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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. She is Van City native so she probably has been living in her building for quite sometime. Colton joined the cast much later in season 1 so perhaps she might've mentioned it to him. Colin Donnel used to live in the same block as EBR & CH and EBR has mentioned that as well in one of her interviews. Colin and Colton have been friends from New York, perhaps that too was a factor.
  2. It's not just Stephen, I have noticed that Colton and Paul Blackthorne are also kinda protective towards EBR in some of interviews, probably because when she joined Arrow, she was just 21 and Arrow was her first major job. It also helps that she has a sunny disposition and people seem to genuinely like her
  3. Aren't we all? Poor Oliver, he badly needs some sunshine or vitamin D shots.
  4. Was there a video where she said that she was unable to shake hands with people? Why does she even attend cons when all she does is alienate people? Katrina Law is awesome. Beautiful and funny.
  5. Listen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also pandered to the fans when he brought Sherlock back to life after killing him. If Sir Arthur can cave into 'fan pandering' in the days of limited literacy and no electricity, then who are people from WB and CW. I say bring it on.
  6. EBR is fifty kinds of wonderful and then some. And her humility just shines through, whether it is a print interview or a video one. She is amazing.
  7. Emily writing her own comedy show is EVERYTHING !
  8. *^^^^^ I like your ideas of Laurel stunts.
  9. Katrina Law is so funny, and she does stand up comedy as well and if Emily Bett is to be believed she is one of the funniest people out there.
  10. oh yes, bring on more kisses, almost kisses, shoulder touches or anything like that. We have waited rather patiently for that. I am SO READY!
  11. I makes me weirdly happy that everyone refers to Diggle's kid as Digglet. Like it is her name.
  12. I agree, it is almost as much fun as discussing Olicity kiss.
  13. I think that is Katie being self absorbed as usual. She probably was not informed about who's being cast for the titular role so she assumed that she was the first one. Typical Cassidy.
  14. by smart you mean sticking with her mean streak then yes, I do hope they stick with that. Please do not make Laurel a holier than thou honorable character because I can take a mean bitchy Katie Cassidy any given Sunday (or Wednesday in case of Arrow) but I cannot take a self righteous virtuous Katie Cassidy, that would be too painful to watch and we have already suffered through enough of that in season 1.
  15. Ah don't remind me about Gossip Girl and the clothes and shoes and jewelry everyone used to wear. Every week, girl friends and I would talk about clothes and accessories rather than the storylines of the show which were rather lame to be honest. I cannot tell you who was banging whom in a particular season (that show was as incestuous as most of Oliver Queen's relationships) but show me an outfit that either Serena or Blair had worn and I probably will be able tell you exactly which season/occasion and episode that belonged to. I don't watch Reign so have no idea about the quality of clothing there, I just wished that Arrow upped its game as far as wardrobe is concerned. Getting the same boob window dress in 2 colors is criminal or lazy or both, and the less said about Laurel's office wear, the better. The only characters that were always dressed according to their characters were Sara Lance and Moira Queen. I seriously do not get KC's fashion blog. She is always modeling everything herself and almost every shoot that she does is identical, same hair, same nails, same accessories (her 56 rings) and same weird pouty face expressions. How in the god's name is she making any money out of it because that blog is a mess. If anything, it tells you that once you are famous, you will always be able to make shitload of money because someone out there will pay you to do something or the other. It pays to be famous for sure.
  16. could be from a few days before, people do tweet four days old photos at times.
  17. But wouldn't she be required to tweet about every freebie that she gets if they were sponsored? I mean if you check out Katie Cassidy's tweets, they are all about the freebies that she gets and then she pimps them, EBR mostly tweets about her dog and froyo and Colton. I do believe that the wardrobe department either bought those shoes for EBR or CW struck some kinda deal with some fashion house. How much does Stephen make per episode? I have heard that Katie Cassidy takes home more money than Stephen which, if true, is rather shameful because that guy works really hard and is an excellent spokesperson for the show, CW and DC comics.
  18. Not only that but Emily Bett also used to teach yoga before her acting career took off. Her old tweets have mentioned her yoga classes. In addition, she was into gymnastics in school.
  19. I was not impressed with Liam Neeson's version of Ra'as purely for the reason that there was no need to cast a blue eyed Caucasian man to play the role of an Arab or Semite or Indo Iranian character (I am not really sure what his race and ethnicity was but he was NOT a white man). For Arrow, I hope they cast someone who looks Middle Eastern and is old enough to look like Katrina Law's dad.
  20. Oh yes, The Flash has to have higher budget and a lot more time in post production. I would not be so sure about Arrow's budget remaining the same. For starters, I spotted Felicity wearing some Jimmy Choos and expensive clothing as compare to $50-100 clothing she was sporting in last season, secondly they got a bunch of new characters which means increase cost in actors' fee including someone like Brandon Routh who has had a film career so I am sure he is not really cheap. Plus creating Hong Kong (with all that extra cast) would be a lot more expensive that shooting the island bits in a national park for the flashbacks.
  21. lolz, you don't have to apologize, I just wanted to let you know that it was not official.
  22. That is NOT the official CW FB page. The official page has blue verified tick and over 5 million likes. Check the typo. Die/dye. If CW is paying someone to run their social media, they would know the difference between die and dye.
  23. The opening monologue of season 3 as reported in THR
  24. ^^^^ Lolz. I don't think they have ever teased anything which is NOT Felicity related in one way or the other.
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