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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. She can't compete with anyone if she never even crosses the starting line.
  2. Even Lola was annoyed with Erica and that's saying a lot. David just disappeared halfway through. Poof!
  3. Hell yes! And FWIW, boxed wine is not necessarily as bad as people think it is: https://lifehacker.com/why-you-should-be-drinking-boxed-wine-1794001928
  4. Brutal is right, and I find myself in tears as I watch. My 95 year-old Mom is in assisted living and I'm beyond worried and terrified for her. If Karma is truly a bitch, these protesters will become infected.
  5. The TMZ article says he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, not COVID, although I'm not sure that's what you meant by illness. If you were saying that depression is a nasty illness, I totally agree.
  6. I re-watched this last night (quarantine inertia) and caught a great line from Usman when they had the goat in the car. I have to paraphrase... BGL: The goat is very talkative Usman: Yes, just like you.
  7. I don't often laugh out loud reading posts but the 'you lying whore' did it for me.
  8. I had such high hopes because she was mobile, and was so sweet with her little girl. I thought that would be the impetus to have her be a success. That lasted all of 10 minutes. Whenever she would clarify what Dr. Now was saying, she got it wrong, making up her own interpretation. Dr. Now is so over this but I love how he doesn't get flustered or angry when these patients fight with him. He just keeps plugging along.
  9. Whoa, that's freaky because I always hear those exact same things in both of those commercials too. I keep wondering why Buddy is putting bacon in his cake.
  10. There have been some interesting episodes lately. The Glen Campbell one was so very sad, I almost couldn't watch till the end. The take on Jeffrey Epstein was fascinating, and how can you not love Audrey Hepburn?
  11. That information was not presented in the series yet, and so although it has been hinted at by many, many on this forum, I view sharing that as something I would consider a spoiler. I'm trying NOT to be spoiled, that's just how I'm personally watching the show. YMMV
  12. He needs to ask forgiveness for keeping it a secret, not for being a drug dealer.
  13. This, 100%. Does she not have an ounce of empathy? If I saw a stranger weeping like that I'd at least try to offer comfort. I'm hoping it was editing, because that was so cold. And if not giving her a hug wasn't bad enough, as you said marmiarmo, she made it all about her. I've known many entitled girls from Long Island and she reeks of having been spoiled to the max by protective parents who she then completely manipulates. Geoffrey truly is the POS many others have described. Rose looks like she weighs all of 80 lbs. Soaking wet.
  14. Developing countries often don't have an infrastructure for garbage collection. It's a serious problem that might be happening here, and if so isn't an easy fix.
  15. He has the patience of a saint, bless his heart.
  16. Hospitals and healthcare workers are being given priority when ordering hand sanitizer and disinfectants. At least that's the way it is on Amazon...
  17. Varya's mother saying that might have been my favorite line from the whole episode.
  18. It recently occurred to me what some of these peoples' eating reminded me of: "Consume Mass Quantities"
  19. I'm hoping for a season 3 and am curious as to what they will tackle next.
  20. Geico Clogging Problem I'm fairly certain that was the family that lived in the apartment above me.
  21. I don't think I've ever seen Usman without very bloodshot, red eyes. Given that he has to be with Lisa, I don't think there's enough weed on the planet to make that situation palatable. He may need to switch to crack.
  22. He's an active teen-age boy. You can't get enough calories into them in a 24 hour day. They're like black holes.
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