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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. Don't forget how he teased Oliver in 2x02 when he came back injured and said that it stings more because it was Laurel who cam after him. Diggle really does not like Oliver and that is one consistent thing about Laurel's character in two seasons.
  2. every relationship that Oliver has had in this show has been half cooked and most often one would wonder why are we even going there. I mean it is not just Sara, it is everyone, he had one dinner with Helena, just ONE, and he decided to save her and reveal his secret identity to her? He had one botched and one impromptu date cut short by Diggle's intervention with McKenna and he was willing to move to Coast City with her when we knew that he is the Vigilante of Starling and will never leave the city? I mean what was that? With Laurel in the past, we were only shown that he was insincere and a serial cheater and in the present, he told his friend to go for his girl and half an hour later he showed up and she climbed him like a tree and one was left wondering where did that come from. Barring Felicity, who has been around for a couple of years, all these other relationships were undercooked and at times jumped at us from out of nowhere. The only other exception was perhaps his relationship with Shado, that took time and they actually built a camaraderie before they became intimate.
  3. I think that writers have been writing Felicity for a good two years so they have a handle on her voice and how she thinks, I don't think they can or would change her drastically - I mean why fix something when it ain't broken, right? Felicity is one thing that has drawn a lot of people to the show along with Team Arrow and of course the Arrow. If they care for their ratings (which they do) they will not make much of a difference to her character and if spoilers are to be believed, she is an active love interest for just one episode. She will remain the Felicity that we have all come to love and admire.
  4. Someone will call that baby Digglet on the show - may be Felicity or Roy - because the writers often include things that fans talk about like this. Remember the first time they use the word 'Team Arrow', that too was between Felicity and Roy.
  5. I don't buy that .... just the fact that Oliver willing brought those two people into his secret and has been working with them for a couple of years (surely Laurel has spotted both Diggle and Felicity around Oliver multiple times, often talking in hushed tones) should've made it clear that those two are important to Oliver, but then this is Laurel played by Katie Cassidy, subtlety and intuition are not the strongest suits of the character.
  6. Yeah, that Sara/Oliver romance reflected rather poorly on Oliver.
  7. You have put the argument to bed in a very succinct manner. Thank you
  8. I don't think any triangle will be on the poster, the only reason I tolerated season 1 was that even when they had this triangle between Tommy, Laurel and Oliver, it never really felt like one. Probably because Oliver gave them his blessings as a couple and then dated two women (Helena and McKenna) during that period. He was with Felicity an awful lot of time and with Shado in the flashbacks, so it never really felt that he was pinning for Laurel or anything. The only time it felt like a triangle was when they were hooking up prior to the Undertaking and Tommy was seeing it all from the window. I think the triangle between Oliver/Felicity/Ray would be very subtle, like it was with Barry and in episode 2x06 with Isabel. No one actually came out and said anything loudly and clearly. The Oliver outburst in episode 2x10 was after Barry was comatose so that really did not count as an active triangle thing. Felicity and Sara were friends so they did not go there as well. I think Arrow has been pretty decent with the whole triangle thing except for that ghastly and vomit inducing sister swap which mercifully happened in the past.
  9. Parents sister above all else? Really? In first season, she went against her father's wishes to collude with vigilante and then did not talk to him for many episodes when he tried to use her connection to catch the vigilante, she also taunted him of his past alcoholism of many times which a loving responsible daughter would never do, esp considering the reasons of his descent into alcoholism. And the less said about her love for her sister the better. First, she was not happy that her sister came back from dead after six years and hurled an exploding glass to her face and accused her of cheating her life! I mean WTF? Secondly, Laurel did not give a rat's ass about her sister when she Slade told her about Oliver and she found out the secret of them being secret super heroes, she went to see Oliver and told him that he is important to her and not to her sister which was rather odd considering she just made up with her like 3 episodes back. Laurel is the worst character ever, if I ever came across someone like that in real life, I would make sure to stay as far as possible.
  10. I can take Roy as a mentee of not just Oliver, but also John and Felicity. Like everyone's kid brother, who gets booed sometime but people like him as well. I hated the way they let Sara dominate the arrow cave and I am even more concerned about Laurel's supposed entry in there. I just do NOT want that. Laurel ruins everything.
  11. I just want a scene where John Diggle rips her apart because Laurel was trying to pull off something that she is not qualified/capable of. I just want that so bad. John Diggle, telling her how she cost it to the team and how her selfish behaviour is sucking the life out of everything because John Diggle is the only character who can carry self righteous indignation without sounding like a douche because he is so solid and moral and awesome.
  12. I think they were waiting for Ra'as al Ghul to be casted who joined the cast last week. They must have done the photo shoot with him and must now be working on post production and stuff hence the delay. They still have 4 weeks to go.
  13. I like foundry and Laurel is a snooze fest for me, the minute she enters a frame, my mind wanders off to things like making grocery lists and weekend errands lists and the people I have to call. I don't want the Team Arrow scenes to be spoiled by me wondering if I have to buy bathroom cleaner this week or washing detergent! This is the reason why Laurel's absence from foundry, the arrow lair and the club is so very important to me.
  14. So Emily injured two fellow actors in season 2 and one in season 3, I guess the insurance rates of working with EBR just went up. But I would pay good money to see Manu Bennett get knocked down by teeny tiny Emily. That should be pure gold.
  15. Laurel in the foundry would invoke the biggest "hell no" from most fans.
  16. @apinknightmare: I cannot stand her as anything but a full blown bitch. A concerned daughter does not suit her. PS: They drew LL as a brunette here, I think she has gone full blonde now.
  17. ^^^^^ Had it been just Quentin, I bet it would've garnered some discussion but people cannot accept Laurel in the role of a loving daughter, she has dissed her father far too many times.
  18. Oh God, they should never have let Laurel in the secret identity of Arrow. They should have made her Cupid who was obsessed with Arrow and then when she wouldève found out that it had been Oliver Queen all along, she would be so disappointed that she would leave the city and go live in a commune in Northern California near a winery. The Arrow writers missed a golden opportunity right there.
  19. only in the first couple of season, later Chuck too was able to go all ninja on bad guys because he could download kung fu to his brain. Screw body strength and muscle development, he has now got to play the hero, yeayyyy.
  20. Chuck, in my opinion, was too tropey and even the dangerous situations were a little too cartoonish. I mean that lady general herself was quite hilarious and every other episode they would come up with a situation where Sarah and Chuck would come up with s situation where they would pose as husband/wife or significant others. Arrow on the other hand, is less tropey, darker and not at all cartoonish. Felicity is a lot more mature than Chuck ever was - whether it is about wearing her heart on her proverbial sleeves, or needing constant emotional support from a sister and best friend that Chuck always needed or the validation of his action that he always wanted from Casey and Sarah and at times from the general. Sarah was stone cold and awesome like that in the beginning. They later came up with excuses for her behaviour and that was again tropey. Oliver's behaviour stemmed from a deep sense of duty to right his father's wrongs and love for his family and his city, no matter how screwed up that version of love was. The comparison between the two Johns though was quite apt. Casey was my favourite character and I have a feeling that if Roy Harper ever tried to act a little brattish, John Diggle would deal with him the way John Casey dealt with Morgan. In my opinion, both Felicity and Oliver are far more complex and layered characters and that makes then a tonne more interesting to me than Chuck & Sarah ever were.
  21. of course he is hiding something, it wouldn't be Arrow if people are not hiding a tonne of things. So far people have tried to keep hidden things like secret baby daddies, secret baby mamas, miracured boyfriends, cocktail waitress moms, Argus Agent ex-wives, shady dead brothers, dead half brothers, former boyfriends apprehended by FBI, a career with Argus in Hong Kong doing Amanda Waller's bidding and deadly assassin lesbian lover among other things. The only solid straight forward (so far) character on the show is Quentin Lance.
  22. and this is why Nyssa is so important to the show, she tranqs Laurel just at the right moment so that audience will not have to suffer her presence any longer. Aren't we glad that Nyssa exists.
  23. Celine Dion's my heart will go on or Whitney Houston's I will always love you because season 3 sneak peak has shown us that Oliver Queen in love is like a romance novel heroine who is just overflowing with love and affection. I mean that man was practically walking everywhere with proverbial heart eyes.
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