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Everything posted by katie9918

  1. I do like that it’s now confirmed that Bail was the one who had to chase Breha to marry her. My head canon always said that was the case. 😁
  2. Agreed! For all the possibilities I was pondering for an Obi-Wan adventure between the PT and the OT, a rescue caper for Leia never entered my mind, even after Rogue One. Looking forward to Part 2!
  3. Haven’t seen this one yet, but haven’t fans been talking since ROTJ about Obi-Wan just kind of forgetting about Leia? LOL at the idea of Obi-Wan of all characters being some sort of space sexist. 🤣
  4. Regarding Owen, I’ve been thinking that same thing since we saw the first footage of him for this series. It’s not at all a stretch to see Edgerton and just see that he’s portraying the same character that appeared in ANH. Before what appears to be the actual plot, or at least the line in to part 2, kicked in, I assumed we’d at least hear Liam Neeson’s voice in this episode. I still think we will get Liam Neeson in some form at some point.
  5. I did the spoilers just to be extra safe and considerate. I liked it. I’m saving part 2 until later.
  6. Up now. No spoilers, but a bit of it hit me in the unexpected feels. And the starting off point for the actual action of the series is unexpected, at least to me.
  7. Tony Shaloub from Wings as Monk, the defective detective. I know he wasn’t a sitcom star, but would Dule Hill from the West Wing as Burton Guster, Shawn Spencer’s partner on Psych, qualify? I miss that era of the USA network.
  8. No, it’s Twitter itself. It should have been completely shut down five years ago.
  9. Twitter has reached the end of its shelf life. Time to nuke it and salt the earth to make sure it never rises again.
  10. Letterman and Conan, along with Leno and my personal all time favorite Craig Ferguson, were much better than the trolls currently polluting light night tv.
  11. I realize this is an older show, but I am really curious as to why Mira became such a supervillain to the point of defying any reasonable expectation of her being defeated and then wondering if we were actually supposed to be rooting for such a reprehensible character to ultimately win. It makes me think of Yanek - he murdered his other because he was jealous and then made it his life’s work to justify his own actions. Why would the Prime World be any worse off cutting off the obviously less civilized Alpha world long before this point?
  12. And this should be the mission statement of all District Attorneys everywhere.
  13. I’m finally watching his first appearance now and I’m like, this is what the finale of The Closer was wasted on? I never bought Stroh as a supervillain either, so it would have been better for Brenda to just go ahead and move on rather than forcing a move for the after-series rather than going though the entire after-series and doing exactly what Brenda probably would and should have done in the first place. But then Major Crimes would not have received all Rusty all the time while using their own final episodes to crap all over the legacy of crapping all over Brenda’s legacy. So glad I didn’t invest too much in the after-show in this case.
  14. Completely blocked this out of my mind, but, yes, Rusty was a completely worthless character right from his very first appearance. Big mistake anchoring so much of the follow-up series on his self-centered, selfish self.
  15. While I am sorry for Sarah and what she was robbed of, YES, I WILL TAKE THAT DEAL if it rids me of gross Xander and fraud Gwen. I will never believe she is Jack’s daughter.
  16. Only after they have all received every tongue bath imaginable from the industry. Fuck all of Hollywood and everyone who props their system, including everyone I actually enjoy watching and think may actually be a decent person if they weren’t dependent on Hollywood. Every single one of them are fame whores who would gladly work with anyone if it means either money or power or both.
  17. Can’t Zander and Gwen just disappear never to be heard from again?
  18. Probably a happy coincidence, but for this lone one viewer it was a combination of no Brenda, no Pope (who showed signs all along but was never a complete asshole until season 7 of The Closer), and all Rusty all the time that had me tuning out of Major Crimes sometime during season three. I love Mary McDonnell and I loved the supporting cast that continued through Major Crimes, but I just could not hang with Rusty, especially after the blatant villainization of the father who never knew Rusty existed after Rusty literally twisted reality to excuse his heinous mother and then never gave his father a chance to get to know him before exposing two young children to things they could have gone a few more years before knowing about. After hearing how this series ended, I’m glad I cut my losses when I did.
  19. Despite all of the great performances (I’m not sure there was anyone who didn’t make the absolute most of what they were given) and the fact that it’s my beloved Skoda’s first appearance, I can’t rewatch this one too often because the whole thing just makes me sick. If I was Jack, I would have left the father to rot for the full thirty days if it was the only thing he could do to assign some responsibility for the murder of that poor baby. Not putting Skoda on the stand was a real head-scratcher to me as well. At the very least he could have scored some points by saying exactly what he said in the office a couple of times. This was one time I was really angry at Adam at the end. I know there wasn’t much he could do, but he could have shrugged and let Jack keep the father in jail for the max rather than shrugged and said, “Meh, let him go home.” I can’t remember if Jamie did anything specifically awesome, but she’s generally awesome (with some exceptions), so I’ll assume she was great.
  20. Meanwhile, I’m reminded that Ben Stone got a lot of great lines that were complemented, even by undercutting, by his scene partner/foil…
  21. Maybe it’s just that Agony made such an impression on me (he did get the serial killer completely wrong, admittedly with very little correct information) that i convinced myself. But it didn’t stop me from loving Skoda at the time and to this day. God, I love this show. I’ll just watch it over again and remember how I got that impression. I remember believing he was completely right and Olivet, while well-intentioned, was completely wrong in Killerz.
  22. Skoda had a great line in the finale about having enough to keep him entertained, along with a visible ace bandage around his hand while they all still thought they were chasing a student. Come to think of it, as awesome as he always generally was, Skoda was wrong at least as often as he was right, or is it just me?
  23. Come ON. No way is this youngster TJ’s mother
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