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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. and it made me like him - Brandon Routh that is. I like people who are self aware and not delusional like a certain someone who gets discussed a lot here on this forum.
  2. have you not hurt my emotions enough! God that was funny!
  3. oh she also lied to Tommy about having lunch with Oliver because when Oliver mentioned that to Tommy, who had no inkling that Ollie & Laurel were having lunch without mentioning anything to him, he was pissed and rightly so. Pre island Oliver was a cheater and he never excused his behaviour, Laurel is supposed to be this prissy Ms. Goody Two Shoes but she was cheating on Tommy (at least mentally) and the minute Oliver looked at her, she climbed him like a tree even though she professed her love to Tommy a day before and asked him to reconsider the break up.
  4. Well if those attempts elicited sighs, the attempts where they shoehorned her in the plot elicited groans. In Blind Spots, she complained to The Arrow about being late (she had tried to arrest him a million times before that) and he was coming to help her at her request but she has to get her bitch on for whatever reason. Secondly, she wore a white coat for a stealth mission at night, that tells the viewers that either Laurel is really stupid or the costume department is really incompetent or the writers hate her. In Birds of Prey, she did not recognize her sister (with a cleft on her chin that is most recognizable) just because her hair were a shade lighter and she wore a mask around her eyes. The only good things about her in the finale episodes was that she was tranqed by Nyssa (I secretly cheered for Nysaa when that happened), Honestly, I want the character of Laurel to stay as horrible as she has been because it is so much fun to bitch about it here. I am sure she will be just as annoying in future and people will continue to vent and cyberspace will remain glorious.
  5. I think she went a little crazy before she started her fashion blog, hence removal of cheek fat and some serious weight loss. I was not too fond of her even before but I think she looks older now which kinda defeats the purpose of cosmetic surgery, no?
  6. If you notice, Roy looks skinnier than Felicity which is and should be a point of concern for a hero that goes by the name Arsenal. I mean look at his waist, skinnier than a teenage cheerleader!
  7. what did Stephen do at SDCC? I thought he was fine.
  8. boob window dress is inappropriate from every angle, period. And a woman with bigger boobs cannot even dream of wearing it. I love EBR's arms but I think her shoulders and clavicle is even sexier. I would love to see her wear something strapless. If she gets nominated for People's Choice Award, she may attend that in a strapless couture gown.
  9. So they released a few more images from the premier episode. Felicity looks luminous, Oliver a bit worried.
  10. I am sure there must have been other entertaining scenes that they did not include, for instance the scene from finale where Emily knocked a solid one on Manu when she tried to inject him with cure. Just the fact that a tiny teeny girl did that should have been funny enough. In addition, the scene where Felicity quits after she was made secretary, that scene must have been a goldmine of bloopers because there were quite a lot of dialogues and Team Arrow usually just talk about mission of resurrected formerly dead people, Felicity was particularly sassy in that episode and I am certain that it must have produced some awesome gag material. Same goes for the two episodes with Barry Allen.
  11. I think CW spent all their promotional budget on TVD and Flash. They are treating Arrow like a poor relative that came uninvited to a party where only rich friends were invited.
  12. This interviewer is hilarious .... apparently, he threw his sister's homework (among other things) when Oliver declared his love for Felicity in the mansion.
  13. If I am not wrong, it was Katie Holmes who walked out of that character because Tom Cruise told her not to do that role and I think she got pregnant with her daughter soon after doing Batman Begins (I am not so sure about this timeline though). As she was not too great, WB and DC quietly let her go and they cast another actress who was just as disappointing if not more in that character. They never really fired her.
  14. Lolz, I find it funny that even a first time viewer who was not invested in the show at all did not take Oliver Sara hook up as something serious and thought it was just on the way to make it to Felicity. His exact line was "Oliver makes out with Sarah. Okay, but..how long to get to Felicity?"
  15. ^^^^ That was Oliver Queen as his best attention seeking behaviour. Look at me woman, look at my biceps, look at my wings and my abs. LOOK AT ME WOMAN!!!!
  16. Expect the worst when they praise to the moon. The only things that they hyped and actually delivered so far were ... 1) People will like Sara's entrance to the show - barring hard core KC fans, most of us liked that. 2) That Barry is awkward and cute and audience will like it - we did like him, esp when he told Oliver that he was being a jerk even though Barry was his biggest fanboy 3) Before premier last year, they promised a more solid and cohesive Team Arrow with some banter thrown in - they delivered that for first 12 episodes after which it became Unhappy Families - Queen and Lance edition. Anything else that they hyped and promoted like most epic episode 15 or Barry's explosive chemistry with Felicity of KC's emmy worthy performance was all hogwash. That is why I will not take anything they say seriously. But I do reserve my right to mock anything they say regarding Laurel or KC because it is so much fun. I wonder who will I mock when they kill off Laurel (I like to believe that they will kill her off for my sanity), I may move onto someone else then.
  17. the only thing Laurel ever saved in all the 46 episodes aired so far are the hard copies of files at CNRI. I don't think she saved anything else apart from that. Not even herself from making one bad decision after another. and tying up the cool bad ass comic Dinah with this wimpy/weepy clumpy mascara wearing Laurel is stretching it to incredulity, the viewers have rejected it in the past and will do it again. Yikes!
  18. If it is a basement hidey hole, why does it have such huge windows? WHY?
  19. and they could have reduced some more of Laurel's lines where she goes for awkward hugs and say things like "you are important to me" in the same episode where she tried to hand over his name to the DA in exchange of release for her dad. And let's just not even go to the lines such as "I know you like I know my name" and "I know it in my bones" or was that some other part of the body? They make me (and several other viewers) want to hurl something on their TV sets. While we are trying to cut lines, can we have cut off that mega stupid Felicity line in episode 2x15 where she says "Please save Oliver." I cringed a little when I typed it ... argh!
  20. I find it very funny that a lot of Laurel and Loliver fans play the advocate for the character of John Diggle and say that Diggle's role was minimized at the cost of olicity/ Felicity, even though it couldn't be further from the truth. The original Team Arrow dynamics feeds into Olicity, Olicity could not have existed without Team Arrow dynamics, for example team scenes in episode 2x02, 2x03 and 2x10 were major Olicity moments as well and when they dropped Team Arrow, Olicity too was reduced but even then Diggle/Smoak bromance stayed strong (case in point episode 2x14 and Diggle/Felicity scene in 2x16 with hot chocolate and stalker in college outside her house). If anything Felicity and John compliment each other and do not eat away each other's time. It is other unnecessary characters that do not even fit in with the main story arc that had cost character development to these two beloved characters in season 2.
  21. ^^^^ Can't they erase her bad acting choices in post production? Like they take away wire works and stuff? I mean if they are that hard pressed to keep her on, at least spare us the agony of going through her scenes with an ever present grimace.
  22. I think she is working in the capacity of a freelance independent consultant which is awesome. Everything would be better than her working at Arrow version of BuyMore. MIT FFS !!!!!
  23. I went back to see that scene and now, in my head, I see a production assistant actually lasering random spots on the floor so that Laurel's eyes can follow it. 2x18 is forever changed for me, hahaha still laughing.
  24. and it seems that he texted her more recently than both Thea and Laurel.
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