want Sansa to be abused any further. I can't watch that. I liked Brienne's back story. At least she knew about Renly's proclivities but loved him anyway.
  18. I loves my GOT, I really do! But I can't help but think that I am being lulled into thinking that gruesome shit isn't coming down the pike. Bronn! Drogon is back! I wonder where he's been. Surely a Dragon can't just fly about and not be noticed. Free Shireen! Especially from her shrew of a mother.
  19. Or that they will die exposed as Lannisters, not Baratheons. Gold is the Lannister color.
  20. I'm kinda cool with Pastor Shelby and the date. He did this with each of his daughters. My thing is his wife acting almost jealous of the attention showered on the daughter. The whole thing with the eyelashes was ridiculous. She is going out with her father. Chances are he probably never noticed them. And in this week's preview, she and her older daughters gave off a mean girl vibe talking about Bishop Corletta. Saved or not, I don't like mean girls.
  21. I guess I am the only one still watching... I watched the third episode and came away with these thoughts: Bishop Coretta's husband? Shady as hell. He is probably paying her back for all the traveling she did in the beginning of their marriage. I'll also bet that he has a family in NC since he wants to stay there so much. He wouldn't answer her when she asked him what was in NC that was so important to him. Yes, I think he is up to no good and using her ministry as an excuse. I like Pastor Bullock even more. He keeps it all the way real.
  22. Amen, Thank you, please! It's bad enough having to deal with that in real life (having children and cats!). I don't want to watch vomit.
  23. I guess she figured folks won't be able to pronounce "Lebya". I won't be able to refer to her as "Libby", though.
  24. Lebya is campaigning hard for that ring. You'd think that 10 years is more than enough time to decide if you want to get married...
  25. Being the TAR superfan that I am, I was amused by this opening. How rude to make the teams run a nasty obstacle course right from the start! Kinda hard to make a good impression covered in mud. Here's the teams that caught my eye: Blair and Hayley: He is soooo not into her. It's hilarious and hella awkward at the same damn time. Jelani and Jenny: They make a great team! I'm optimistic that they shouldn't make any glaring race mistakes. Lebya and CJ: Oh honey. It's been 10 years. I don't think you are going to get what you want by the end of your race. Tyler and Laura: He is gorgeous. That is all.
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