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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I feel Fernanda though. She has good points and if she told you to clean, you should have done it! I don't think Jon was really ready to give up his bachelorhood. I wonder why he is so pressed to marry?
  2. Rewatching Fernanda's entry into the US... She had no idea how much of a mess Jonathan was, literally and figuratively. He had no idea why she was pissed! I caught something Fernanda said to him during their argument: "I told you to clean your house." Dude. That's why you didn't get to break in your new bewbs.
  3. I'm still aghast. Looking back on the dresser drawers, Fernanda was probably looking for a space to put her clothes. If he didn't have a bed, he surely didn't think of her having an empty drawer for her underwear!
  4. I missed that! I was probably still aghast that he had no bed for Fernanda to sleep in and apparently didn't bother to clean up and make things presentable for his bride. Plus any man who has enough money to buy a breast augmentation should not call said breasts "bewbies". I wanted to slap him so bad every time he said it.
  5. This is a better episode. I really want to know what Marisol's deal was with Macy. I also think that we should hear from Macy's dad as well. I'm cool with Harry. He's not pureness and light, but at least he is not an immediate danger to the sisters. May the training hijinks ensue! I'm glad they eliminated that "majority rules" nonsense. It only served to pit 2 sisters against 1. There's only 3 bedrooms in that house? It seems quite large.
  6. I think he is a fool because Larissa's intentions were practically spelled out in big, bold red flags flapping in the breeze behind her. This is going to be gooood.
  7. Really? Jonathan didn't even bother to clean the house that he is bringing his child bride into? No bed? No way i am moving my entire life to a new country and don't even have a bed to sleep in?
  8. We don't know if Leida really feels that way or if Eric is trying to weasel out of paying child support using her as an excuse. Remember that she doesn't know what she is about to move into.
  9. Why does Eric expect his ex and daughters to accept Leida? All the couples here are doing the "Vanessa Huxtable presenting Dabnis Brickey on a trash can lid" type of family introductions.
  10. Oh yes. But she has no idea that her man isn't made of money? She's going to bleed him dry.
  11. The apartment, messy as it is, isn't the real issue. Eric has no way to adequately provide for 2 more people when he has his daughter helping to pay the bills. Looking at the apartment, where is Alessandro going to sleep? Doesn't seem to be much privacy space for a newlywed couple.
  12. Clearly he doesn't need to have 2 more mouths to feed.
  13. Wait. Why on earth would Eric have that small of a place knowing that he is about to gain a wife and stepchild? Not to mention that his daughter also lives with him in said small apartment. WAIT. Eric didn't tell Leida about the apartment?!? Ugh.
  14. I wonder why on earth Leida would leave her home where she is treated like royalty to come to America as a pauper? With a 5 year old no less. Where is Allesandro's father?
  15. I will never understand how folks get caught up with vacation sexcapades. I can't imagine laying with a stranger raw in another country, let alone getting pregnant. Yikes.
  16. Colt's not bad looking, but he has bad habits and is living with his mother.
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