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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I think there was a fanfic about Tommy surviving Undertaking and then Felicity and Tommy becoming Besties when Ollie ran away to Lian Yu for failing to stop the undertaking. Felicity even drove Tommy for his physical therapy in that fic, I think I enjoyed reading that one.
  2. Emily is lovely in her interviews - like always. But I loved how Colton ended this one with cheers which is a quintessential English greeting. It is the little things that endear stars to people, like greeting people in ways that are culturally more suitable. Go Colton.
  3. I think they had a fair idea how KC was disliked after the first season, that is why they brought CL on to minimize the fall out of that bad casting. What I fail to understand is their determination of making KC the Black Canary. The story does not want to go there and they are forcing it on.
  4. Lolz, all that botox render her face incapable of displaying most emotions.
  5. yeah, building up more background story for Sara does not make sense for two reasons. First, the show is about Oliver's journey and not Sara's. Secondly, if LL ends up becoming the BC then spending all that time, money and precious story telling hours on Sara's back story would backfire. Perhaps they want to keep her as a divisive force because she gets a lot of media attention.
  6. I agree with every word you have written. Felicity is fifty kinds of wonderful without being a wonder woman.
  7. This irritates me real bad. Laurel never works for anything and things get handed to her and then they expect the viewers to like her. No one likes a person who gets handed things and then that person acts like an entitled self absorbed loon. Forget DA, even the position of ADA is way above her. I mean she has never won a single case when she worked at CNRI and any success, if at all, she had, it was because of Arrow. What a useless waste of space.
  8. What I absolutely love about this show without reservations? Felicity Felicity and Felicity again. I am not really a shipper person but Felicity has turned me into one, I adore her character and the actress who plays that character. I want to be her friend and talk to her about stuff. That is the highest compliment I can pay to anyone, real or imaginary. Sassy Felicity. Felicity's panda flats (yes, they deserve a special mention) What else. Oliver doing parakour is all kinds of wonderful. I loved the first montage of Oliver doing parakour in the island before he was rescued. Diggle because he is sane, smart and takes no bullshit from anyone. The man rocks a jacket and a gun look like it's nobody's business. I also love his relationship with Felicity. One of the healthiest relationship written between a man and woman with no romantic of familial interest. Loved Walter Steele & Sin because they are not your regular run of the mill characters and they both were universally loved despite being on screen for short periods. Sin's 'juices my zombie fetish' is still one of the funniest lines. Sally the salmon ladder for obvious reasons. Clueless Oliver is a lot of fun to watch, esp when he is being sassed by either Felicity, Diggle or Thea. Tommy Merlyn. He was my second favourite character after Felicity and I hated that he was killed at the alter of Laurel Lance. I would have loved it if he stayed alive and dumped Laurel. Yes, he was way too good for her. Moira because Susanna Thompson is a real queen.
  9. Back in the day when heir to the demon first aired, and Sara & Oliver hooked up and quite a few fans were pissed at that lunge - not all of them Oliciters - the same poster wrote something similar defending Sara Lance. Even though most people like Sara and thought that hook up was OOC and no one called her names but if I recall correctly, she called people misogynist back then as well.
  10. lolz, it is the graphics in this gif. Such creative fans we have here ...
  11. never watched Smallville so I have no idea about Alison Mack but I have heard great things about her. As far as TVD is concerned, every female character was better than Elena who made me want to claw my eyes out. I think I stopped watching that show a couple of years back but from what I do remember of Candice, she was good and played a genuinely likeable character even though she was supposed to be the self absorbed entitled bitch in season 1, right?
  12. Felicity is the chemistry catnip, she is great with anyone she shares the screen with, just like Tommy was in season 1.
  13. Oh I hated Laurel way before Felicity ever entered the Arrow verse, that is in her very first scene. By the time Laurel appeared on our screens, we have established that Oliver has been through a lot of shit in his life so I was somewhat sympathetic towards him. Then she switched the TV off without caring about her colleagues who were watching TV and I was like what is wrong with this woman! They in the span of the same episode, she changed her opinion of Oliver twice and I got headache from this whiplash. Then came second episode and she gallactically insulted Oliver in court building in front of Tommy, a mutual acquaintance, her colleague and her client, two strangers and I hated her more. Then came third episode where she tried to be bad ass by beating up Max Fuller and even that looked forced too and I was out. Felicity made her appearance after I had firmly decided that I am gonna hate Laurel. The only time I felt remotely sympathetic towards her was when Sara and Oliver ambushed her in her house at the family dinner but that was just once and it went away quickly. Just because you are a woman does not mean you are suppose to love every female character on every TV show. I hated Serena Van der Woodsen of Gossip Girl with the same gusto for the same reasons - that she was a self absorbed, narcissistic entitled bitch and I stand by that.
  14. I think her rudeness is an intentional flaw. I mean it is not just her acting, she was given the choicest bitchy dialogues in season 1, whether she was talking to Tommy, Oliver, her dad or her mom, she has shown her claws and it was not just her attitude, it was in the dialogues. She also was quite rude to Thea in episode 2x12 when she tried to help her at Verdant.
  15. Honestly, if they are going to tackle Felicity lying to Roy about him killing cops while all mirakuru-ed, it should only be about these two characters and nothing else. If they tried to shoehorn the worst lawyer in American into this, I am gonna cut a bitch.
  16. I do agree, if she is mocked for being the way she is, then we will laugh at the character in a more sympathetic way and not want to kill her for being oh so irritating but I don't think Arrow writers of even the cast members have that kind of self effacing sense of humour which is tragic.
  17. Yups her glasses are pretty recent. Like she started wearing them around March. She even posted a photo on Instagram where she was getting checked for her prescription glasses and looked adorable.
  18. it would be so much fun if John Barrowman randomly knocks on people's door and tell them that he is their father.
  19. Katrina Law is not Arab but she can pass as one, given the right make up and accessories, she can also pass as an East Indian and that is what I meant when I called her racially ambiguous. If they had cast an actor from the Mediterranean region - someone with Italian or Greek background - that too would have been more acceptable than who they did cast. Now we can only hope that he surprise us in the best possible way.
  20. Felicity was wearing pants and a sweater in season 2 poster! How was that sexed up?
  21. When Katrina Law was cast as Nyssa, I thought they would go with someone like her, if not middle eastern then someone who is racially ambiguous, but not a white Caucasian man as Ra'as al Ghul. I am disappointed. PS: I think Liam Neesan was a terrible Ra'as al Ghul.
  22. oh I totally agree with you. No one has ever won a battle with internet trolls, neither will Stephen. He has had difficulties in past. He deleted his instagram account and deleted hundreds of photos from twitter and facebook last year, I don't know what his reasons were but it must have been serious if he did something as drastic as that. Pulling back seems like an intelligent option for now.
  23. Stephen responds to random dude who did not even tag him, he is really serious about his social media presence.
  24. Laurel never really helped him except for revealing the Sebastian Blood secret and we know how she was shoehorned into that (it was Sin, Thea and Roy who were originally looking into it). All the times in season 1 when Laurel was involved with the plot, it was the hood helping her, not the other way around. She was the most useless lawyer in the country and did not win a single case without the help of the hood. and these are the tiny little nuances that EBR adds to her performance that make her character so relatable and likeable.
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