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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. even when Katie Cassidy was given light scenes (season 1 with Colin Donnel) she was below average in them and did not leave her mark. Those scenes were saved only because Colin was such a good actor. All the other actresses such as Sussanna Thompson, Caity Lotz, Willa Holland and Celina Jade were given equally heavy and complex scenes to enact and they all did better than KC. Even Emily, whose Felicity is considered 'light' was given scenes like the one where she asked Oliver if he had any happy stories or her telling him about Diggle's break up with Carly or her fight with Oliver in 2x10 about her spending the time in Central City. The scene with Moira and the one where she told Oliver about Moira were also not light. and that is just the first half of season 2.
  2. but she climbed Gorham like a tree in Harper's Island and he is married and has kids - in plural - and it was okay for her to do that - nothing awkward there. I think she just cannot act or has some issues with SA and that would have been okay had she not talked about her awkwardness multiple times. When celebs make such faux pas, they do get judged - either for their inconsistency or their hypocrisy. Take your pick.
  3. oh while we are discussing KC and her acting abilities (or lack of her acting abilities) I just saw a tumblr posts with gifs of a sex scene she did for one of her movies. It looked like a fairly racy scene (she was topless and there was a lot bumping/grinding). I am not judging her choice to appear topless in a film but I do wonder that a woman who has said multiple times that she is embarrassed/awkward because Stephen was shirtless in a scene is obviously okay with working in this R rated film. I smell hypocrisy. PS: In case anyone wants to see those gifs, you can find them on Katie Cassidy tag.
  4. It was not even a dress, it was that bejewelled collar that she wore over her coat. It was really bad. That bejewelled collar was available on Anthropologie website and even before I saw that episode, I wondered why anyone would wear a collar like that reminds one of Russian Czars.
  5. I have said it in the past and I am gonna say it again. In half of those instances, a different actress would've made the difference and shot the scenes differently and brought sensitivity and nuance to the same badly written scenes. Case in point is episode Time of Death. I, and a lot of Emily Bett fans hated that episode because they made Felicity looked insecure and very un Felicity like in that episode. But Emily worked with whatever material she was given and basically owned that episode with her performance, whether she was telling Oliver to go with Sara to the Lance Family dinner, talking with Diggle or being ridiculously cute when she was high on oxycodone. The last scenes was not a well written and I still cringe at the patronizing tone of "you will always be my girl Felicity" but Emily made that scene bearable by acting with just the right amount of levity and vulnerability. She was given the line from hell "please save Oliver" in episode 15 and somehow she even worked that. Willa Holland handled her scenes being super brat from hell with aplomb. You know that she is being a spoilt brat but you also understand why she is behaving that way and that's what a better actor do. KC, I am afraid, is extremely one dimensional and extremely lucky that she continues to get work despite being awful at her craft.
  6. She is in LA for a couple of days, probably embracing the whole California Blonde look. She looks fantastic though.
  7. Both KC & Willa have tweeted about their work out regimen and how they have packed the muscles but EBR does not say much. This photo was posted earlier today and it looks like she too has rather enviably toned arms. The cast probably hits the gym en masse.
  8. I have a very strong feeling that it was the worst possible case of miscasting. She was not as poor written in first season and had it been an actress half way competent, Laurel would have fared better with the public. KC just killed that character. On paper, I am supposed to root for her because she was wronged - at least that's what they showed us in the initial episodes - but every time I see her face on my screen (and that happened from the very first scene for me) I just want to roll my eyes at all the self righteousness. YAWN.
  9. oh I find Jennifer Lawrence's overt cutesiness cringe inducing because it is always at the most public forums for maximum effect whereas EBR goofs with her friends on social media where only her die heard fans follow her. I find Jennifer very artificial who follows a certain script to maintain her public persona but EBR a very straight and genuine because she seems goofy on social media but very mature and adult when she is interviewing. Perhaps the fact that I like EBR also affects how I see her but then again we are all different individuals and see things the way we want to. Oh and there was nothing wrong in bringing in KC as an example, after all the forum is for Arrow cast and how they are at various public platforms.
  10. why? her tweets are pretty tame and she is ONLY 23, she can goof around if she wants to.
  11. Grant gave up his sweater to cover up Willa's pert behind, he is a real life hero and shall always be special.
  12. I agree, that is just some bad PR copy writing, CW should really need to hire smarter people. Perhaps they pay shit money and get really bad people to work for them.
  13. I would watch Felicity if she is buying vegetables in a farmer's market.
  14. You have no idea the kind of scenarios I have conjured up in my head where Nyssa and Felicity team up. It would be glorious if they film 20 per cent of that on the show and we get to see it. I think I am gonna write a fan fiction where Nyssa tranqs people because Felicity has convinced Nyssa of her no kill rule and Felicity is a trigger happy taser girl who likes to tase baddies because she can. She may or may not tase Roy and Oliver during one of her taser highs.
  15. Malcolm Merlyn must be tapping everything in sight since he was 12.
  16. Oh boy, this scene writes itself. You know what? I want Nyssa to randomly shoot people with tranq darts because it is badass. I also want her to gift Felicity with a tanrq gun just because she liked her and she thought it was an appropriate gift.
  17. Colton has fans in millions on both Facebook and instagram which is insane considering he was never a lead actor - had a supporting role in Teenwolf for two seasons and the poor guy is barely there in Arrow most of the time yet still has this insane fan following. Speaks volumes about his peoples' skill and ability to reel in new fans. And I subscribed to his channel because I know that he will not only be posting stuff about himself but about all his famous friends as well.
  18. Caity's message has rubbed me the wrong way as well, it was condescending to everyone who did take part in it. I too donated to this after watching Ben Affleck and EBR & Colton video as both stressed on donating. Perhaps Caity felt left out because no one asked her.
  19. I don't think it would be weird if they do not mention dad at all. In families where dads leave their kids at an early age and then do not stay in touch, they fade away - not only from lives but also from conversations. If Felicity and Mama Smoak do not discuss Daddy Smoak, that would be okay with me. I have a feeling that dad would be making an appearance later this season.
  20. I snorted my drink on my phone at Bambi Lamb ... it was not pretty.
  21. The Felicity centric episode is now called "The Secret Origins of Felicity Smoak." It is usually super heroes who get their origin stories. Would Felicity Smoak be joining the league of heroes of is this just a title of an episode? secret or no secret, I am quite looking forward to her back story and her interaction with Mama Smoak. Should be a lot of fun.
  22. At times they make a lot of noise about a certain character but not much pans out, Sharpnel last season was one of them. I have always assumed that Starmore - the actor playing Count 2.0 - will not feature beyond the season premiere because he has far too many acting commitments. I am sure Oliver will go all savage ninja on him after Felicity's injury and will most probably kill him. Similarly, there was such a lot of brouhaha about the casting of Katana but the interviews and social media chatter says that she has just shot one scene so far with Stephen (that's what SA revealed in one of his interviews) but the actor playing her husband apparently has a more pronounced role and has tweeted about being present in most episodes shot thus far. Ted Grant, I have a feeling, would be like Brother Blood. That actor was not in Van for most of the time and shot his portions in a bulk during multiple visits. This Ramirez guy can do that too.
  23. may be not in episode 5 but I am sure that Felicity's parents will spring up in present day Starling City. I mean what's the point in hiring cast and establishing a back story via flashbacks if they do not turn up in present. So far, Slade, Sara and Anatoly has resurfaced in present from the past and Malcolm Merlyn has literally come back after being dead so why not Mommy and Daddy Smoak.
  24. This is the person who first nominated both Emily and Colton for the challenge https://twitter.com/Jwowt/status/500531273325371392 I feel that EMTON challenge is special for various reasons. a) They actually donated the money to charity. b) They did it together. c) Their videographer is JOHN BARROWMAN d) and his husband Scott poured water on them. e) The video was so much fun. f) They must have raided multiple ATMs to get hold of so many 100 Canadian dollar bills. g) It has Emily and everything is infinitely better when it has Emily.
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