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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I started it without reading the first one and it makes sense to me but I am sure it would be more fun to read it with the right background and context. That gay arms dealer with Diggle and Roy is hilarious. I only wish they have something half as funny in the show.
  2. Someone recommended this fic on twitter and it has hilarious Diggle and Roy interaction. The writer calls them Riggle. There is a gay arms dealer in love with Diggle and Roy is in Cruella deVelle drag. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10632876/1/Love-Potion-Number-9
  3. There should be a line in Arrow (I want either Felicity or Roy to say it because Diggle is too nice) that goes: "Think about what Oliver Queen would do at this precise moment and then do the exact opposite because that would be the smartest thing to do." Extra points if they actually say it to Oliver.
  4. ^^^ That will give Quentin Lance a chance to come up with his customary dialogue ... Who the hell is Joe West?"
  5. ^^^^ I think we have established it beyond a shadow of doubt that Oliver is the worst when it comes to relationships, be it romantic or familial. He has screwed up enough of his own and of people who are stupid enough to take his advice *cough Roy Harper cough* to know that he should leave them to the other person's discretion but we also know that he is not big on learning from his past mistakes.
  6. Funny how Felicity and Thea dominate the most anticipated story lines for season 3.
  7. That dinner and that scene where canary points out at Felicity's jacket in Starling National Bank were the two worst scenes in two seasons. What were they thinking when they wrote them? That episode was one of the real bad ones.
  8. That woman is Beth Shwartz, one of the Arrow writers who are on set these days and they will soon be shooting episode 9 of the season where they do their annual 'Felicity's Judaism mention', hence people connected that to Felicity rather than EBR.
  9. I am still wondering over multiple Emmy wins for Alicia Florrick of The good wife, it is a very well written character but there was no great acting involved. Tatiana, on the other hand, has changed the way people do multiple roles forever! Truly fantastic. There were far too many leaks and spoilers and hints, we all knew that Moira's gonna die so I was bracing for it, and was not shocked at all. The I Love You fake out was shocking for me because I was so not expecting that!
  10. her Jewish background was mentioned on two Christmas/December episodes. In season one when she told Oliver that she is Jewish and in season 2 when she mentioned that she will be lighting het menorah. I think that is okay, I mean no other character talks about their religion so why should she? It is not Grey's Anatomy or Modern Family where things like this are discussed.
  11. Spot on. And that subtle hint of a smile is all kinds of wonderful.
  12. Finally managed to check it with my cousin who works as a lawyer in Chicago. Apparently, if any ADA accompanies police to an arrest - and they do it when they uncover something during investigations that they conduct alongside the police - they are required to wear a badge to show that they are with the police and part of the raid. It does not mean anything else beyond that. I think John Barrowman meant ADA and he just forgot LL's job description. I don't think she is gonna be a police commissioner, even CW writers cannot be this dumb. I don't know what she was *supposed to be*, what I have seen on my screen is that is she is anything but intelligent and it is not just to prop up Oliver, she spreads her brand of idiocy all around. She makes Sara Lance looks like Einstein and we all know that she never finished college.
  13. You are so right, even when she is in the background, I notice her and that is amazing because she is such a small person and still commands attention because she is so good at what she does.
  14. I don't think Laurel has been dumbed down at all, she has been fairly idiotic from the very beginning and very consistently. If anything, her sudden bouts of intelligence and insight (with Sebastian Blood and with Chinese embassy for instance) seem rather out of character. She has not won a single case either at CNRI or DA's office and any success she's shown to have had were because of the assistance from the Arrow. She could not piece together anything about the masked vigilantes in her city despite a very distinctive chin that belonged to her sister and had to be told by Slade that Oliver is Arrow. Her emotional intelligence is absolute worst as well. She was an awful girlfriend to Tommy (blurting about his job on a double date, making everything about herself even when his dad got shot and Helena injured him, she kept talking about what SHE needed), equally awful daughter to her parents with the attitude suitable to an angry teenager rather than a responsible adult, and a very pushy and judgemental girlfriend to Oliver. The less said about her dysfunctional relationship with her sister, the better. So yes, the consistent thing about Laurel is that her IQ and EQ both suck big time and whenever they try to show her as an intelligent or loving person (relationship advice to Oliver and Sara), it seems very out of character and extremely jarring for the viewers.
  15. She may be a bitch with wifi but she is the cutest cupcake ever. That nod after the yes!
  16. Listen, women will come and go but Sally - the salmon ladder is Oliver's one true love. I think the show has established that beyond any doubt.
  17. If the reaction of fans on twitter is any indication, the PR would regret that they mentioned Laure because people are furious that they are gonna dumb down Team Arrow to make Laurel look like the smart one.
  18. My enthusiasm for an episode with Tommy took a nose dive when I heard that they are going to make Laurel that special unicorn who would just know what to do when generally competent people like Sara, Felicity and Diggle would fail. Yawn!
  19. So this is how Felicity Smoak looks on a date. Smoaking hot.
  20. Here it is but the writer never finished it http://archiveofourown.org/works/1027526/chapters/2045862
  21. I want them to be civil with each other but I will NEVER buy the BFF thing between Laurel and Felicity. If they go that way, I will be rolling my eyes.
  22. This is what I love about EBR most. She never talks up anything other than her character. Since season 1, she has been asking to show her home and a parent and she is gonna get them both in season 3. Apart from that, I have never seen her play up or down anything that is not directly related to her character, not even relationships or friendships. She just knows her character well and wants better things for her. This is how every actor should be, dedicated to the character you are playing and her story arc.
  23. Lolz, there is a blog called Emily Butt Rickards and Emily is aware of it.
  24. Oh god, Colton and Emily are a riot and they want to date Dame Judi Dench and Maggie Smith respectively. This interview is hilarious.
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