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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I have a theory about KC's delusion. She was told that she the lead actress when she was hired and she was for season 1. After that, she stopped watching the episodes in its entirety and stopped reading the scripts. Some production assistant guy hands her copy with her dialogues highlighted and then she staples off the rest because why want to know the whole story when she was told in 2012 that she was the lead actress. God, I want to know what she is smoking because I want that too.
  2. Little Felicity playing with tech, how adorable is that! Source: http://cend17.tumblr.com/
  3. I predict a lot of scientific babbling If she had any claims to Verdant, Laurel would've used that to score free booze during her descent into alcoholism.
  4. yeah, between all the trailers, clips, sneak peaks and previews, we can pretty much come up with the time line of events as they take place during the season premier. While I am all for some interesting random spoilers here and there, they have given away almost everything. I would've preferred to not have been spoiled that Olicity kiss for instance. I just hope that the episode lives up to all that hype. Season 2A was excellent with pacing the story and action, I hope they maintain or surpass that in season 3.
  5. I think we can all agree that it was just the right amount of mention that the character of Laurel deserves.
  6. Someone has been watching too much Chuck during the hiatus.
  7. Apparently, Cisco will be smitten with Thea in the crossover episode - I approve. A lot more people should be smitten with Thea. http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/arrows-marc-guggenheim-talks-about-the-flash-crossover/41633
  8. Dis she really say that about that god awful dating advice scene? I am laughing like crazy here. She called Felicity comic relief multiple times and I think Emily threw perfect shade in response when she said in CBR interview that she is very glad that she is the one who brought humor to the show. That girl impresses me with every interview that she gives.
  9. Manpain is Oliver Queen's default mode!
  10. I so agree with you, angst is good as long as it does not weigh down a character but that balance is not easily achieved by most writers. Felicity is no light weight. She has had issues in her past which we will see in season 3 but she marches on and is still a pleasant and capable person.
  11. This is the CBR interview of Caity Lotz and Emily Bett Rickards from the comicon http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=55940 It is a short interview which ended with the question of romance between Oliver & Felicity. Caity Lotz joked that Felicity will be getting sloppy seconds.
  12. Laurel's mom lived in Central City, McKenna was moving to Coast city to be with her sister. Oliver was willing to move, the exact dialogues were: Oliver: "I will visit, I am a billionaire, I will move to Coast city." McKenna: "It is sweet but your club just opened. Your life is here. Some more dialogue between Oliver and McKenna and then McKenna: "Please don't make it harder than it already is." Point is, he was willing to try with everyone barring Laurel.
  13. Given Oliver's track record, who knew he was not already planning a wedding with Isabel. I mean he wanted all that with Helena and was willing to move to Coast city for McKenna, post island Oliver just did not sleep with women, he planned future with them. PS: The only woman he did not plan a future with was Laurel which is quite LOL in my opinion.
  14. She has mentioned writing screenplays and TV sitcoms a few times before as well. Who knows, yen years down the road, she could be Mindy Kaling or Lena Dunham of that time (though I see her more Mindy and less Lena).
  15. Yups, and that is so in character, she was like that with her sister as well, liking or disliking her because of Oliver. She threw that exploding wine glass at Sara when she came back and only made an effort to be friendly with her when Oliver basically told Laurel that he is done with her. She was snooty and dismissive towards Felicity but now that she knows that she is brains behind the Team Arrow, she will be friendly. This is how amazing Laurel is, basing all her life decisions in context with Oliver. What a smart, lovely and strong female role model she is ....
  16. Isabel hated Felicity and her smug little face quite a bit. Laurel was condescending to her and somehow I cannot imagine her being nice to her even when the writers are trying so hard to sell their friendship.
  17. ^^^ yups, that would be a great story line to explore.
  18. I see a lot of people rather angry with CW and WB for pushing Olicity in their promotions but here in Canada, CTV is advertising Arrow with no Olicity and a lot of emphasis on Ra'as-al-Ghul.
  19. ^^^^ Ouch! On a side note, was that really necessary?
  20. I have a question for the people in the forum. I think most of us would agree that the Arrow writers do not have the best track record of writing love interests. We know what happened to that character of one Laurel Lance. Sara, though still cool, was infinitely cooler before episode 2x14 when she became the love interest and acted out of character for most part of the duration she was the love interest (She was drowning in guilt when we first met her but then she rubbed her boyfriend on her sister's face, the patronizing way she talked to Felicity in 2x14 and called her out on leather jacket still rankles me, okay). We have been lead to believe that Felicity and Oliver may not be together in season 3, but she will be the lone love interest of our tortured hero. Do you guys think that the writers will stay true to the Felicity we have come to know and love or will they make her OOC because she is now the object of affection of the male protagonist?
  21. Oh I am sure that Ray would be a lot more than Felicity's love interest. They have cast Brandon Routh who does not come cheap, so he is gonna be doing a lot more than romancing Felicity, not that that is not noble in itself. I predict that there would be a lot of witty banter between Ray and Felicity but I don't see any earth shattering romance. I also predict something crazy romantic between Oliver and Felicity for mid season finale in December.
  22. I will watch the season premier live so chance of Fast forwarding that but if I do catch later episodes on DVR, chances are that I will either fast forward her scenes of go get a glass of wine when she is on.
  23. I had no idea who Black Canary was before I saw the show but after watching the very first episode, I did wonder if the show would've been better if they had cast Eliza Dushku as Laurel Lance. She is older than Cassidy but she is the same age as Stephen Amell and would've totally sold a tough as nails lawyer with little patience for non sense. Her voice has the gravitas for her to be a strong empowered female. KC comes as whiney when she tries to portray strong woman. Eliza Dushku is also capable enough to bring some nuance to her character. Now that I think about it, she would have looked great with Colin Donnel who played Tommy. Ah the missed opportunities.
  24. They have a 5 year plan and I would like it to come to fruition. I personally would be very happy with 5 seasons, it don't want it to be dragged to 10th season like SPN and Bones, it is not a case of the week kind of show and if done well, 5 seasons are enough, but we should get those 5 seasons.
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