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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. The 2.5 comics are coming out in September and the first Green Arrow Comic book with Felicity Smoak as a character is coming out on October 1st. I will probably be buying them both. Somehow I don't think Felicity will ever 'bond' with Laurel by trading Oliver stories. Oliver, Felicity & Diggle have the kind of trust where they know that even in jest, they will have each other's back and will not 'trade' stories for shit and giggles. If they really want them to bond, they can bond over ... I don't know, lipstick or shoes, perhaps, but NEVER Oliver. God, that would be cringe inducing.
  2. That too depends on whether people want to adhere to what is expected of them. During this video, Anna Paquin said that SDCC survival trick is to wear flats. I am assuming that she was wearing flats when she said it.
  3. Yups, but I have read the novel and her role is a rather small one. I was talking about lead or second lead roles.
  4. A lot of actors who transitioned to movies did it during their hiatuses. They have a good 4 months where they can do a film which does not require a lot of action. Katherine Heigl did most of her successful films during Grey's Anatomy. Once she left Grey's Anatomy, her career tanked as well (the stories of her diva behaviour did not help as well). She is back on TV this coming fall. Ryan Reynolds and Katie Holmes also started their movie careers while they were working on Two guys, a girl and a pizza place and Dawson's Creek. They are both A-listers now. Another CW starlet who got some high profile film roles while working on her tv show is Mrs Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively. The point is, you can start your film career while you are working on TV. People have done it before and will continue to do so. I do believe Emily has enough charm and charisma to actually carry a feature film.
  5. and boy does she act or over act. Everything is just so over the top! Take the scene from season 2 finale where both Felicity and Laurel were abducted. Even though Felicity had a Katana next to her neck, Emily was portraying Felicity's fear through her facial expressions. What did Katie do, unnecessary and over the top struggle and then a couple of punches to the goon AFTER black canary shot him with the cure. I wanted to bang my head on something solid, thank god they moved onto Slade/Oliver fight quickly and I didn't have to linger on Katie Cassidy's acting master class.
  6. I do agree with the zap2it article. Emily Bett Rickards is made for 90s style rom coms, the kind that made Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan the stars they are today. She has this perfect blend of girl next door homeliness and sass of a girl who can bring down a leading man to his knees. Can't wait for her to get their next!
  7. exactly, acting is not as superficial as people think it is - you don't just read the lines, you develop a person inside your head and there are a lot of things that you fill up in your head with discussions with writers and fellow actors. Case in point, Stephen Amell, and how in his head, Oliver does not drink and how he has fought with the producers when they showed him drinking. Similarly, we see Felicity with straightened untied hair in first two episodes of the second season, but she was mostly in her ponytail after that barring a few scenes here and there. We later found out that Emily Bett Rickards fought to keep Felicity's ponytail and glasses intact despite a much more fashionable wardrobe because in her head, Felicity would not give up comfort (tied hair and glasses) over style. I am giving these two example here because people who comment here watch this show otherwise there are many many example from other TV shows and films. Especially if you have already shot 46 episodes, you should know your character like your very best friend.
  8. you can blame writing but also acting choices of KC. In the first half of season 1, she could've made her character much more likeable by just delivering it differently and after that, the writers just gave up because she was not delivering it. I think the biggest flaw was in casting, then writing was ambiguous and then KC's acting skills (or lack of them), I think it all made rooting or writing for a positive Laurel kinda impossible. Although, I would be cheering on if they turn her into a darker bitchier version of herself.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TxZlOikhQQ No one asked KC about love making scenes at a con, she volunteered all that during a TV interview in Australia. Not only she went on and on, she also said that Stephen Amell was nervous. Stephen also mentioned this particular scene in one of his FB Q&As and the way he told this story, there was no mention of any awkwardness or nervousness. It is all Katie. During this interview she also called Felicity a comic relief which was such a catty thing to do. And it was not just once, she did it again in another interview with Barrowman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akh59tmIFek and then she mentioned the same scene in a couple of other cons that I am too lazy to look for. The point is, she mentions that scene again and again even when no one asks her about it. Honestly, if I was doing PR for KC, I would either lock her up or would make sure that she memorize a stock of 22 answers and does not veer away from the script. What her team did was that they ensured that no one would video record her public appearances. They got away with that at smaller cons but Katie embarrassed herself, in a rather spectacular fashion, at SDCC with asking Geoff Johns if he has read comics and then screaming at Stephen Amell to not take his shirt off and then telling him that she will kill him if he does. Stephen Amell was obviously shaking in his boots.
  10. It was one of those rare moments on TV where we see a character fall out of love with another in a heartbeat. Celina Jade was fabulous in the scene. Island Ollie humphed in response.
  11. Vertigo brings out a special kind of savage in Oliver Queen. Even though he did not kill the weirdo in the aquarium calling him the victim of Vertigo, the doctor who kept the Count in the hospital and was making Vertigo laced with anti psychotics was shot with three arrows. The Count 1.0 was shot with three arrows because he was threatening to inject Felicity with Vertigo. I think the Count 2.0 will be shot with at least 6 arrows because he actually hurt Felicity while they were on a date.
  12. of course Laurel is shallow, I mean any woman who is planning a move, engagement and then wedding with a man as immature as pre island Ollie is when he seemed least interested in that has got to be shallow. I refuse to believe that there was any tru wuv involved. She only wanted Ollie because he was rich, connected, kinda lazy so he would let her do whatever, with amazing abs and an enviable behind. Yups, Laurel was/is shallow and you cannot convince me otherwise.
  13. Yes, many actors may have issues but they do not go out and embarrass themselves or their co workers at Cons and public events. Jim Caviezal has always been open about his faith and how he tries to reconcile his Christianity with his work as an actor. He has made it very clear to anyone who casts him that he will not do love making scenes with a fellow actress. Yes, he has had a random kiss here and there but no make out scenes and I respect him for that. He gets it out there as a rule and people who wish to hire him know that in advance and still hire him. Katie has not made it known if she is not cool with making out to the people who hire her, she performs romantic scenes and when she sucks at them, she blames it on the marital status of her co actor. I mean seriously? Who does that? In any case, it was CW which does not have make out scenes for longer than 45 seconds. It is not like it's HBO with full frontal nudity and explicit sex, Jesus Christ!
  14. Katie is weird and the whole feeling uncomfortable with married dudes bit is nothing but a way to mask her inadequate acting abilities. I mean she had no problem climbing Christopher Gorham like a tree in Harper's Island and he was very married. Btw, they did shoot a couple of racy scenes and she was meh in those as well. I guess acting is not forte and she should concentrate on her fashion thing.
  15. I thought exactly that. For some reason, I was expecting Wildcat to be an older dude and secondly, when you cast a Latino soap actor (no disrespect to him, after all Emily Bett Rickards was an absolute newbie when she was cast as Felicity Smoak ) you kinda know they are not really all that into developing that canary arc. I don't even blame them, I mean when you have a pretty good canary, why try to resuscitate a character that is generally not liked at all to take up her mantle.
  16. @quarks I literally gasped when Laurel told Tommy to not respond to Quentin's queries. I mean she actually acted like a lawyer for once in her entire life .... or the entirety of 46 episodes. I noticed 3 arrows to the Vertigo doc as well. Considering that the latest Count will actually hurt Felicity, I think he will get a total of 6 arrows after some solid mauling.
  17. Well Willa wont be there for first couple of episodes so she is benched for them, so is John Barrowman. I am most assured that Katie Cassidy will be benched too. Last season, they told us that episode 11 - 14 were Laurel's arc - well in 11 Roy & Sin have their own separate storyline and in episode 12 Roy's story was the plot A and this is the episode where Oliver's identity was revealed to him and Moira's political career started. And we have also had the 'love is the most powerful emotion' dialogue with Sara in flashbacks and with Felicity in the present. That episode was also the start of the Suicide squad when Amanda Waller recruited Bronze Tiger. Episode 13 had the whole return of Sara, Nyssa's entry in Starling, Moira's campaign and Thea's paternity revelations. Episode 14 was the Clock King/Felicity Smoak episode with that Lance family dinner from hell and the laurel/oliver conversation in the hallway. So even when they propagated a 4 episode Laurel arc during last season, Laurel was either the B plot of the story of C sub plot. This season, they have not even hinted at a separate story line for her character apart from the fact that she will interact with Wildcat who will not make an appearance before episode 6 so her appearance will either be limited to 2 or 3 minutes per episode or she will be missing a couple of episode. I should point out that it is all just a calculated guess on my part.
  18. I think we are over playing the importance of all these characters/actors at this point in time. Both Mama Smoak and the Manhunter dude are hired for one episode only, I am not sure about Mama Smoak (she may come back for a couple more episodes if received well) but the other dude will not be a recurring character. Similarly, Peter Stormare - Count 2.0 - will be there for one episode. I am pretty sure Oliver will kill him in episode1 and then season long arc of manpain over Felicity. The actor has far too many other commitments for him to be available for long. Wildcat will come sometime after episode 5 and by then they will be done with all the above mentioned characters. Amanda Waller, Maseo & Katana will replace Slade Wilson/Shado/Sara/Ivo/Russian dude in the flashbacks so there would not be a huge glut of characters in the flashbacks. Brandon Routh is one character who will have a sizeable role in a big chunk of story this season, but as we have witnessed in seasons past, Arrow has no issues with benching regular cast members (there were episodes where there was no Moira, Laurel, Roy, Thea or Quentin Lance) when the occasion calls for it, we know for sure that Barrowman and Willa Holland will miss a couple of initial episodes and I am quite sure that like last season, Laurel will miss some too because let's just admit it, she is a yawn inducing character and so will Quentin. Sara is still a recurring - albeit frequently recurring - character. If the placement is done well (which I am not sure that they will do) they can place all these characters in a way that they will not overwhelm the proceedings. Barring Team Arrow which now includes Roy, every other cast member can and will miss episodes because that is how they have been telling the story in the past two seasons.
  19. If you see the whole trajectory of Oliver's character over last two seasons, you would notice that he has been an ass to just about everyone at some point or the other. He was the BIGGEST douche to Tommy for first sleeping with his girlfriend a couple of hours after telling him to go talk to her. Then he was an even bigger douche when he refused to take a punch from Tommy and a drunk on Scotch Tommy fell on the ground in season 1 finale before he died. He was an ass to Diggle when he chose to run after Rasmus in ep1x20 and left Diggle to die. Diggle was lucky that Deadshot only killed people for money and not for shit and giggles, otherwise Diggle would have died. He was an ass to his step father in first three or four episode, an ass to his mom and sister for consistently lying to them and then an even bigger ass by reacting the way he did to his mother's lies when they had nothing to do with him. He tore one to Laurel after he flaunted his relationship with his sister, in fact he was an ass to all his girlfriends because he was 'the boyfriend from hell'. He shot Roy with an arrow and he screamed at Felicity twice - first in episode 1x15 when she objected to his murderous ways and then in 2x10 when she was spending a lot of time with Barry. With exception of Felicity, who received an apology both the times and a heartfelt hand holding with Moira after Thea's abduction, he did not really apologize to anyone. So yeah, he has been quite a douche with just about everyone on the show, but in my opinion, he was the douchiest with Tommy and then poor Tommy died. Still not over his death.
  20. I think they are just making every new age appropriate male cast member to read with Emily because Emily is a gold mine and if they want a character to click, they would pair that one up with Emily - even if they do it for a couple of episodes or they do it in a non romantic way. I think they are gonna cement Roy's place in the lair as a team mate with some banter with Felicity to make him more likeable. they are still in the process of writing later episodes so we do not really know if anything with Routh's character would happen. I suspect that there would be a lot of banter, I am not sure if there would be an actual adult relationship.
  21. http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-season-3-ep-andrew-kreisberg-on-oliver-and-felicity-and-their-date This is latest interview that came out from SDCC. While Andrew Kriesberg talked all about how they thought it was but inevitable that Olicity would happen, I am very very glad that he categorically said that there would be no relationship with Amanda Waller in the flashbacks, which is great because that would have been the worst thing EVER!.
  22. All valid points, just wanted to add that despite a self destructive streak and getting women in bed on the principle of the thing, Oliver stayed away from Diggle's women because he knew that Diggle would whoop his ass so fast that he would not even know what hit him. Poor Tommy was not spared, but then it was not just Oliver who screwed him over, Tommy's girl friend also did not waste a breath in jumping on Ollie (like actually jumping on him). I have a feeling that they are hyping up the romantic aspect of the story for the premier, it is not going to be a major part of the story as the season plays out. It may have more time designated (let's say 8 minutes about him figuring out his feelings, asking Felicity out and the date from hell) in the premier but the episodes following that would follow the regular Arrow pattern that would have romance as a C sub plot (like Ep 2x07 where Moira's trial and Count Vertigo were the first and second plots and then Oliver killing for Felicity was a c sub plot) or episodes where there would be no romantic plot at all like the doll maker episode. Even the UST heavy episode like 2x10, the total time that Oliver and Felicity spent interacting with each other was under 4 minutes and Diggle was present for more than half of that interaction. It followed the season long arc of finding the masked man who is producing mirakuru and keeping and eye on mirakuru injected Roy, Sebastian Blood and his shenanigans, the episodic villain Sharpnel and random bombings in the Starling City. Felicity's absence, her arrival, their fight over her spending far too much time in Central City and Oliver's subsequent apology and the weird ass comment about Barry dreaming about Felicity (do grown ass men talk about things like that? I need to know) did not take much time and that is how they are going to keep it in the next season because at the end of the day, it is an action show based on characters developed by DC comics!
  23. I think there are times when writers should go back and read their older scripts so that they would know what they have written and continue with that storyline. For me, Shado was the strongest woman on the show - far stronger than Moira, Felicity or Sara. I mean Sara was there on the island but it was just bad luck and she desperately wanted to go back home, Shado actually went to island to look for her dad. Imagine living without proper sanitation and tampons for such a long time and that too willingly. She was the bad ass that put bad ass in the bad ass.
  24. Even before he shot a scene, I feel bad for the dude playing Ted Grant. I mean he too would be subjected to 'method acting' and all that jazz!
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