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Everything posted by TanyaKay

  1. I loved your whole post but the bit about contrasts between Oliver and Ray struck me most. I think that is exactly what writers were thinking when they created the character outline for Ray. I think they also wanted a viable option for Felicity because settling for some boring geek type guy after Oliver Queen would've been a little odd and OOC for Felicity.
  2. Laurel Brown the TV journalist just wants Oliver and Felicity to kiss to avoid future conflicts. http://www.docbrowntv.com/arrow-recap-tommy-thea-heartbreak-sara/
  3. Forget what Roy is tweeting, I am more worried about the people who are following him on twitter. Snark aside, I liked that moment when he confided in Felicity about Thea and then Felicity told him, in no non sense manner, that he must tell Oliver and then he did and Oliver reacted like a rational adult. It was all so reasonable and logical that I almost cried at it - everyone acting like intelligent rational adults. But then it was also an episode which had things like LL carrying her dead assassin sister from god knows where to the foundry, then stuffing that dead assassin in a refrigerator and then LL knowing exactly which drawer had a gun and then throwing a hissy fit at Oliver for failing to catch the Komodo guy. Tommy Merlyn was such a good friend, if I ever get lost, I would want a Tommy Merlyn of my own who would never stop looking for me. This episode and Tommy's love for Oliver made me even more mad at Oliver for having sex with LL without drawing the curtains or blinds back in season 1 and poor Tommy had to witness that. My heart will forever bleed for him.
  4. Imagine Tommy and Diggle sassing up Oliver - together. The level of snark would have been mind boggling.
  5. Emily owned this episode 3x02. Felicity's grief over Sara's death was most profound. As an audience member, I got sad because Felicity made me sad for the loss of a warrior princess and her friend and how it has spurred her to move on because life is precious and she wants to honor her friend’s memory by living it to the fullest.
  6. OMG! By the time that episode rolled out, I was sick of the whole Laurel drama and then I saw Oliver waving at Felicity and he is not the kind of guy who waves at people, not even at his baby sister! I remember squealing when I saw that. What a lovely scene that was.
  7. Oh yes, but I guess the combination of the fact that she is a pretty girl, very smart, excellent with technology, feminine with all her colourful dresses, friendly and really caring and loving made her into an object of affection for a lot of male fans. Between the writers and Emily Bett Rickards, they have created a character that every female wants to be best friends with and a lot of male fans want to date her. A character that everyone feels deeply about so yeah, a great own for everyone.
  8. She thought Tommy took advantage of her - poor soul died while saving her - and I am sure she will play Ted as a stop gap arrangement. In her head, Oliver and Laurel are end game couples and she is gonna play it like that. Unless someone sits her down and hammers it into her that there will be no more Ollie and Laullie, she is gonna continue make heart eyes (or her version of heart eyes) at Oliver every time they share the screen.
  9. I have a feeling that the show would not go there - put Laurel anywhere between Felicity and Oliver considering they put a lid on whatever they had going. This is just Katie Cassidy being oblivious to the story that is being told - like always. I am sure she does not watch the whole show in its entirety, nor does she read the while script. I have said it before and will repeat it here that I seriously think some production assistant highlights her bits on the scripts and staples the rest and she just reads her lines because every interview and con appearance make us believe that she has NO clue what has happened with her character or what is going to happen to her character. At times, I even feel sorry for her, at times I feel like dying with second hand embarrassment. Boy, this girl needs some serious PR help.
  10. oh I don't know. They were best of friends when she wished that Oliver had rotted for a lot longer than 5 years on that hellish island, or perhaps when she called him too selfish to ever be the vigilante or perhaps when he cheated on her ass and got another girl preggers. I don't know, could be any one of those times or my personal favorite when Slade kidnapped her and Oliver said, "the city comes first" Lolz, when she called Oliver to attend her dad's press conference, he asked her twice why she called him or if she called him to see Stealgrave getting arrested. I mean he did not even pretend that he was happy to see her or anything. He was like, if there is nothing else for me to do, can I go back and look longingly at the fern that Felicity bought me?
  11. Oh Oliver and Felicity are the endgame couple. You do not have the male lead of the show look at the woman he is romantically pursuing with a new born baby with tears and hearts in his eyes with lines like 'she changed my universe going in the background. The fact that Stephen Amell sold it some solid performance also helped.
  12. We all know how he reacts when he cannot find her ready and available, Mr Crankypants. I don't know why but Brandon Routh just endeared himself to me when he used the word 'fetching' for Felicity. Little things matter to me. Oh and if last week's tweeting is any indication, he and his wife are Olicity fans.
  13. I think the writers did not write her that way or at least they did not intend to. The character of Felicity owes most of the popularity to how EBR played her. She is the one who added nuance, inflections and quirks that made her so endearing and then we all fell in love. The rest, as they say, is history.
  14. This dude reviews Arrow season two for Netflix and his views on Felicity are not only spot on but his enthusiasm for Felicity is very very endearing and he is funny too.
  15. me too. For me that episode was 2x13. I loved most thing about it - barring the magical island herbs that brought Sara back - I was okay with that episode but the minute Oliver and Sara lunged at each other ... god, it still creeps me out.
  16. But Buffy ended a decade ago, at least count in the inflation during this period! 30 K does not seem right, not even for CW in 2014. But that is pure hunch on my part and I have no way of knowing the exact figure these guys make.
  17. OMG. Did she not look totally delectable when she mentioned that she too 3 Benzos?
  18. oh IMDB is never to be believed for serious stuff. Stephen's income has to be a lot more than that. Someone like Max Greenfield makes 75k per episode for New Girl and he is like 3rd name on call sheet after Zooey and Jack. Stephen headlines an hour long action drama and must be making at least 85 k or more. I refuse to believe that CW/WB is paying their star anything less than that. TV pays well. I have worked in TV industry in UK and I always used to wonder at times the insane money that was being paid to people who work in front of camera - like Top 10 show hosts who only look pretty (their scripts are written by other peeps) get paid 20k a week. Some veterans like Mark Harmon of NCIS makes 2.3 million per episode but that show has been number 1 since forever and has been on air since forever as well. Stephen must make a lot more than 30k that imdb is reporting, this is probably the type of money they would be paying to someone like Emily or Colton.
  19. Oliver Queen threw her a fucking party in episode 2x14, where Sin delivered one of the funniest lines about people coming back from the dead juices her zombie fetish. All those attending that party knew Sara was alive.
  20. I finally found another person who did not ship Sarah and Chuck. Honestly, I thought Chuck was a little too clingy to be a fully functioning adult but that's my opinion. Oliver and Felicity bear no resemblance to Sarah and Chuck. Oliver, on his worst days exudes more warmth than Sara did even when she admitted that she was in love and Felicity - even during her worst rambles - was more composed than Chuck. In addition, she never appeared clingy or head over heels like Chuck did. She always has this a quiet dignity about herself. Chuck was more physically awkward and had this sitcom-y feel about him. Felicity is more snarky and bantery. PS: I did not hate Brandon Routh in Chuck (though his good guy turned bad guy turned good guy turned bad guy gave me a serious case of whiplash) and I don't hate him in Arrow - so far - either. Let's see what they do with him from here onwards.
  21. oh it is quite a famous prep boys' school here. His parents must be really well off because it cost as much as a decent university per year.
  22. oh boy, it may sounds insensitive but I legit laughed out loud at that. Personally, I do not want her to die and become a martyr. I just want her to go away to help kids in Nigeria or Peru or some place far far away. That would be a good way for her to help people right?
  23. Two places? The way they were flirting in their first scene together with Oliver literally all heart eyes, they could've kissed anywhere. PS: I liked the emotional tragic tone of the kiss though.
  24. I have read the novel that film is based on. Patty (the character she is playing in the film) is basically a Regina George type mean girl character who does not understand the quiet and timid heroine (they all live in this boarding house type home and work in Brooklyn in early 20th century). She is boy crazy and wears a lot of make up and picks up fights with other residents of the house. Considering she only shot for three weeks in Montreal, it is a minor role but I am really looking forward to seeing it because this character Patty (mean, petty and somewhat vindictive) is about as far removed from Felicity who is sweet, compassionate and modern and will show us the range that Emily Bett Rickards has. PS: I probably would not have picked up that book to read because Frank McCourt and his books about Irish immigrants and their depressing lives made me vary of anything about Irish immigrants. I only picked it because I love EBR and wanted to know what character she will be playing. If she has managed to make loyal fans like that, I say her future is pretty secure. Not everyone becomes Jennifer Aniston after playing one role (she did that for 10 years though) but not everyone needs to become Jennifer Aniston. Becoming Julia Louis-Dreyfus or Courtney Cox is just as good.
  25. Keeping in mind that this was probably the best of many takes of the scene, it truly is terrible.
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