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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I took it to mean the bolded part, which surprisingly makes me smile. While there's a ways to go, from what I've seen over the course of my lifetime this is amazing progress. I don't think we're far from not noticing at all.
  2. I think we're seeing failures because that's what gets the ratings. That, and now that the show is so popular, it's attracting famewhores instead of people who are really dedicated. I think back on the first season when we saw them followed for multiple years, not just one. (I can't remember if it was 3 or 5 years) and almost all of them did great.
  3. FWIW, I know someone who works at an Amazon warehouse and he says the workers are treated pretty well. They are get good pay with lots of chances for overtime, and their benefits are insane. Better than mine, actually.
  4. If you finish watching you'll see that after a visit to a therapist she was diagnosed as anorexic. She was downright skeletal. The first woman was positively stunning.
  5. In the super-sized version they mentioned that the tater tot casserole had about 350 calories per serving. That pan had to have at the least 15 servings, probably more, which makes it a minimum of 5250 calories in one shot. Mind boggling.
  6. FWIW, there might be an explanation. I know people who go from job to job in their later years because they are experts in their fields and contract with companies for a year or two as a consultant. When that contract is up, they move to another consultant position somewhere else. Edit: I missed MegD's post when I wrote this. Yes, that too!
  7. You're missing out. When it's balanced, it is yummy. Same with savory herbs like rosemary. So good!
  8. For a teenage boy and girl that's the only part that is fairly realistic.
  9. You're not the only one who has noticed it:
  10. I'd say that's a very popular opinion, and you'll get a lot of support in any thread but this one.
  11. Renee was hard for me to figure out, although her weird flat affect was screaming depression. While she didn't seem to want to do much to help herself, she still got into this program on her own and was somewhat self-motivated so that's a bit conflicting. She even did the water aerobics and saw a therapist, 2 things that most people on this show totally blow off. I guess there's still a survival spark in there somewhere. I was initially put off by her lack of emotion until she spoke with Dr. Baby Voice and we found out about her mother. I feel awful for what she went through, and for my first impression.
  12. I had to remove this show from my recordings and delete the last 3 episodes unwatched. It's just painful. I scan the board because it's hard to drop the addiction and of course, watching a train wreck. Thanks for the posting those links Pachengala.
  13. Have you all seen the takeoff of the Sarah McLachlan adoption commercials? Love it!
  14. He was a Debby Downer before the hurricane, otherwise I would agree.
  15. The high protein/low fat diet is definitely intended to shrink the liver. It's even more crucial than it used to be since they are doing these surgeries endoscopically rather than opening the patient up. It's a really tight space in which to maneuver even in a healthy patient. Also, fatty livers are very friable which makes them prone to fracture and hemorrhage. That plus the importance of the patient being able to commit to a plan are both excellent reasons for a pre-op diet and weight loss. I'm with you. I thought Benji was kind of an Eeyore throughout the whole thing and was dragged along because of his brother. He lost weight in spite of himself, and was still a sad sack at the end. David was a delight! Still, I'm thrilled for them both.
  16. That's my favorite part! And he just gets more and more angry. "Is him a good boy?" Some Geico ads are meh, but some hit it out of the park.
  17. If Piggy contracted Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in the face of being correctly vaccinated that would be extremely rare. It's a fair assumption there was no vaccine. If they had other pigs on the farm, that's most likely where he picked up the bacteria. It wouldn't have been floating around the Thore suburban neighborhood in Greensboro.
  18. Colin Hanks did a great job and I'm really glad. Mr. Rogers was my biggest childhood icon and I would have been really pissed if they fucked it up. He seemed so kind and really stayed in character, even when they had him curse. Totally loved it. Agree about the last narrator. She was kind of annoying and distracting, however the subject matter was great.
  19. Yes, this. I blame them all. This is an easily preventable disease with a vaccine so I'm guessing Piggy never got any veterinary care. Either that, or Jenny McCarthy is running the rescue.
  20. I thought it was very strange to do an episode about Mary Tyler Moore considering they didn't do an autopsy. WTF? Dr. Hunter acted like it was breaking news that she had diabetes. By the same token, her life was interesting and I enjoyed learning more about her. Mindy McCready was a nutjob. I had no idea she was that cray cray. So sad.
  21. We don't know that he didn't have anything else prescribed for pain and I highly doubt they would have him do a cold turkey withdrawal from something as powerful as dilaudid. We also don't know if he had therapy, heart/lung monitoring or other tests, however I'd be incredibly surprised if that didn't occur since that would be a standard baseline. All we see is a snapshot intended to make for good TV, with the filler removed.
  22. I agree. Tamy was mostly decent and definitely had some internal demons to overcome, but was annoying at times. Her full blown tantrum about James sabotaging her progress because he wasn't going to move her to Houston was a pretty childish and melodramatic. He's taken care of her even well past the time when they were husband/wife, lets her live in the house and really seems to care about her. Isn't he allowed to move forward? Yet another subject who made the world revolve around themselves. "No one is helping, woe is me!". However, on the spectrum of narcissism, she was only a little over the line so it was more bearable. That and the fact that she pulled herself together made me want her to succeed. I like these stories way more than the train wrecks, unfortunately we haven't even posted more than a single page whereas by the day after the episode aired Lisa had bout 10 pages. Not ratings gold, I'm afraid.
  23. If you watch closely, the kid was trying everything he could do to distance himself, and was looking away most of the time. His body language screamed "get me the hell out of here."
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