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Everything posted by katie9918

  1. You’d think that would be the case and it should be the case (and many are wondering why it’s not the case) but it’s... complicated... (because of politics) here. Dev is still a minor and it’s being claimed he’ll be killed if he goes back, so he should apply for asylum, which does generally go well for the applicant when they can prove their claims and are willing to follow procedure.
  2. Gabi has learned nothing from her last rampage of revenge that ended with her having regular sex with one of her targets and still hating the other one. I hope Gabi goes down HARD for this, considering Stefan was a rapist who was never worth it and her victim Lani was doing her job and the one whose life was actually in danger did NOTHING to deserve being killed for it. I realize it’s popular to hate on Julie in these parts due to retconned history and thrown-under-a-bus Nick, but Julie did nothing to deserve her life hanging on a thread on crazy Gabi’s whims. I hate Abigail, but Gabi is just as bad as she is now, and even worse, because Gabi is actively seeking to do harm to others because her peen got killed trying to obstruct justice. And Stefan and Xander still both suck. I don’t care how “hot” their greasy selves are. They suck.
  3. Any news on Xander’s departure? Looking forward to that possibility.
  4. That’s exactly how I saw the way Philip was portrayed in seasons 1 and 2, that he was so awful it made her look positively saintly.
  5. As much as I dislike Liz due to her sheer hypocrisy (at least fifteen years running!), I think she clearly has Franco’s best interests in mind as opposed to Kim.
  6. Stefan has no potential until he admits what he did to Abigail was wrong. As for Julie, the half-hearted racial undertones Ron inserted are really neither here nor there, because Julie had every right to hate Gabi for covering up the murder of thrown-under-the-bus Nick and it was a throughline that was understandable, while very tiresome at times. Throwing in sudden racial elements there where they never were before in this particular throughline, along with amnesiac Jack daring to want to deport a useless undocumented lump who had done NOTHING to address her status in the, I’m being generous here, five or so years since she turned eighteen, just stinks of one-sided propaganda here. Let’s move on to actual stories rather than political statements, or if there have to be political statements, present both sides.
  7. That everyone who isn’t a mom or dad doesn’t want to be a mom or dad. I want to be a mom. I want to find a guy who wants to be a dad and to be my parent partner as well as my life partner. I admire those who don’t want to have kids, but I am insulted by those (a vast liberal majority) who are constantly trying to tell me that I don’t need to have a kid. No shit, mother-fucker! I don’t need a family, but I want a family! Is the pain of not finding a person to raise a family with any less because we’re now expected to want less because... well... men and women over the age of forty all now have some irredeemable flaw we just haven’t quite sussed out yet? I want kids and haven’t had the opportunity or the luck to have them, and have been responsible and lucky enough to not have had to make a bad decision. That doesn’t make me less of a woman any more than my cousin not wanting kids makes her less of a woman.
  8. That’s just dumb. I think too many people attach too much importance to relatively unimportant things. Didn’t Rademacher speak out against taking advantage of the fans for his own gain while Burton and others were involved in that juice scheme? He cares about people. I think Rademacher’s decent, whoever he chooses to support, and I’d rather see him on this show than 85% of the rest of the cast.
  9. Dang was the direct after The Laziest In any world, in DHS
  10. Star Trek Deep Space 9 will always be the TV show I will recommend first. It’s also the only TV show I watched from day one to day done because I loved it even more on day done (I only lasted through the last half-season of RDM’s BSG so I could say I did).
  11. Kayla should have been smacking Abigail around for getting involved with a sociopath like EJ, but then she should have done the same thing to Sami when Sami could have had Lucas (my preferred Sami endgame pairing) or Rafe (less objectionable than the man who raped her himself and then giggled maniacally over having a Rafe double rape her as well). EJ wasn’t worth the destruction of Abigail, and she was only the last character who suffered because warped fans continued to root for him, despite the fact that EJ never went through the kind of redemptive story or writing Jack went through to be worthy of Jennifer. It still makes me furious that off-screen Sami is catering to sociopath EJ rather than looking after her children.
  12. Jeez, Missy Reeves looks GORGEOUS in that shot. I think she’s got a good grievance against the hair and make-up hacks over the last several years for making her look, well, bad.
  13. I really don’t give a damn about season 4. I want to see season 3, dammit!
  14. If they must shove Kevin and Ava together, I hope Laura gets to dump him rather than getting dumped for the likes of Ava. But I’ve got a list of five others I’d rather see Kevin romantically involved with than Ava if he and Laura have to split up. The likes of Ava deserves the likes of Sonny, not the likes of Kevin Collins.
  15. I didn’t want Mac to win that toss because as immature and manipulative as I thought both Harm and Mac were, I thought she was just a little more so, just enough to put her over the top. Considering all the inappropriateness Mac surrounded herself with, Harm would have hands down won a promotion far more easily, so it really should not have come down to a coin toss unless Harm really didn’t care about advancing.
  16. Other than lumping Jack freaking Deveraux in with the rest of those useless lumps, I completely agree.
  17. Come on, CBS, make this happen, even as a limited series.
  18. Haley would then deserve what she should get in real life, a one-way ticket back to China with a small chance of getting back to the US the proper way. Ron really should not mess with these kinds of stories. And if he insists on doing so, he really should do more research in order to make sure the audience knows what a struggle the path to US citizenship really is for illegal immigrants already in this country. From what I can gather, Haley is just lazy. And we have too many of those people who were born here. HARD PASS.
  19. Cynthia Watros is an upgrade in all possible ways. Shut up, Frank.
  20. Why in God’s name is it so important that Robin is the only child either Robert or Anna ever had? I’ve never understood that obsession of Robert/Anna fans, and actively resent how that obsession further trashed Luke and Laura (admittedly due more to Tony Geary - I am so glad he’s gone!) due to the Ethan factor. (In my mind, Ethan is either not Holly’s son or Luke without question backed up Holly’s story to protect Robert’s son from the enemies Faison, and Anna by association, was responsible for.)
  21. The only crossover since Todd and Starr Manning I’ve been interested in seeing is David Hayward for Anna. Nora can disappear into the same hole all other cancelled soap characters have. She wasn’t interesting enough to warrant her presence over David, in my opinion.
  22. Just put Jack and Jennifer in a room together every show! Seriously, it’s not that frickin’ hard when you actually get Matt Ashford back despite how many times this show has done him dirty and Missy Reeves is still around! Come ON, Ron! Seriously?
  23. At least it’s Cynthia Watros, I guess? I’d trade most of the contract cast for her. Damn shame Nina isn’t just disappearing, though.
  24. Unless the word “prime time” was somewhere in that article, quite a number of past and present soaps (both US and abroad) also beat SVU. But it is indeed bullshit that SVU beat Mothership.
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