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Everything posted by katie9918

  1. Did I miss the announcement for when season four is hitting? The casting news is fine, but I can’t get excited about it without a firm date for season four, let alone seasons five or six.
  2. I HATED how Nick was run over for no good reason!!
  3. YMMV on Sean. I never enjoyed him because he could screw anyone at any time yet was presented as a hero after some point. And Frisch abandoned his wife and daughters. Yup, I’d trust an organization that demanded that kind of commitment... 🤔
  4. I would like a cardboard box better than Kirsten Storms’ interpretation of Maxie, so I’m biased. But I was sad to have to see Jen Lilley go.
  5. I would not be surprised if it was the WSB torturing Dante. I’ve never had the faith in them other fans have, since they did employ the likes of Sean Donnelly (TRAITOR!) and never knew Anna was a double agent for some time. And then they decided to eliminate Robert for no good reason. Yeah, no. The WSB has always been trash.
  6. If Allie wants it and Nicole and Eric are okay with it, it’s nobody else’s damn business. Even if Eric is not okay with it, it’s still nobody’s damn business except Allie, Nicole, and Eric’s.
  7. Here’s hoping Phillip wins against Xander.
  8. So Xander, who is a criminal, is somehow a misunderstood guy who deserves all the forgiveness in the world while cops Lani and Eli, who didn’t actually do anything wrong other than allegedly killed a “hot” guy (YMMV, mine certainly does) who jumped in front of a violent criminal, seem to be criticized for the crime of merely appearing on screen here.
  9. That’s exactly what I meant, thanks.
  10. I hate how many characters have been thrown under the bus to make Gabi’s vindictive, destructive self viable. She does the same stupid crap again and again and somehow comes out being praised while her victims and their loved ones are vilified. Gabi needs a loooong break, especially if she’s going to keep winning no matter what she does.
  11. Quite frankly, I’m not a fan of Julie and am different to Gabi, who Ron seems determined to keep shoving down our throats and who keeps doing the sam me shit and who keeps getting away with it for some reason. And Gabi keeps targeting Lani and Eli for no good reason. Gabi is a hypocrite.
  12. So when is Gabi going to excoriate Vivian for HER part in getting StefaNO killed? Whatever part of it that wasn’t his own fault was Vivian’s fault. Gabi remains awful, I see.
  13. If Gabi gets to revenge all around Salem twice with no consequences, I cheer Sarah on, because greasy lying Xander deserves whatever she gives him. Odd how all the Xander sympathizers forget or disregard how eager he was to lie to Sarah that her baby was aborted and then how eager he was to have her lie to Eric that Eric’s baby wasn’t Eric’s. Xander deserves far worse than he’s getting.
  14. There is a lot of complaining about poor greasy Xander not getting away scot free with everything he did just because others have done and get complained about, such as Abigail.
  15. Xander Is NO ONE’S victim here. As much as everyone here hates “sanctimonious” Eric, he had every fucking right to hate the hell out of Xander because he victimized Eric twice now fully knowing he was doing so. Greasy Xander deserves NO sympathy whatsoever IMO.
  16. Please stop with Gabi! It’s obvious that some fans will forgive her anything as long as she hates certain characters who are not under the age of 60. Please give this character more to do than ignorance of lessons already learned and modeling slutty outfits, because the actress is better than this.
  17. Completely over StefaNO and the idiot who forgave him yet still holds a grudge with his other victim who had no control over her actions. Hopefully this mechanic or whatever he is is just a lookalike.
  18. Jack may be more Team What Kayla Really Wants rather than Team Steve or Team Justin. Has he been briefed that there’s a good chance a lot of the things he’s really mad at Steve for (other than leaving Kayla in a snit in the first place) may have been out of Steve’s control depending on exactly when that chip went in Steve’s head?
  19. I really think Patrick would have a bit of an issue with either of his kids thinking Sonny or Jason are okay to be around for more than a minute at a time. Then again, Patrick would probably also have a problem with Emma calling Peter “Uncle Peter.”
  20. Quite frankly, Palpatine wanting so badly for the last of Anakin’s line to go down was enough for me to be pissed that the Skywalker bloodline was extinguished in this film. And there were many ways to angst the hell out of our OT trio without completely breaking them apart (the Legends continuity gives PLENTY of ways) and rendering them irrelevant, just like there were plenty of ways to introduce our new heroes without completely depressing the OT fans. After the OT and the PT, sorry, but I’m rooting for ANY sign that Ben Solo, Anakin Skywalker’s grandson, helped defeat Palpatine, because it was Palpatine’s victimization of Anakin that literally kick-started this wonderful adventure (for the audience, I mean) in the first place and the Skywalkers (the actual Skywalkers, not someone appropriated the name) EARNED the right to finally defeat Palpatine.
  21. Now I’m glad I haven’t seen it yet and saw some reviews, both good and bad. So the actual Skywalker line is extinguished in this movie, after the last two movies told us that nothing the Skywalkers (and Han, I’m counting him in there because he married Leia) did in the original trilogy actually mattered in the end because Palpatine survived our original heroes and actually defeated them when you really think about it - he created Kylo Ren and used Ben to destroy the Jedi Order a second time, which destroyed Luke and damaged Leia and Han beyond repair. I realize I’m not being particularly fair to Rey, Finn, and Poe, and the other characters in this trilogy, but the sequel trilogy is officially garbage to me now. What the hell are they going to do to Obi-Wan? *frightened*
  22. I’ve heard enough to pay to see this movie on the big screen, however angry I am that the legacy of Luke, Leia, and Han has been squandered in such an incoherent, un-explained (does anyone other than Rian Johnson really believe that Luke would have ever even considered murdering his own nephew?) way. I’m surprised but thankful that Harrison Ford found it in his heart (or wallet) to be involved after the passing of Carrie Fisher prevented her full involvement. And I’m more excited for the return of Lando and the ultimate fate of Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo than I am to see what happens to Poe, Rey, or Finn. So, in that microcosm the sequel trilogy has failed and it failed from the gate, in destroying Han and Leia’s legacy and turning Luke into a mystical figure who wasn’t around when he was needed. I blame Rian Johnson for his “gritty, realistic” *eyeroll* take on Luke (which was anything BUT realistic when you take more than a minute to think about who Luke really was), but JJ gave him that opening. So fuck both of them and their “realistic” take on a saga that never needed reality.
  23. I don’t think Robert ever thought Anna was dead before they were in the boat explosion in ‘92. He just walked away without looking back (and rightly so) after finding out she was a double agent.
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