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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. ^^^ I totally agree with you, that boob window dress was inappropriate and barring that, the rest were fine. I would even give pass to the backless one as I have seen women wearing back cut outs (esp this summer) in corporate environment. The boob window dress was not only inappropriate as far as design is concerned but that color was also not office appropriate.
  2. It is an awful film, The Machine that is. Tried watching it for a few minutes but then gave up and rewatched a couple of breaking bad episodes. Yups.
  3. When I saw this, I thought Thea's trajectory would be more bad ass and less Justin Beiber lite. I am not sure if it is an official poster though.
  4. Looks like they are still trying to sell her as Canary. http://comicbook.com/blog/2014/09/03/arrow-executive-producer-confirms-laurel-as-black-canary/
  5. Looks like there is some serious bromance going on between Emily Bett Rickards and Charlotte Ross
  6. The hashtags that are doing rounds on twitter #SmoakenAss #EmilyButtRickards #DATAss
  7. Ah If they are two different dresses in almost same colors that she wore in back to back episodes then the wardrobe department needs to be fired.
  8. yes it is because the episode 2 director tweeted this and another photo like this one saying that this is from the set when she was directing.
  9. ^^^ Perhaps they parted amicably and now that he has accepted that he loves Felicity, he cannot help but make heart eyes at her at every given opportunity. I just cannot see EBT wearing five different outfits, (not to mention the Jimmy Choos she's sporting) in one episode. It will bankrupt the CW! Lolz.
  10. Nops, you are not the only one and I am somehow convinced that the back cut out orange dress is from episode 2. I mean she is wearing the boob window dress, the buy more T shirt, the beautiful peplum red date dress and the blue floral print dress in which Oliver asked her out for dinner and that is 4 different outfits which would be first because she has never worn more than 3 outfits in an episode before. Based on this very unscientific observation, I think the orange cut out dress shall appear in episode 2.
  11. I always thought they would hire someone swarthy and sinister like Faraan Tahir, this Aussie dude looks too much like a biker dude to me. Unless he blows my mind as Ra'as, I think I am gonna hate him. Down with whitewashing characters that should've been played by people of color.
  12. The promo was excellent. There was a lot of Felicity in it and that makes it all the more fun. A flirty Oliver was awesome. I even liked Roy and his dumbfounded expressions at the end of the promo. What I cannot digest is whitewashing the character of Ra'as. It's not like we do not have enough Middle Eastern/South Asian actors playing the role. Honestly, if they wanted to go for someone young, they should've cast Faraan Tahir who played Raza is IronMan. He was both muscular and menacing in a cerebral way.
  13. Seriously! If Emily Bett Rickards had a better agent, that girl would be ruling it all - on magazine covers, con appearances, may be a deal or two for shampoo commercials or skin creams. She is basically selling the show along with Stephen and CW and WB are using her popularity to get more and more eyeballs.
  14. That is my biggest grouse against KC, that she could not care less about Laurel Lance. She is always more invested in being/becoming the Green Arrow's love interest than a fully formed character on her own. She never really talks about the character she is playing (a lawyer with a multitude of issues), it is always about what she will become (kick ass crime fighter and Green Arrow's better half). If she cannot be interested in what she is doing, she cannot really expect other people to be interested in that.
  15. I have read the book, unless changed, it is a tiny role. EBR shot for about 12 days or so in Montreal for this so it cannot really be that long. A couple, maximum three scenes, in the film.
  16. ^^^ true that. In that case, her true calling should be WWE and not prime time tv and acting.
  17. For that, Katie Cassidy has to be involved in her character and her story arc. The way I see it, she believes in phoning in her lines and that's it. She seems more interested in wearing 56 rings, getting facelifts in her mid twenties, pimping every freebie she gets on social media and dying her hair a different shade every season. To top it all, she takes home a hefty check without much effort, why bother.
  18. ^^^^ Oliver is the one who dons the mask and leather but the whole Team Arrow represent the hero. It is all for one and one for all. For me, Team Arrow is still Diggle, Felicity and Oliver with Sara in guest appearance mode. I am not sure what to think of Roy because season 2 kinda skipped on team bonding moments with Roy. I will form my opinion about Roy as a full fledged Team Arrow member after watching season 3.
  19. I totally agree, the Laurel Lance free episodes were wonderful. Still my two fav episodes. In fact the less we see of Laurel in an episode, the better it becomes by default. .
  20. Exactly, Oliver is unemployed and was probably loitering around the area when he saw some familiar faces and decided to join them. I am okay with the not perfect fit of Laurel's dress, at least she is dressed like a lawyer. I still cannot over the fact that she wore hot pink pants in DA's office. If anyone has ever been to a DA's office, they'd know that the half dead plant on someone's desk is the most colorful thing there ... like EVER!
  21. There was no KC is episode 6 and 8 in previous season as well. Looks like they are keeping up with the tradition.
  22. I would watch that. Colton so needs a stalker! In any case, because she is cupid, she should go after Red Arrow instead of Green Arrow.
  23. Boy am I glad or what that those Oliver Queen monologues are over. They made me want to slap Oliver silly. Team Arrow FTW.
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