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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. But there are like 13 people who are KC/LL fans. I bet even KC's mom loves Olicity. I mean if she loves her daughter, she is bound to loathe Laurel Lance, right?
  2. Not for Katie Cassidy. I am sure that even if the story goes in the direction where Thea killed Sara in cold blood, Katie Cassidy would go to a con and say that it was such a beautiful moment that brought Oliver and Laurel closer and now they are more in love with each other. OMG ... as if the stupid story line was not bad enough, I am just reminded that she would be BC this season. Yikes. I am sure that she had it her contract that she would become Black Canary otherwise I do not see any other reason or for her to become BC.
  3. I do think the Arrow writers also need a session, or eight, with the shrinks to overcome their issues about offing women as plot devices. It does make you think if there is someone in the writer's room who is fascinated by Oliver's junk.
  4. Within the show, I am willing to bet it must have been either Laurel or Oliver because they have the market cornered on stupid ideas. Amongst the writer, probably Guggenheim being the exec producer and the guy who wanted to develop a multi episode mystery arc.
  5. Oliver may or may not know a lot of things but he was spot on when he said that Felicity was remarkable in early season 1.
  6. I think the mask fitting was done sometime back because they have shot first 8 episodes so far. I bet she has been dying to share this photo of hers and was waiting for the episode to air. Gawd, not only is she a bad actor, she is a horrible person.
  7. Thank God I was not the only one who thought that. Initially I thought it was my paranoia that somehow TPTB are taking me back to that toxicity but mercifully Stephen Amell was so not reciprocating to those Laurel Lance heart eyes that I gathered that it was not TPTB but Katie Cassidy who just cannot get her head around the fact that LL and OQ are DONE!. Someone needs to sit down with her and give her a new back story, preferably typed so that she can modulate her acting accordingly.
  8. Looks like Felicity will not just be seeing Barry, she will actually be helping him deal with his villain of the week. Does this girl ever take a break. So looking forward to this cross over.
  9. someone linked to Sepinwall's review of The Calm in another thread and I found this bit hilarious I was so happy when Felicity turns his btw back at him and told him that he needs to check his tablet (probably for more porcupine flatulence). To his credit, Ray Palmer seemed more impressed than anything at that, but then Ms Smoak has this thing where people who come in contact with her get Smoaked.
  10. A couple of more things I noticed after the 117th rewatch. Oliver gulps after the kiss - like he is overcome with emotion and Felicity is wiping something off her face as she leaves - probably a tear. Oh boy, I have never been this emotional over a fictional couple, these two idiots sucked me into this vortex so bad!
  11. oh Stephen Amell deserves all the kudos - esp the way he used his voice in the softer moments on The Calm, he endeared himself to me so much. This is the difference between a better and a mediocre actor. Katie Cassidy further ruins whatever she is given and Stephen Amell has made ham fisted lines believable. As far as Oliver Queen is concerned, some one needs to tell him that a piece of jewelry made of arrow heads is the least appropriate gift item for a new born baby. Poor Oliver, he tries so hard. At times I wonder what will he do without Diggle and Felicity.
  12. I agree, she is not bad all the time, for instance, I liked her outburst in that family dinner from hell in Time of Death, she was good there. I also liked her in the scene where she was arrested for substance abuse and subsequent scenes in the police station. Every actor has a good day or bad day but if 80 per cent of your scenes suck in a royal manner then you have a problem and Katie Cassidy has a major problem.
  13. A lot has been said about Laurel and KC's acting choices but boy, was she bad or really really bad in then scene where Sara's dead body falls from above? She did not even check her for pulse or anything, she was dead sure that she is dead and then that ugly cry face. Honestly, I could not even focus on Sara's death because I was so distracted by Laurel's crying and KC's absolute worst acting.
  14. Yes, there was a Wild Cat references in that fight scene. We did not get to see him (probably because they had not cast the actor playing that role) but apparently, it was Ted Grant/Wild Cat who was fighting in the boxing ring. We probably saw his manager with his name emblazoned on the jacket next to the boxing ring
  15. I had forgotten it too, probably to rid my mind of this extreme awkwardness. For a person who has been working in front of a camera for over 14 years and poses for photos literally every other day for her fashion blog, Katie Cassidy's awkwardness as an actress is mind boggling. I mean if you are that bad at something, why do it. What is even more baffling is that people continue to hire her. I heard the rumour that after her topless scenes in some films, she was approached by the 50 shades people for its sequel where she'd play Christian Grey's ex and I am hoping that they offer her a lot of money and she moves on to that film instead of sticking with Arrow. I would gladly watch Arrow minus Laurel/KC because the chances of me gritting my teeth would drop by a good 90%.
  16. The show does not need a black canary, what it needs is Team Arrow and may be Roy & Thea to a lesser extent. Arrow can do really well without another canary and most certainly Laurel Lance.
  17. So in character, always placing the blame elsewhere. How about the fact that she died b/c she was meeting you on that roof?
  18. That is what I fear most. We have seen Felicity crying over the dead body of Sara with arrows sticking out of her body and Roy trying to comfort her. Being the very loving person that she is, she would probably go out of her way to do the same for Laurel and that would suck big time because no matter how good EBR is in her scenes, Katie Cassidy will definitely suck the air out of everything. She is a really bad actress.
  19. Honestly, the way she filled out her trousers in the buy more uniform, I bet more people would want to touch that particular tech than just Barry, Ray and Oliver.
  20. This is NOT a bed, this is a gurney they stole from the sets of Grey's Anatomy. Complete with white hospital pillowcase and grey hospital blanket. Felicity would never buy anything this drab & colourless.
  21. I think Felicity was questioning this tackiness in the promo when she asked if what they were doing with their friend, his Sara, is right? This girl is so awesome, she got her heart broken but instead of pulling back she still goes out and questions his every douche move. Becoming Felicity Smoak, minus the babbling, has become a life goal for me.
  22. This empty handed gesture when Felicity left him was rather heavy handed with sorrow and emptiness that he felt that Felicity refused to wait for him till eternity and then two seconds later, he was off to see Barry with no sign of sadness. That was the quickest recovery time from a heartbreak.
  23. Please do ask him about the boatloads of man pain he is handed every 7 episodes. How does he as an actor process all that.
  24. I have a bit of a problem with editing in this episode. This glorious scene where Felicity held Oliver’s face in her hands and told him that she will make him a corporate maverick or something, I wanted to see Oliver’s face being all heart eyes here and I did not get to see that. I felt cheated.
  25. 4 times if you count the time she took poison because she did not want to be an assassin, once on Queen's gambit, once on Amazo and finally through the Arrow and fall on the dumpsters.
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