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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. When Shado appeared on our screens, she was the most badass woman on the show. She was Slade's equal in fighting and she mocked Oliver like a little boy. The scene in the fuselage (ep1x19) where she asked Slade if Oliver always whines this much and Slade saying it was one of the good days was hilarious. It also did set up Shado and Slade as older & wiser people and who are seasoned fighters as well. She later made him slap the water bowl many many times and Oliver whined some more. I was quite shocked when she kissed Oliver one episode later because initially I thought they would set up Slade & Shado because they were equals and had this one goal in common, they were both there on the island to save Yao Fei, but I saw absolutely nothing between them and an Oliver kiss with Shado so I thought okay, they were showing Slade as a bad ass fighter who was not interested in any woman and probably had a wife back home (he mentioned his son Joe so I assumed he was married). A few episodes into season 2 and we were told that Slade is Shado's secret admirer and then she was killed so that Slade can wallow in manpain and later become evil? Barring Oliver and Felicity, every romantic entanglement on the show was dealt with rather poorly.
  2. hahaha I laughed out loud at that one. And it is bad to be working for the DA's office unless you happen to be Laurel Lance.
  3. Casting EBR was a stroke of luck that EPs should be thanking for all the time and they do, Guggenheim has said it multiple times that EBR/Felicity solved a problem they were not even aware that they had. She has great chemistry with every actor she has interacted with. Be it Stephen Amell, David, Caity Lotz, Grant Gustin, Paul Blackthorne or Sussanna Thompson (they had like one and a half scene together and that was mind blowing), she manages to develop this connection with everyone. It is obviously stronger with Stephen and then with David because she has worked with them more and has multiple one to one scenes with them but this girl is amazing and CW lucked out tremendously with this casting. I am really looking forward to season 3 and I want her to have some scenes with Willa Holland. After watching them during SDCC, I think they would be amazing on screen together.
  4. Kudos to Manu then, that despite all that confusion, he managed to deliver such a convincing performance. I know the world love John Barrowman but as far as villains go, Slade Wilson was far more convincing and enjoyable than Malcolm Merlyn.
  5. oh okay, my bad. And yes, missing Laurel is like missing a session at the dentist.
  6. Felicity is a shoe person because even when she was in IT, she was wearing 'interesting' shoes like those panda flats. They were not high fashion but they were funky and fun. Oliver's parties usually suck - either people do not come or assassins come or police come or everyone goes because crime and shit. So this season, Ray Palmer will host something and Felicity will wear something fabulous - could be any colour except for pink (she wears far too much pink for a girl NOT named candy or pinky) I am not too finicky about that.
  7. Nops, panda flats were in the Huntress episode. She left her tied in IT department when Oliver came to the rescue and we saw her shoes. The episode after this one was remembered for Oliver hanging onto the beam and Felicity unashamedly ogling at him. Felicity was every woman that day.
  8. I am all for realistic Felicity but I would love to see her wearing something by Zuhair Murad or Ellie Saab. And I am all for Jimmy Choos and Stella McCartney and Manolo Blahnik shoes because in my head, Felicity is a shoe person.
  9. I do agree with you that Ray is just a foil. They brought Barry on and he too was a great way to propel the story of Oliver and Felicity. Barry was the first person who actually asked Felicity about her feelings for Oliver and even when she said no and had asked him out to a party, he insisted that he would understand if she does like him because the guy is a billionaire by the day and a hero by the night. We also got to see a possessive Oliver in episode 2x08 and an outright jealous one in 2x10. He also apologized to Felicity for his obnoxious behaviour - another exception to the rule - because Oliver Queen does not apologize to people (mind you, he has apologized to Felicity twice - once in 1x15 after he snapped at her for closing the door and imposing her brand of morality on him and then in 2x10 when he snapped at her for being in Central City with comatose Barry). Through Barry's entry, the audience learned more about how Oliver and Felicity feel about each other. I think they are gonna do the same with Ray Palmer - though he has a longer arc so he will probably add something more to the plot other than being just a LI - he will bring to fore wrinkles in the story that need to be straightened out and bring resolution to the season long romantic arc of Oliver and Felicity, at least that's the way I see it.
  10. Poor girl has to repeat her clothes last season all the time, looks like they have upped the budget hence Jimmy Choos, or the studio got them through some kind of promotion or something.
  11. oh please no, can we not have parents having flings with potential romantic partners please. The show has already grossed me out to no end on account of sister swapping and Daddy Queen and Ollie both doing it with Isabel Rochev. Can we please not go there with Felicity Smoak who seems like a normal person? I can live with her mom flirting outrageously with everyone - including Diggle and Oliver - in the present day but no romantic entanglements with Ollie in the past. It would be just TOO MUCH!
  12. how was that important? She was not his girlfriend or even a friend whose presence was necessary and she did not discover anything new about Blood there. She tried to prosecute Moira so I am sure Moira did not want anything to do with her. Laurel had nothing to do with the main plot that episode which was all about Thea's abduction & Deathstroke. You cut that scene out and it takes absolutely nothing away from either that episode or the general story.
  13. loved your analysis as I recently re watched the episode. One thing that stood out majorly was how utterly selfish Laurel was. Poor Tommy, lost like a puppy because of the revelations that Ollie dumped on him and then Helena breaking/straining his wrist and general despondency because best friend is a liar and murderer and dad almost died in last episode but all she can think about ... my parents are here and you are not here for me. I mean the world should revolve around her or it should stop spinning. God how I hated her in that episode, probably because I was very very protective of Tommy.
  14. Really? Point out one scene between Emily & Stephen which was there for fan pandering and is not part of the whole storyline. The only scene that I can think of which you anyone could consider superfluous is the one where she put the mask on him for the first time in ep2x09. In my opinion, that is actually an important story point. She is the first person to call him a hero on the show and then helped him become one. I think it was fitting that she put it on him. I cannot even think of any other scene with her which can be construed as 'inserted' and was not part of the main story. I can point out many scenes with KC which were not part of the narrative and were inserted for contractual obligations only, for instance her only scene in Deathstroke. She went to see Brother Blood before the mayoral debate to wish him luck and it was totally unnecessary. No one needed that scene and it did nothing for the storyline but KC's contract must have stipulated that she has to appear in at least 'n' number of episodes, hence that scene. Every scene that Emily was in was related to the main story.
  15. That Laurel Oliver arc was not even touched upon once during this season, except for that line "I have loved you half my life" which was in the middle of a major dressing down that Oliver gave her. I think the EPs decided to sleep on it during season 2 and thought that they should check other options and have now decided to burry it for a foreseeable future. I have a feeling it is gonna stay that way.
  16. I do agree, that scene came from nowhere. There she was, at the back, listening in to the argument between Sara, Diggle and Oliver and all of a sudden, she came forward and showed her support to Oliver - in her loud voice - and then no one said a word. That was the moment Sara realized that Felicity has that place in Oliver's life that no other woman can take. I really like that moment because it was not really romantic and very subtle yet very powerful. According to my sister, I was watching that scene with my shipper glasses on but honestly, I don't care. I was quite happy in my little bubble.
  17. oh I loved that about Felicity, she liked a guy and totally asked him out. All power to Ms Smoak.
  18. hahaha so she always plays a parent with questionable parenting choices ... cool
  19. She was in Glee? Who did she play in Glee?
  20. Second billing also means she gets paid more than other ladies.
  21. Err Oliver's brain hardly ever works - like at all - so Felicity's has to work twice as hard. I mean he handed over his company to a woman who wanted it badly. How big a moron you have to be to actually do that - and that too on a legal pad.
  22. This probably says that Stephen is more like Oliver Queen than we ever gave him credit for. I mean Oliver Queen got D in tenth grade Algebra but Stephen Amell does not even remember the multiplication table for 7.
  23. I have a genuine questions for everyone here. Many articles have suggested that Felicity has feelings for Oliver but she always thought that he was out of her league so she never pursued him and that Oliver only realized that he too have feelings for Felicity around the time of season 2 finale. I saw the same show but I never got the feelings of inadequacy coming from Felicity. Yes, she made some innuendoes back in season one and looked at him while he was working out or hanging from the roof beams for shit and giggles (who can blame her?) but that never resurfaced in season 2. Probably because she became familiar with him prancing around in his sweaty shirtless glory. In season 2, we saw a more confident Felicity who was not all hot and bothered around Oliver Queen. Her insecurities in episode 14 were more about her not being kick ass, both literally and figuratively, and had nothing to do with the affections of a man. She even mocked him and his frat boy ways in the BoP episode. Felicity was a warm and loving character and she showed that warmth to everyone - Diggle both in the Russia episode and then when he was down with Vertigo in ep 7 and when he stayed outside her house and she brought him hot cocoa. She was affectionate to Sara when she came back and then when she was being patched up by Oliver in ep 5 and then in ep 14 when she took a bullet for Sara. Felicity stayed up all night and looked over thousands of images when Thea went missing and she did not even know Thea personally. She was just as compassionate with Oliver when she told him that she is sorry that he had to kill a man for her or in ep 14 when she revealed Thea’s parentage or in episode 21 when she was crying for the loss of his mother (I am forgetting if she had a moment with Roy or not). The point is that Felicity was warm and loving to everyone (except Isabel Rochev) yet everyone says that she was so crushing on Oliver. I personally think that she was NOT crushing on Oliver, yes, there were tender feelings and her emotional scenes with Oliver always had perfect light and piano based musical score but I did not see her crushing. On the other hand, I saw Oliver Queen crushing on Felicity Smoak – big time. He killed a man for her and said that there was not choice to make, listened to her advice many times, was genuinely ashamed when he was caught with Isabel coming out of his room in Russia, jealous of Barry when he was around or even when he was in coma and Felicity was visiting him, was proud of her when she hacked into Iron Heights and told her that and jumped to save her twice in ep 19 (first when a security guard pointed a gun at her and then the epic jump from stairs when Slade came to pay them a visit. He even opened up to Felicity in the penultimate episode when Diggle went to fetch Roy Harper and talked about failing all the dead people. The only other person he willingly opened up to in season 2 was John Diggle when they bonded over vodka shots. The way I see it, we have had more evidence of Oliver falling for Felicity in season 2 than the other way around, and it pisses me off when writers/commenters say that Felicity is crushing on her hunky boss because that was so two seasons ago. Yes she did that in season 1 but we did not see that anywhere in season 2. Sometimes hot men crush over the cute girls with glasses, what is your take on all this?
  24. Come on .... the minute the camera panned onto Tommy's anguish filled face, I knew it that Laurel and Oliver were done - even though they were literally at it like rabbits at that time. Everyone liked Tommy, he was the nice guy, smart and funny and obviously in love with a girl who did not love him back. He had a horrible dad, a dead mother and a friend who screwed him over and lied to him, how can anyone amongst the audience would not root for him? Then 2x01 happened and they said that they cannot be together because of Tommy, though Laurel and her very short memory span forgot that and she tried to kiss Oliver again in 2x05 but by then Sara was back in picture and Oliver was not really in the mood. 2x14 was the final nail in the coffin.
  25. I think the song was perfect choice ... their relationship was toxic and the sex scene was apocalyptically bad because their bestie (Tommy) was breaking his heart looking through the window (The bloopers show that it was indeed apocalyptically bad because Stephen either dropped KC or they both fell on the ground while filming) so I say that the song went quite well with that scene. Majorly creepy
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